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To stop saying sorry so much, to get better at drawing and writing ^^
reading, writing and drawing, playing sports, hanging out with friends, thinking, contemplating, watching anime, watching regular tv shows, going on the computer, learning about things i like, RPing, reading Manga and .... I can't think of any more at the
drawing and reading
| TsurugiAngel513
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Finally!!! I beat that stupid part in The Bouncer
YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYA :jumps up in joy:
But now I'm stuck at another part... so i shalt go to sleep now... and play my life away tomorrow lol ^-^
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Bored outta my mind >-< and Drawing a little bit today. Oh the two guys in my picture down on my last post. The one with the gun and the rabbit doll is Ni Jianyi, a kick arse bad guy from Saiyuki. And the other dude is Ensui, a bomb expert ( :cough: mad scientist :cough: ) from the Saiyuki OVA. Or so I believe lol ^-^ Two evil bishonens, yay ^^ ::laughs:: Both are from Saiyuki, a kick arse, (im using that word alot lol) anime and manga.. I forgot what company does the anime. But the original creator and Manga-ka of the Saiyuki Manga is Kazuya Minekura. lol ^^ I think Ms. Kazuya got the idea from saiyuki from the novel. 'least thats what I heard. lol ^-^
I have to go back to the bookstore soon >< need something to read once I finish all my Elie Wiesel books. Was supposed to go to my aunts today, but I don't feel very good so I decided not to.
The bouncer game is getting on my nerves >< I can't get past this one part, and I'm always so close to killing the little panther thingy. It's smaller than my character, Sion, and Sion doesn't have many downward kick attacks. The one he does have, siwtches all the time with another one. So i have to time everything, which isn't that hard, but when the patnher knocks me down, it just keeps attacking me, and Sion won't get up fast enough ><
I really need to get out more lol, Camp started yesturday for everyone. I'm really sad thta I'm not going, and my mom is blowing my ears off about having to go outside. I don't have anything to do, either way. I'm gonna see if my mom wants ta take me ta parkshore in the mornin' so I can go visit everyone. I really miss them >< some of my best friends live in like Dix Hills and happauge and queens. So I can't see them or hang out with them whenever. Which sucks, I'm more closer to them than I am my school friends, which I see ever other day of my life lol ^-^ :sweatdrops:
I hae done absolutley nothing today rather than play The Bouncer. I feel sick to my stomach, so going outside in the heat aint gonna happen today lol ^^ My friend cancelled her graduation party, But she siad I could still come over, so I will. lol. Hopefully some other people will come over as well, and I'll be in a hyper mood that day so I'll have more fun. hehe ^-^
More pictures later, I think im gonna go lay down lol ^-^
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Monday, June 27, 2005
I just rented a game from Blockbuster called The Bouncer, I thought it was gonna be pretty boring, but it's actually interesting :smiles:
I started FF7 yesturday, yay ^-^ I've never beat the game before, only played it. I had the computer version but I think I lost it lol ^-^ :sweatdrops: Well, I got the PS1 version sooo I'm happy now that i can start the game over lol ^-^;
Bored, went on muckclient a while ago to see whats new.. nothing really lol ^-^

Can you guess who these two hotties are? lol ^-^
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ah buddy!
I woke up around 3 p.m. today lol ^-^ I guess that's what I get for going to bed at 5 a.m. in the morning hehe. I was peacefull having a dream about something, and my mom comes in the room and wakes me up by putting my doggy (Bambino) on my bed, and he just kinda plops down on me. She than says "Come on Amber it's time to get up... It's 3 p.m. in the afternoon" I looked up at her sleepily and just kinda stared at her bewildered for a momemnt and I commented "No.. It can't be" I turn over, feel around for my cellphone, find it and then check the time (while getting blinded by the cell light) and My eyes widen and I said "Oh shizmo... It really is 3p.m" ::laughs::
Usually when I sleep late, my brother comes in the room and jokes around with me that its like 4 or 5 p.m. in the afternoon, when its really only 11 or 12 lol and my mom plays along with it. So I didn't really believe her this time, cause I thought she was playing a trick on me lol ^-^
I am actually very awake, I think I caught up on alot of sleep, considerin' I went to bed at 5 am in the morning.
Well I'm gonna go play some Star Ocean 3 or Final Fantasy 7 ^-^ ja ne
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I am so tired right now -_- lol
But I guess that's why I'm awake, It's 4:30 in the mornin' over here lol
Oh well.
I went to gamestop today with Ronnie and Peter. I ended up getting, Hackers the movie and FF7 ^-^ I also reserved a copy of FF7: Advent Children (yay! can't wait till it comes out!!!!)
Then i went to Taco Bell (best fast food in my opinion ^-^) and after that i went to my aunts, me and her played arc the lad: end of darkness for a while and then I played Musashi ^^
I then went home.. And went on the computer. My cousin Tony's here, he came out from west virgina and arrived today at around 3 am. lol, I gave him my blanket cause he had none, so maybe thats why im not in the mood to sleep.
Oh well, lol
I watched Ai No Kusabi OVAs, at around 12 am. I really liked the OVAs... I think it was the OVAs anyway lol. It's so sad ;_; I cried.. alot.. lol Lason and Riki.. awww ^^ I feel bad for Katze, but i wont say anything about why or what not.
Anyway, I think I better go to bed .. I tend to wake up very early when I go to bed late (and it's very annoying)
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
My 8th grade graduation is now over! lol I feel kinda wierd changin' schools and moivng up ya know? But I'm really excited, cept for the fact of freshman friday lol ^-^ I'm really happy that I actually made it to graduation, for a time I thought I wouldn't make it this far. Hehe. My mom said that when i went to go up to get my little jr. high diploma (lol) I walked up there so fast and walke dback that she didn't have time to take a picture hehe. I can't help it if i walk fast, .. I blame camp!! lol Just kidding. So now for me, summer has officially started... Now I wonder what i'm going to be doing, since i'm not going to camp this year. hehe My mom went to the library yesturday to pick up all those flyers for the summer programs and stuff, my parents are bent on getting me outside. Which I guess could be good for me, cause I haven't been out much all year. I might ask Nina to go to the beach with me sometime this week. And maybe Allissa can come along too.. HMM lol ^^ Back on graduation, It was funny, I almost ran into someone going up the stairs. I feel really bad.. I hope no one like, really caught it or anything cause thats kinda embarrising ^.^ I'm gonna miss all my friends taht are moving this year. But i'm sure ill hang out with them again. They played that graduation song.. umm I think its called friends forever, I don't remember. It's a pretty old song, but its perfect for graduation. Mostly High school graduation... but thats ok!!! Now all I have to do is stop worrying about going to high school ::nervous laugh:: That'll be hard, luckly my cousins gonna be a senior there and we get along really well so hehe
My mom bought me some baloons, and i took a picture hugging one ::laughs:: she bought me this little.. ball thing lol you throw it at someone and it stars laughign and it says "congrats" or something like that. Class of '09 is lookin' fine ::laughs::
Last night, Ronnie (veronica! hehe) and my mom were teaching me how to "walk" properly, without sloching or lookin' like im marching lol (im not very good at that hehe) And I tripped over the vacuum and I grabbed onto to it so i wouldn't fall and the vacuum almoost fell. But i caught myself, and my mom was like "Tripped?" and I shook my head and said "No.... I was doing a waltz with the vacuum" lol
Can;t wait till Saiyuki vol. 9 comes out (manga)lol and the new D.N.Angel
My cousin Tony is coming out from west virgina on Monday, so i gotta go glomp him ::Smiles:: yay :)
long post hehe ^^
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
Pictures! w00t w00t

If this works, It is an original done by me, This is Kika.. One of my rp characters. She's a pirate ^^;;
and this is the adobephoto shop, colored version of Kika lol
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I just got in two new Elie Wiesel books ^-^ yay It's the Trial Of God and Day (The accident) Now all I need is Dawn lol ^-^ I so happy, going to probably go downstairs and play some Arc The Lad: End Of Darkness with my aunt. Oh and Musashi, I'm almost finished with the game (Yay!) I'm going to try and post my first chapter of Lucid today, when I get home of course lol ^^
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
first post
w00t w00t first post lol ^^;;; there's nothing really going on here, Just reading some books by Elie Wiesel and stuff. Lookin' over some anime, and eatin' cup o' noodles lol. Stressing about graduation coming up. 8th grade graduation that is. ^^;; Anyway i hope i do alright, and don't trip going up the stairs or anything hehe That'd be very very bad. It's officially summer!! (I think) and since im not going to camp this year (I used to go to Park Shore for camp, but its too much money >< ) which im sad that im not going to camp.. I had alot of good times there with my pals lol ^^; anyway, since im not going to camp, Im probably going to be sitting around the computer, or having my mom scream in my ear to go outside. ^-^ I'm going to end this post now, with a I almost spilt my noodles on the keyboard and thats not a good thing cause this is my dads ::anime-sweat-drop::
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