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um...not sure...drawing and writing
| Tsuki Tsumetai
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Saturday, September 9, 2006
Turning through sick lullabies
Well I haven't updated in a while. I had a most wonderful time at the lovely TehOneRing ^-^
It was most exciting. I hope to do it again soon. Like maybe next weekend.
Another friend called me not to long ago.It seems there is some drama going on at her house, and I really wish I could go over there and help her out. Well I told her I would be at home if she needed me for anything. So yeah.
Hmm well I added new music to my site, but you know I didn't do it myself. I got the info from one of the comments left on one of TehOneRing's comments.
I really wish it would rain. We really need it and it would be nice to feel the coolness of the rain and after the rain. It feels nice and calming ^-^ I love it when it rains. Yeah the sprinkler was hitting part of the tree out back and I mistook it for rain. I was sad ;-;
Well I guess that's it for now. See you guys later. Tschus!

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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
This isn't Burger King, you can't always have it your way
Whoo!! Fresh roll of duck tape for meh! Yay! Oh the thrills I will have ^.^
Project Runway has got to be one of the most awesome shows in the world! Kayne is my favorite ^o^ He's so silly. I heard stuff about him in the new episode which is tonight so I'm worried. I don't want him to lose >.<
Hmm I sent in a letter to this one place so I could get a penpal, and I got the persons address today so I can begin writting to them.
Pictures are tomorrow and I dread the thought of it so much. I honestly don't take good pictures. every year they look so bad. So I can't wait till it's over with.
Other than that. I feel the urge to write, but I haven't writtin anything in so long I have lost my touch. So I'm trying to get an insperation to help me write again. I'm hoping something will come up soon. I really miss being able to write.
I'm learning how to use Photoshop at school. Tis very exciting XD It's so fun too. I wish I had Photoshop at home ;-; but it's too expensive, and those free trials are fun, but limited. If not limited by what you can use, then by the amount of days it's free.
Anyway. I've got homework to do. I'll be able to check out sites the minute I get all my homewrok done. Tuchus!

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Sunday, September 3, 2006
Can I be your memory?
Well I heard and saw that MyO was down yesterday. I don't know for how long though. I'm just gald it's up and running again.
There is a book sale going on at the mall, and I'm excited to go XD I love books with a passion. I've been reading more then when I was little lol. My dad volentered to help out so when he goes I is going too! Lol.
Wow no school tomorrow. Whoo! That mkaes me very happy indeed ^-^ Even though for the past two days I've been getting up at 6 in the morning. How strange is that?
Oh! I've been getting into photography lately and I'm having so much fun taking pictures X3 I lurve taking pictures and stuff. I also found some clothing pattern designs. When I have money for fabric I'm gonna make meh some clothes lol. Woot!!
Well I guess that's it for now. Be safe everyone! ^-^

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Monday, August 28, 2006
Live every day as if it were your last
Well tis Monday of the second week of school. Whoo and today was really great ^.^
I love having three periods with Michael. It's really awesome.
Hmm I didnt realize we had to take notes for World History over the weekend. Well since I have no homework in that class I will take the opportunity to read and take notes.
Hmmmm I really don't really know what to say. My weekend was pretty good.
Oh! My sketches for clothes and what not are going ok. I still need improvment ^-^;;
Also I would like to know if anyone out there knows anything about making layouts? Or if they have the patience to teach just a little bit to someone. Yeah I've met a lot of people who say they don't have the time or patience to teach people how or help them out. ^-^;;
Well I guess that's it for the day. See you guys around. I'll be checking out sites like always lol.

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Friday, August 25, 2006
Simply a look can break your heart
Whoo! Today at school Michael got into my web designing class, and before he left today to go home he told meh that he has "A Lunch" now. Woot! I'm so effing happy! *does the dance of happieness!!* It's our 9 month anniversarytoo!!! Also he got a job so he's happy which makes me happy.
And I didn't think I was going to see him this weekend, but now that he has a job his mom said he could come over tomorrow! WHOOOOOO!!!! His mom is so kool ^.^
Well other than all that not much else happened that I know of. Oh! My firend Jor-El's birthday was today so I wished him a happy b-day. I owe him a dollar too. Since you get a dollar on your birthday from friends at my school.
Well I'm really excited about tomorrow!! *bounces up and down* XD XD XD XD
English 2 was interesting today. We talked about urban legends, and what not. There were some pretty freaky ones, and of course I heard a few that sounded familiar to me. Though it was all fun. We had a timed writing too. That went pretty smooth as well.
Well that's my excitment for the day. See you guys around.

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Thursday, August 24, 2006
Let's be nothing. I hear it lasts forever.
Well I must say...BLAH! God today was boring as usual. The only thing fun about today was I got to see my friends and my sexy.
I've finished my homework and have nothing left to do. So I sit here watchin Alice in Wonderland hopeing to find something to do.
Tomorrow and Saturday shall be most exciting though. I shall kidnap Michael and take him home with meh tomorrow lol. Tis a funny joke we play. And Saturday he is coming over again, and we're oof to Hot Topic!! Whoo!! *does a random dance*
I had a really bad time going to sleep last night so hopefully tonight I shall have no trouble since I'm very tired.
Well yes I know I haven't said much, but not much is happening at the moment. That's school for you lol. See you guys later. Take care.

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Don't believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die
Whoop! Hey I found out the other day that my computer class is a Web Designing class. When I found that out I was more that excited. I was like effing hyper. We are going to learn how to make things for websites and how to make one in genreal. Also we're going to do some blogging. Lol I already do a lot of that. Oh and at some point each one of us is going to help a small business and make a website for them and take care of it and what not. As in each one of us works with a different business.Woot!!
Whoo!! Also we get a quiz at the end of the year where we can earn a web designers license, or something like that. Wow I'm going to love this class more than EVER!!! XD XD XD
Hmm the buses are being really weird. They are coming in late in the morning and in the afternoon. Wow I was thinking of riding the bus, but I think I shall wait a while ^-^;;
Yeah I have nothing to do at the moment. I'm feeling creative tonight so I'm going to go find something to keep my mind busy lol, but first I will check on sites ^-^

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Monday, August 21, 2006
We're all mad here
Well the first day of school is over with. I think it went really great. I really enjoyed art this morning ^.^ It was great. Also having TehOneRing in my English 2 and World History class is very exciting ^o^ Though the only thing I don't like is that I don't have anyone to talk to at lunch. It sucks so much ;-;
Another crappy thing that happened is that my monthly cycle decides to come right in the middle of the day. So after lunch the rest of my classes I didn't really pay attention in because I hurt really badly. Which made me sad, because I wanted to enjoy my time in my new classes.
Well I really hurt right now so I'm going to go. I'll try and fill you guys in more later. Oh! And thank you for everyone who commented on my last journal entry and for TehOneRing on giving me some more good advice ^-^

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Saturday, August 19, 2006
Date: August 19
Time: 4:12 pm
Noise: I love the 70's volume 2
Mood: Blah
Ok apparently people are annoyed of my site. I only get one to two comments now. Why I don't know. If I'm bothering you guys why don't you tell me? I've been more active than I have been for the past couple of months. Well whatever I'm done with my ranting.
I still need advise on drawing clothes. The only one who has offered help is Komori. By the way thank you Komori. I really appreciate the help ^.^
Well yesterday was pretty fun. Michael and I where cleaning up the rest of my room and all that stuff. We also went with his mom to go get auto insureance. After that we came to my house and just wached tv and talked, and what not. He found a marker and decided to write on my arm. He wrote "I *censered* love you!" I thought it was cute lol.
Anyway, I got a letter from Desiree. Lately we've been writting back and forth to each other. She started school a week before I do so I haven't had the chance to see her much this week. Yeah we just write about random things. Hey it's who we are lol. We know we're weird, but we like it that way.
Not much else to say but that. See you guys later.

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Friday, August 18, 2006
Dream to make believe
Whoo! Only two days left of summer vacation. I must say that I'm stoked for the new year. I'm having Art 2 with my sexy Michael, and I'm having English and World History with the beautiful TehOneRing! I can't wait to see who's in my German 2 class XD. Also I wonder who's going to be in Desktop Publishing...I hope there is at least one person that I know so I won't feel lonely ^-^;;
What's going to be hard though is lunch. The first day of lunch is always hard. You have to find your spot and sit there for the rest of the year, unless you find your friends and sit with them.
Eh the only thing I'm bringing to school is meh bag (so I can put my lunch in it.) and a notebook with a pen. Yep...
I finally got my dresser out of the closet. Now all I need to do is call Vikki and then I'm set. Of course I need to clean up a little bit after taking the dresser out. The kool thing is I have room in my closet now. Yay!! Lol ^-^
Well I have a random question. Can anyone teach me or give me some advise on how to draw clothes. I'm just now thinking of making some of my own clothes, and need to sketch out my ideas. So if anyone can give me any advise please PM or e-mail me. I would very much appreciate it.
Well I'm out for now. I'm gonna go check out peoples sites. See you guys later.

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