Birthday 1993-01-18 Gender
Female Location .....the middle of nowhere... unfortunately.... Member Since 2006-09-15 Occupation Vampiress Real Name Serena Hatake
Achievements hmm.... well i've done absolutely nothing for 99.9% of my life... i think that's an accomplishment in itself... Anime Fan Since I've been an anime fan for life... i was like 5 when i first started watching sailor moon and stuff... Favorite Anime hmm... Sailor Moon (dont make fun of me..) and of course Naruto and Inuyasha and others Goals to make my own manga series then eventually make it into an anime... and of course, somehow, turn kakashi into a real person, then marry him!!! *screams like a stupid fan-girl* Hobbies drawing anime, watching anime, singing (as loudly as possible) listening to music, hanging out with my friends (when they aren't getting on my nerves), dreaming about having a more exciting life, and of course sleeping. ^.^ Talents drawing i guess.... and uhh... i can burp pretty loud.... TsukinoUsagi118
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Oct. 24.... Holiday for followers of the MCRism religion.....
In honor of my chemical romance's new album, The Black Parade, comming out on October 24th, (that's 2 1/2 days away in case you were wondering) all the my chem fans out there shall join me in honoring them in the release of their 3rd album by having a 2 day celebration. in these 2 days, we shall listen to no other bands besides MCR; wear no other T-shirts besides MCR ones; sing no songs besides MCR ones; talk about nothing but MCR; fantasize about no men other than Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray, or Bob; eat no foods that dont start with the letters M, C, or R; etc. October 24th shall be a holy day for all the believers in MCRism. (thats my made-up religion in which Gerard Way is god and mikey way, frank iero, ray toro, and bob bryar are the disiples. lol.)
So, if you're an MCR fan, then join me in my celebration!