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myOtaku.com: Tsuki Tsumetai

Monday, September 18, 2006

It isn't that much fun staring down a loaded gun
Dyed my hair Saturday, and it looks super awesome lol. Well In my opinion at least. Everyone seems to like it which makes me happy. At first I though I messed up since the black didn't really come out black, but hey I'm perfectly fine with it. Considering it was my first attempt on myself ^-^;;

Wow today was really interesting. Right after lunch I was walking to my IPC class and these three guys came up to me. One of them I knew from before, but not really well. We are trying to talk a bit more and become friends. Well one of his other friends came up to me and gave me a hug o.o It was quite interesting and funny. It made me laugh slightly because I've never been hugged by someone I don't know.

Rawr Image Ready drives me insane!! We had to use it today in my web designing class. It's really confusing and it's really weird. I love Flash WAY better! So I can't wait till we start using that.

Well I'm going to go check out sites. Tschus!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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