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myOtaku.com: Tsukitheninjawolf

Saturday, October 28, 2006

The End of A Dream


Name: Kitty.
Age: 18.
Birthday: January 30th.
Currently: Texas
Education: G.E.D.
Currently Reading: American Psycho
Email: [Link]
Myspace: [Link]
Hobbies: Technology, what few friends I have, Reading, and Dancing.
Hates: Alot of shit. Mainly fakes.
MSN: Atheist_Kitten@hotmail.com
AIM: My Bloodydeath13 &


King Char-Char [Charles]


Currently Playing: Ein Lied By: Rammstein


Index Stock.com


February 16th 2008

So I figured I would use an already made layout. I just don't have time right now to make it myself. Other wise I so would have. Plus it's pretty.

Anywayz. Please sign my guestbook if you stop by for the first time. Even though I have a few rules. They are below.

I don't know how often I will update. I will try for everyday, but considering school and the fact I am actually reading a book, I may not be able too.

Have a nice day. Peace.



  1. Sign more than 1 fucking line in my guestbook.
  2. Visit me and I will visit you.
  3. Don't fuck with me.
  4. Last but not least, if you hate me, don't tell me you do. I don't really care if you do.


I dumped John. Now I am dating someone else and I have to admit...it doesn't feel like I'm playing anyone anymore. I guess I loved John, but I grew apart from him. I'm not sure. I was happy with him, but I just ended up breaking his heart in the end. There isn't a reason for me not to cut anymore. SO I'm going back to my old ways and if you don't like it I only have one thing to say. Get over it. I promised John that if he cut I would. So now I am going to go back to my old ways. I don't like hurting other people. I'm sorry to everone who didn't want me to go back to this. I'm also sorry for the people who helped me stop. My purpose is just to fuck people's lives up. I have no reall purpose nor did I ever reall have one. I was here to make sure John lived, but I fucked that up. No longer will i wait here for my time to go.


I'm just worried and sad that I made him go back to being suicidal. I hate it when I hurt people. That's why I stayed with him for so long. I would have dumped him sooner, but I got scared and now I am not going to think straight. I'll just keep having my mind wander off back to him. I made him so happy and then I just ended up making him want to die in the end. I feel so bad. Like everything is my fault. I just found out my dad was alive and in Jail and he was getting out in 1 week, but he had a heart attack. Now I have made another person want to die. I can't take that. I can't take not knowing if he was alive. If I knew he was alive or if he was dead. I wouldn't feel so bad. I always seem to think only on negative side of life when I don't know something. I made him feel so bad and I didn't even call him to say good-bye. I don't know what to do. And now I keep shaking and my head hurts and I just don't know anymore. I don't know anything anymore.


I don't want to live anymore.

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