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myOtaku.com: tsunadeichigo10

Friday, December 7, 2007

I have somet hang to say!!!WOOOO!!!
ZMG!!!!!!Do you LUFF the new backround or what!!!?Its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTEEE!!!!!!OH and...Sorry tv is destracting mee!!!!!THANTS WHY I KEEP FORGETTING what i was ganna say!!! @_@ And today is ACTIVATY NIGHTTTTTT!!!!!WAHHOOOOO!!!!Also... well, nothing much is happening but i have some Questions for you ok!?

Here i go...
1.The most common q.what is your fav color
2.Do you like waffles!!?(im eating some write now!...YUMMMMMM!!)
3.What do you think of this?*GLOMP*
5.Do you like Potato expresions!?(This is potato)
>0< his signature look!!
6.have you checked out my new comic?(Sorcerers)
7.Ummmm.... Do you like the new layout..?!!
8.Whats your favorite anime
9.Your favorite manga please!!?
10.Do you like the word MINNILLA!!?
11.Do you decpise someone!?
12. If you said yes to 11. then if you feel comfortable saying who it is (First name, if its on the O than dont tell username!!)
13.Whats on your mind right now!!?
14.Say something RANDOM!!!!!!

Thats all!!!
~T-chan!! ^0^(potato)

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