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• 1990-10-03
• Iowa
Member Since
• 2005-08-06
• High School Student
Real Name
• Emma
• Cosplaying as Botan, 4.0 semester grade twice in a year, playing 4 instruments
Anime Fan Since
• 3rd grade
Favorite Anime
• Too many to list here...
• To cosplay as San, Starfire, Fuu, Fllay Allster, Cheza, Misato, and Sailor Moon
• Thinking about cosplay, playing basson, talking, drawing
• *See hobbies
| Tsuki no Hana
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Miss me?

Ah summertime is here at last....
Well, almost...
Anyways, suprise, suprise, I'm still alive. Sorry I haven't posted since...December...I just haven't had any time! But I lived through my freshman year, and there's something to be said for that...
Anyway, I've stayed busy with plays. In February, we did Beauty and the Beast for community theater (I was a random villager, but I wanted to be Belle soooo bad ;_;), and then in April we did Gypsy, a musical about Gypsy Rose Lee, a stripper from the 20's. But its not really about stripping at all...well, some, but its not the main focus of the story...
And I'm still with Kurisu-kun, and all is well there. I talk to quite nearly every day for at least an hour...^_^;; We were having a bit of a rough spell a bit ago, but thats over now, I think.
I'm listening to some Brittish comedy in the otehr room, and now I'm typing in a rather Brittish manner. I'm thinking in a Brittish accent. Is that odd?
Speaking of Britain, we'll be going there in a few weeks. The college choir is doing a Europe tour, and seeing as Dad teaches in the music department at the college(though not specifically the choir), we're tagging along. Should be fun.
Anyway, tell me what you think about the new theme, and I'll go and visit all of you guys! Its really strange how much you can miss people that you've never really actually spoken to...^_^;;
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