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High School Student
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Cosplaying as Botan, 4.0 semester grade twice in a year, playing 4 instruments
Anime Fan Since
3rd grade
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Too many to list here...
To cosplay as San, Starfire, Fuu, Fllay Allster, Cheza, Misato, and Sailor Moon
Thinking about cosplay, playing basson, talking, drawing
*See hobbies
| Tsuki no Hana
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Summer summer summer

Its officially summertime here, at least for me. Yesterday, I slept in til 11, then was dragged out of the house by Anne and Shawna. After hanging around here for a while, we went to this creek in the woods at a park here and clomped around in the mud. We found a turtle shell, and some random bones belonging to said turtle, tried to catch minnows. Anne caught like was crazy...and Shawna fell down twice in the creek. ^_^;;
Then we went back to Anne's, and had a BBQ! I ate 2 burgers, baked beans, and some fruit salad. Yummy. Then we were going to grill marshmellows, but ants had gotten into the marshmellow bag - that time of year. So we lit a fire anyway, and squirted lightning bugs with a little water squirter. It didn't kill/hurt them, just knocked them down. Yeah. We're such tomboys...We then walked to the store and got S'mores supplies: Graham crackers, big marshmellows, and Chocolate.
Cashier: Doesn't take much rocket science to figure out what you guys are doing, huh?
Anne: We're makin' drugs.
Cashier: Well, good luck with the drug-making.
Anne: Yup.
Random Anne moment. Came back to Anne's house. Then, of course, it started to rain. So we watched cartoons until Mom came to get me and Shawna.
Dropped of Shawna, came home and read. I'm in the middle of this really good book, called The Book Theif by Markus Zusak. Tedders(dog) was crying downstairs because at this point it was thunderstorming, and he hates storms. So I took my book downstairs and sat with him in the Lazy Boy until 1, when I fell asleep. Dad woke me up at three and told me to go upstairs and go to sleep. Even though I was asleep until he woke me up...Dad logic...
But yeah. Now Mom and Dad are going to Chicago for a drumset that Dad ordered off E-Bay. Only at my house does this kind of thing happen. So I'm going to Kate's to stay the day/night. Should be fun.
Sorry this post was so long. I was going to leave you with lyrics from my favorite song from the Producers, but this post is long enough now, I think...maybe another time.
I'll try to get to as many of you as I can before Kate comes to get me, k?
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