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myOtaku.com: Tsunade

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Sammiechan (05/30/04)

Honestly, I keep reloading your page just to see the background.

"Eeeehehehe Kakashi!! *giggle*"

Blonde Angel (05/30/04)


I really love your art!! It's so original!! Your site is cool too!! Kakashi looks totally different on your background compared to mine!! ^_^
Naruto is my favorite anime at the moment too!! ^_^

Ja ne!!

Raymei (05/30/04)

Hi hi!! n.n

Yeah I just got your comments and stuff!
I've only been around here since early March (can't...remember...why I signed up lol ) n.n and I just remmebered I was a member about 3 weeks ago lol
So now I'm just sorta feelin' my way around n.n I really like the people here so far

They seem a lot more mature than all those kids on FAC (a nice change lol)

Godel (05/27/04)

Yeah, and then she got to be Tsunade, and I didn't get to be anything because all you people are horrible, horrible friends who kick people in the knees for no reason! Oh, wait. That last thing is just Preston, but still.

Okay, you didn't want to hear about that. *sweat*

As it were, I am very impressed by your username: by the Gods! She used a capital letter!
I happen to be a rather big Tsunade fan, myself, so we have a common denominator there.

From what I can read when the scroll-bar is at this point, Sasuke and InuBattosai love your art. I will proceed to "check it out" now. >_>

*does as much*

SasukeUchiha (05/26/04)

Thank you for the comment on my itachi picture! your art is amazing 2!! I am always up for talking to another Naruto fan miss tsunade. Wanna be friends? Let me know ^^.

InuBattosai (05/19/04)

I love your art! It's so cute! I'll add you as a friend, and I hpoe you'll add me.

Chiimaru (05/18/04)

Cute site. It's kawaii! Let's be friends. I added you! Add me to!


Zero000 (05/18/04)

Welcome to My Otaku.
Your drawings are cool.
Well I hope it's okay if I add you as a friend.
Oh, have a rose I like givine them out to people since Kurama is the one who planted them. He is my slave and will be forever. If you don't know who kurama is, he is from Yu Yu Hakusho.


wolf isis (05/17/04)

hi! i luv ur art, and uh, welcome to otaku! ur site is way cool! plz stop by my sight and sign my gb n stuff, k? o, and mind if i add u as a friend? bye!

p.s. myO is really quite simple. ull get used to it eventually. if u hav ne ?'s just email me, k?

Petey (05/17/04)

All of your drawings are so cute. Keep up the good work. ^_^

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