Tsuki Tsumetai
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
OH HELLS YEAH!!!!!! I got Kingdom Hearts 2 yesterday! I'm SO happy! I started playing it last night. I would have staied up all night but the PS2 is in my parents room. I love it so far! *dances around the room!* I'm gonna dance like a monkey!! ^o^
Yup I'm hyper! Weeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited and I just can't hide it! ^o^
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Monday, March 27, 2006
I didn't go to school today. I was up till 1 in the morning and my dad said it was ok for me to stay home, but I will be back at school tomorrow.
The weekend was exciting. I got to go see 'Stay Alive' with Neko Kage, Annie, and Michael. The movie was really good in my oppion.
I got to see Michael on our 4 month anniversary. Which was awesome ^-^ and I got to see TehOneRing and celebrate her birthday. I hope she likes the cake ^-^;;
Other than that I'm bored and tired, even though I just got up about an hour ago. Well I don't have much else to say right now. See you all later. Be safe!
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
I feel better
Yeah like the title says I feel better than before. Friday after school Michael had bought me something for our 3 month annivesary, which is today. It caught me off gaurd, because I never expected somthing like that from him. I told him that he didn't have to, but he told me he wanted to. That made me smile at how sweet he was being, so I got him a shirt from Hot Topic while I was out today. The really kool thing is we got to see each other today because Kage Neko and I were going ot go to the movies and asked if he wanted to come, and I'm glad his mom said yes. Yup we went to see 'Date Movie.' I thought it was pretty good. Some parts were funny, and others were nasty, but it was still good. Well I don't really have much else to say. I hope you all have a really great time. Be safe!

^ That was what Michael had gotten me. I love them so much! ^-^

^ That's what I got Michael. He really likes it which makes me happy. ^o^
the funny thing is the gifts we gave each other both are from the band H.I.M. Yeah that is the best band ever! ^.^
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Friday, February 24, 2006
Well my plans for this weekend seemed to shatter and become dust in the wind. I was so excited about going to the Art UIL compatiton, but no! They have to make the rules so strict to enter that thing. It's like a godly place or something. Like if one tiny thing isn't right about you, and you try goin, you get attacked by rabid squirrels... o.o well maybe not that crazy. But sometimes it sure feels like that. I'm just gonna have to work my butt off next year.
Hmm I think I might go out somewhere later. I really need to get out of the house more often, and next year I will start looking for a job to get money to help around the house. Yeah the washer busted again today and it flooded all the way to the kitchen and out to the garage. Last month we had problems with the cable, and who knows what's next.
Well my ertsy itsn't very excitingso I'll go now. Hopefully the next post will be a bit more happier. Bye bye! Be safe!
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Sunday, February 19, 2006
Stupid weird weather!
Yeah Thursday is was 80 degrees out, and now it's like 20 degrees outside. The cars have ice frozen over them. It's fricking crazy! Michael and Neko Kage have given me such wonderful company today ^-^, and Neko Kage ish still here for she is staying the night with meh. Michael had to leave though because he has to go to work tomorrow.. I hope they close the work because of the ice. Yeah they closed down the highway because it was bad. Too bad it didn't happen yesterday during school so we could have left early. Oh well. Hmm I really hope that I will get to see Michael tomorrow, and hopefully the weather will warm up soon. >.< Me no likey the cold. Lol well I ish gonna go. I'm gonna draw or find something creative to do. Bye bye! Be safe! If it's cold were you are keep warm too! ^-^
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Monday, February 13, 2006
Anti-Valentine's Day
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.....yup. I'm not the least bit excited. I'm kinda of an anti-valentine type person. Though I do hope to spend time with Michael after school.
Anyway I got mad at Tony once again for saying my artwork looks like crap. I had enough of it and I told him to shut up. Then he wen on about how he made more money at his job than Michael did (They are both brothers) and Michael told him that no one cares, and he was right no one cared about his stupid job. Shelby W. and Annie were talking about something else with us when he started all that shit. Yeah it always seems like he likes to piss me off for some reason.
Other than that I feel like watching nothing but anime. Lol sounds crazy, but I haven't seen much anime for the past week. Also I feel artistic ^-^ I get all bouncy and hyper when I feel creative lol.
Well that's all I've got for now. I guess I'll see you guys later. Be safe!
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
Can I have the rest of that sandwich?
TehOneRing and Michael came over yesterday. It was very exciting ^o^ So much randomness that I laughed so hard my sides started to hurt. Twas very fun! ^-^ And soon I must clean my room and go to Hot Topic so I may by a spiffy looking hat.
Hopefully later on today Michael will be able to come over. So I hope his mom ish in a good mood today.
o.o I can hear the wind howling outside meh window. It sounds like people screaming. Tis creepy o_o
I wish TheOneRing very much luck at her solo today at the school. So good luck TehOneRing!!! *huggs*
Hmm I guess I shall play a game now. Sims 2 for the Gamcube isn't as kool as the one for the computer, but it's still pretty kool. So I ish off *skips off merrily*
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
*a random post* ^-^ ^o^
Well geez. I feel bad for not updating in a while. I is sorry everyone for not updating!
Hmm let's see. Today went well except the fact some stupid lady got on to me and Michael.
1.) Being we were doing a quick hug and kiss godbye (a normal thing we do everyday.)
2.) Being that I was wearing chains. (No other teacher complain about them, except that lady who was not a teacher. So I got pissed about that.)
I just don't think that that lady really liked us all too well. She came from my Middle School, and the adults there are just itching for a fight.
Other than that I have to start on my picture for German contest this weekend, and I have other ideas for pictures to draw. So I should be occupied with that when ever I get the chance lol.
Well I guess I better get started on the picture ^-^;; See you guys later. Be safe!
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
This nightmare won't last long...
Hmm the testing seemed to go pretty well. My testing teacher just happend to be my 8th grade science teacher. Yeah now she teaches Chemiestry now at the high school. I see here every now and then, mostly when I'm on my way to Algebra.
Hmm Michael and I have planned to have a picnic at the gravesite near his house on Valentine's Day. He wants to pay his respectes to his brother's dad. He said told me that he was a really kool guy. Yeah...
I'm wishing Friday was already here. Tis only the middle of the week and it seems to be dragging really slow.
I hopefully will be able to go to Hot Topic this weekend. Lol yeah.... Also I hope to create more art to put up on my DeviantArt site....Yeah it's been a while.
Well I guess that's it for right now. I'll see you guys around. Be safe!!!
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Monday, January 23, 2006
eek!!! x.x
Well my school is having a test tomorrow. I'm in room 22 with TehOneRing yay!!! I won't be alone with some random people ^-^.
Hmm I actually hope it takes a long time so I can waste class periods. Then I can avoid World Geo and Biology.
Let's see I saw Underworld Evolution last Friday. Tis an awesome movie! I need to get the dvd of the first one and when the second one comes out I'm going to hopefully get it lol.
Not much else to say. So I'll see you all later. Bye bye. Be safe!
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