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myOtaku.com: Tsunade

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Nikorasu (09/30/04)

Hello. Nice place. Good work on your fan art. Keep it up.

lavonia (09/28/04)

Just saying hello. I enjoyed checking out your gallery.

Number 5 (09/27/04)

howdy! pleased to be here in your site! great avatar by the way! i love it!! very unique! hehehe! your fanarts are so cute!!! ^.^ bad thing is i could only vote on 2 of them tonight cause i have to go in like umm...5 minutes...T_T

nice work with your site too! gotta say i like the theme on it! well if ever you have time, come swing by my site sometime and please vote and comment on my fanarts aight? anything would be alright. tell me if i need to improve and whatnot. so yeah, i guess i'll catch ya later then! oh i almost forgot, if ever you need help with HTML codes and stuff PM ME!!! ja ne!

~ #5 ~

chickenburger (09/23/04)

i like the 'subway' clerk picture you've drawn! very nice! ^_^
can i add u as a friend? much appreciated!
peace n chickens!

Monkey Orange (09/20/04)

Hiya Tsunade!

Thanks for stopping by my site and for signing my guestbook! Much appreciated *^_^*

It's great meeting another One Piece lover. Good stuff!

Hehe. I, too, shall add you as a friend!


M. Orange

Hardcore Otaku (09/19/04)

hey nice site i like the bg ^^ i think we share a common goal... heh. adding you as a friend, twyl

scaryperson5 (09/19/04)

hey nice site...well come by sum time...seya.............x_X

Heavenly Mage (09/18/04)

Hey there! Nice art by the way,you do pretty good chibis. A little tall,yes,but WAY better than most of mine,because all of mine look too short and too fat,so I'm just gonna stick to realistic art for now..(I need a scanner.-_-...Well I have one,but I have no idea how to use it.)
Keep up the good work!^_^

babypetsarekool (09/11/04)

Heya! ^_^. Love the site and the fanart. One Piece is my third favourite anime! Whee!! I love Luffy he's so cute!!! *glomps* But I can't forget about Vashy!!! *glomps Vashy and Luffy* Heehee.... anyway, I'm adding you as a friend, I'll see you later. ^_^. Byebye. *hugs*

Angel of Pig (09/11/04)

Hey, it's A-chan dropping by to say YOUR SITE ROCKS!

Alright, enough of that, I really do think your site's cool and I hope you can drop by mine if you have the time. Oh, and remember, chill.


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