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myOtaku.com: tsunadeichigo10

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Well...I BACK!-____________-Stupid Mum!She was trying to trick me!!!Also this girl in class is on a starvation diet!!!Shes went 11 days!Oh and heres the thingies now...
1.comedy:Well this girl is terrible in school and has the worst day of her life!Her crush said no to her for the school prom,and got a 20 on a Social studies test!And to top it all of her house gets burned down by a forest fire!With now only her and her most ANOING younger sibling EVER!sHE STICKS WORMS DOWN HER PANTS,eMARRASES HER 24/7(ALL THE TIME!)and now has to take care of her!Trying to top it all off she also gatta stay in school and get good grades!Or else shell get EXPELLED!Also her rival has gotten her prince!HI!
OK!How-dya like that!?
2.Fantasy and maybe a little action:This magical girl just came down to Earth to try to invade theb kingdome of Kinka(i dont know!It just randomely got ini my head!)And acctidentally falls in love with the prince!But she gets into prison and needs to get out!trying to investigate Earth and kid nap the prince was MORE than she expected!And when the battle of both worlds come as she knows it its all up to her to save both Earth and her planet!(Zeho)
And last!
Comedy and a little action!:This ordenary girl one day finds a black hole and ends up traveling in time!She can go from the past to the present and into the future!But doesnt know when or were she will end up!Trying to be a NORMAL high school student isnt really working for her!And when the secret gets out that she can get time warrped then she gets to be known as the best of all person in the world!But when she creates a black whole its all up to her to save the world as she knows it!
OK!Its time to vote!right on this comment box!thingie!And when u do know the 1 u want vote for it NOW!Go ahead!Im not pressuruing u!*stares at u!*

lol!Go ahead vote!And DONT let this stop u from coomenting on the one below it!I HAVE-A CONTEST!!!!!!!!

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