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Thursday, November 1, 2007


he he almost well.... nuten much goin on here but...... IM CHANGIN THIS POSTA TO DE RANDOM POSTA!!!!!!!!! Say any thang random on THIS posta!!!!!!!!!!

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Monday, October 8, 2007


Here is the game, i made it up and now these are the rulez!!!!^0^
1.its called the Randome game so on this post for comments you name something randome that comez to mind
2.then name somethin about yourself thats randome
3. you CAN tell what you think about this game ifya want
4. almost last is then you tag 5 ussurs
5. to do that live a post on their site sayin that youve gotten tagged and pleaze can you name my usser so they can play too!!!^-^
6.cannya tell peeps about this game i want peeps to have FUN!!!!^0^
Thanx for you readin this post and REMEMBER tell peepz about this game so they can play!!!!!!!!!!!!^0^

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Sunday, September 30, 2007


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this is a pic of Rockie,( middle) Hana( left ) Sakura( right )!!!^0^

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Saturday, September 29, 2007

yo wat op!!^0^

sorry peeps this is only one of my first posts!! he he!!well.... this is vidio mania and plaeze comment actually i think this is only my 3rd post!!he he!!!!^0^well... i wanna tell ya more about me!!!
1.i love the show Naruto
2. HUGE anime fan!!!
3.my dog snorts alot and i like it!!!!!!^0^
4.my step bro is a square freak and annoying!!!
5.fav color GREEEN!!!!!! GREEEN!!! GREEENN!!! *SPAZEZ OUT!!*
6. most of the time DITSY!!!
6.A and B student
7. my teacher scares ma ALOT!!!0-0
8.sis to Yaya-chan and also step sis to Erika-chan and and again Hanoichi is my step bro and Levi luva is my cous!!!^0^
9.LOVE the way jello looks!!!
10.LOVES SO MUCH the word minnillaa!!!!!!!!1
well... gatta go wach Naruto byez!!!!!!!^0^

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

pleaze comment!!!

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

the vidio of the week!!!!^0^

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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Video of the week!!!! (WAHOO)

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Monday, September 3, 2007


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