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myOtaku.com: tsunadeichigo10

Saturday, September 29, 2007

yo wat op!!^0^
sorry peeps this is only one of my first posts!! he he!!well.... this is vidio mania and plaeze comment actually i think this is only my 3rd post!!he he!!!!^0^well... i wanna tell ya more about me!!!
1.i love the show Naruto
2. HUGE anime fan!!!
3.my dog snorts alot and i like it!!!!!!^0^
4.my step bro is a square freak and annoying!!!
5.fav color GREEEN!!!!!! GREEEN!!! GREEENN!!! *SPAZEZ OUT!!*
6. most of the time DITSY!!!
6.A and B student
7. my teacher scares ma ALOT!!!0-0
8.sis to Yaya-chan and also step sis to Erika-chan and and again Hanoichi is my step bro and Levi luva is my cous!!!^0^
9.LOVE the way jello looks!!!
10.LOVES SO MUCH the word minnillaa!!!!!!!!1
well... gatta go wach Naruto byez!!!!!!!^0^

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