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myOtaku.com: Tsukitheninjawolf

Thursday, July 7, 2005

   thanx ppl
The End of A Dream


Name: Kitty.
Age: 18.
Birthday: January 30th.
Currently: Texas
Education: G.E.D.
Currently Reading: American Psycho
Email: [Link]
Myspace: [Link]
Hobbies: Technology, what few friends I have, Reading, and Dancing.
Hates: Alot of shit. Mainly fakes.
MSN: Atheist_Kitten@hotmail.com
AIM: My Bloodydeath13 &


King Char-Char [Charles]


Currently Playing: Ein Lied By: Rammstein


Index Stock.com


February 16th 2008

So I figured I would use an already made layout. I just don't have time right now to make it myself. Other wise I so would have. Plus it's pretty.

Anywayz. Please sign my guestbook if you stop by for the first time. Even though I have a few rules. They are below.

I don't know how often I will update. I will try for everyday, but considering school and the fact I am actually reading a book, I may not be able too.

Have a nice day. Peace.



  1. Sign more than 1 fucking line in my guestbook.
  2. Visit me and I will visit you.
  3. Don't fuck with me.
  4. Last but not least, if you hate me, don't tell me you do. I don't really care if you do.


thanx for the ppl that made comments i will blink for how many ppl commented my last post *blink blink blink* and here is another one plz comment..........

Soon to die

I will soon die
I will die a slow death
Because I’m already half died
No one will miss me
And I won’t miss anyone
I won’t even miss this world
If I could I would go to the world I no I should be at
Even it is a world no one can survive in
It may be just a moon
But I know I will survive
There is no reason to live
But there is also to me no god
If there was then he would have helped me
And I would not always cut myself
And always want to die
To me this world is BULLSHIT
No one would ever even know me
To be able to stop
From destroying ever world
If I was a good wolf
Then way would I kill anyone that pisses me off
It don’t matter the animal or if it is a human
I don’t fit in
Because I was born a wolf demon
And I don’t kid
I am
What I am
I was born to kill
And I will kill
I was born to die
And I will die
I can’t wait
To be killed
So I will leave this fucked up life
I know that u can’t care for a demon
I know a demon can’t love anyone
Or trust anyone
It is every wolf for there self
Or every animal
And humans r not safe
For me to trust
I once knew a human
Who was nice
But I don’t care
Because every human
Is a fake
So leave please
So I will die
My slow and painful death
If u think I’m stupid
And won’t cut myself
Then u have no seen my arms
I have nothing normal
I’m not nice
I don’t go to school
I’m just a fucked up wolf
I will always be this way
My scars look like tattoos
My scars r deep
And won’t heel
U don’t know what
It is like
To have to watch your mom kill herself
So don’t try to understand
What it is like
U won’t ever know
Because u r not me
U don’t want to be me
U don’t know my friends
And don’t want to know my friends
I will die
And soon I will die
So leave please so it will happen
I don’t want to be like my mother
And have to make u watch
Or have anyone watch

Die I will die dieing is not that bad
I have almost killed my self many times
I know what it is like
So u can leave now

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