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myOtaku.com: tsunadeichigo10

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

   HEY PEEEPLES!!!!!!!
Mood:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketSigh...!

Hey peeples......*Sighhhs...*I am just SOOO bored!! This school day went bye like EXTREAMLY SLOWW!!!And i just rememberd.. i got my voodoo doll thing in the mail!!WEEEE!!If you havnt bean reading some of my other posts than you probably wont now this but, the voodoo doll is "Heart Robber" wich makes your crush ACTUALLY like you!!! Yaya`s has been working exept she got the "Gardien Angel" which prevents bad things from happening...*sighs AGAIN!! litterally!*Also the all you can eat ice cream partay is now on the stinken Friday..! -_- But, the good part about that is that also on Friday the whole school (NO PARENTS!!!!) Are having activaty night!!!!!!!!!!WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!It is like SSSSOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!! last one we had was AWSOMEEEEEEEEE!!!! You could have a mummy rape contest(one it), Donut eating contest (one it also!!),Kareoke,Wich reaminds me!! Yaya and my friend Brooke did that and there is a word box thing and a sweare popped up unexspectedly and Brooke was all like 0x0 ZMG!!! Becouse you were getting tapped and the whole school could see you so she's just mumbling the words and keep on staring at the camra like this...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwell.. also,there were sooo much more things!!! And... i was also disapointed in how much comments were yesterday... BYE!! Have a good rest of the day!!!

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