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myOtaku.com: Tsuki Tsumetai

Friday, August 18, 2006

   Dream to make believe
Whoo! Only two days left of summer vacation. I must say that I'm stoked for the new year. I'm having Art 2 with my sexy Michael, and I'm having English and World History with the beautiful TehOneRing! I can't wait to see who's in my German 2 class XD. Also I wonder who's going to be in Desktop Publishing...I hope there is at least one person that I know so I won't feel lonely ^-^;;
What's going to be hard though is lunch. The first day of lunch is always hard. You have to find your spot and sit there for the rest of the year, unless you find your friends and sit with them.
Eh the only thing I'm bringing to school is meh bag (so I can put my lunch in it.) and a notebook with a pen. Yep...

I finally got my dresser out of the closet. Now all I need to do is call Vikki and then I'm set. Of course I need to clean up a little bit after taking the dresser out. The kool thing is I have room in my closet now. Yay!! Lol ^-^

Well I have a random question. Can anyone teach me or give me some advise on how to draw clothes. I'm just now thinking of making some of my own clothes, and need to sketch out my ideas. So if anyone can give me any advise please PM or e-mail me. I would very much appreciate it.

Well I'm out for now. I'm gonna go check out peoples sites. See you guys later.

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