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myOtaku.com: Tsukikowerewolf

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My name is Tsukiko and I'm not the best manga-ka in the world, but I try. (Hey! I'm a pianist, for crying out loud....) But I'm also a werewolf.... Don't be freaked out.... I mean, my character is a werewolf.... <^_^>
So, yah....

Saturday, November 24, 2007

   Well, I'm trying to update my manga series:"the Unknown Warriors"....
but I haven't gotten around to scanning the pics yet! I'm just getting to the good part, and I don't want to stop drawing, because I might lose inspiration, but school and work and family and school get in the way so much! Did I say school twice? Yeah.... darn government project....
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Friday, November 23, 2007

   Trying to cheer myself up....
I have to do this "annotated bibliography" for Government Class, and it's making me really depressed. Of all things to pick as a subject, I chose United States Relations with Darfur. Very depressing. It makes me mad to think people would hurt each other for no good reason. NEwayz. I have new friends, so I'm trying to be happy....

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Saturday, November 3, 2007

  Today, I feel a bit lonely. <-_->
I'm trying to figure out different emoticons.
One Tear (?): <-_T>
Happy: <^_^>
Angry: <>_<>
SWIRLY EYES!!!!: <@_@>
Passed out: <*_*>
Winking: <^_->
Okay, yeah....
I admit it. I'm really bored. I'll upload pictures and take quizzes and stuff.

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