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5 years old.. I think ^^;
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Full Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha and .Hack//Sign
To stop saying sorry so much, to get better at drawing and writing ^^
reading, writing and drawing, playing sports, hanging out with friends, thinking, contemplating, watching anime, watching regular tv shows, going on the computer, learning about things i like, RPing, reading Manga and .... I can't think of any more at the
drawing and reading
| TsurugiAngel513
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
No school today, yippee~
I tis don't have school today or tomorrow due to Rosh Hashannah. Which I'm very happy lol ^^ I woke up at 4:45 this morning >_< Though I went right back to sleep :P
Lunch was the best yesturday, much ... kinda pervertedness but funny nonetheless. XD Lunch is turning out to be my best period of the day.. Next to Globel XD I straigtened my hair yesturday so Allissa and Nina (Christina) were happy.
Me, Nina and lauran went to Subway after school, I had a cherry coke and some chips.. Which Nina and Lauran ended up stealing half of them >_< but thats ok, lol Than we went next store to starbucks and I got a grande size frappichino, yums.. needless to say I was very hyper when I got home lol Nina put a straw in both mine and Laurans Frappichino saying she'll try some from both of ours. It was funny. Than we were supposed to go to JFK (Elementary school) we had to cross the DPA (Deer Park Ave.) to get there, its the main road in Deer park and the most busiest. So while we were wlaking down, (we were gonna meet laurans mom cause she works at JFK) and her mom ends up passing us on DPA so we were like "aw shizmo >_<" It was funny. We were crossing over one of the roads, and I got a bad feeling. The car we were crossing infront of, the guy wasn't even look both ways. He was looking one way which was away from us. So he went to go when Nina was passing infront. She jumped out of the way, Nina almost got hit >_<
Me: Christina are you ok!?
Christina: :whimpers:
It was very bad, lol than we had to cross back over that same road cause her mom was gonna meet us in Nice Ices parking lot. And Nina was like "I don't wanna cross over there again, why's your mom gotta make us walk everywere?!" It was funny, and in the car we all couldn't stop laughing.
Thas about all that happened, I was supposed to go to the doctors today for my wrists but... My mom forgot, which means I'm banned from the computer longer... darn it >_< Well Imma go make ramen now, im hungry lol
Hope you've all been good.
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
new theme
w00t w00t finally got Balmung up, weee I love him. lol I had to redo it about 15 times though, and It took me like an hour just to get my myspace one done too. ^_^ well I hope you all like it, its still simple but oh well hehe ^.^ Take care everyone!
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
crazy shizmo
Some really crazy shizmo went on last night, so thats why i wasnt able to get to most of your sites. I was just really pissed at what happened and I was irritated lol
My computer somehow got a virus (i think i know who sent it to me, so once he gets on imma have a talk with him) And somehow it sent to EVERYONE on my buddylist a IM that said "ME!" and it had a link. It sent it (I guess) like 3 times or maybe even more. I wasn't even home when this was going on, I had a wedding to go to and than i stayed with my grandma at the home until my aunt and uncle picked me up. So I had no idea what was going on. I get home and my friend IMs me saying "What did you send me?" and I just stared at the screen like "I didnt send you anything.. i just got home" So she explained to me what it was, i almost have a heartattack lol. So i tell everyone not to click ont he link yadda yadda yadda. And i stay at my autns till like 12 am. When I got home, i had ike 5 thousands IMs open, thanks to that damn virus! My friend Brandon blocked me, because it kept sending it to him. and this other guy I know Wiseman is going to report me or something (hopefully he gets my PM on animechains before he does) so now everyones pissed at me and I didnt even do a damn thing!!! I WASNT EVEN HOME! ToT
Well, I got the thing cleared up with Brandon. I had to make a new screen name, cause I knew that he had blocked me :P oh and My two new screen names that I made are ZuttoAi513 and Kana513. Imma still be using Tsurugiangel513 though. I just felt like making another screen name after i talked with brandon lol.
Well besides that, this week was boring. Been having a fun time in school actually, funny funny. I'm just very exhausted cause I haven't gotten much sleep at all in the week. And now I think my friend Namida is mad at me >_< I hope shes not. I dont evne know what i did argh -_- well lol Ive gotta go now, Imma still banned till Wednsday. Meh mommy finally called and got an apointment on Tuesday. I've been on anyway, cause David and Jessi have been on. And so has Erin (Oh erin sorry about last night, my aunt was getting impatient with me so i had to scurry downstairs) Take care everyone.
You all got any plans for the weekend? (I know i dont -_-)
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
I wont be able to make it to anyones site, Im really really sorry. I still have homework and im very exhausted. So I'm sorry but ill probaby make it tomorrow ^^; srry again, hope you all have had a good week.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
ive decided to post today ^_^ even though not much happened.
My friend, unfortantly, is about to get expelled from school. He said that their accusing him of selling bombs or something close to that. Which isn't true cause all he does is make special .. graphic thingys lol srry dun know how else to explain it. So we're all trying to get either a rally or patition or something, to get him to stay in. And even if he didnt have alot of friends (which he does) I have alot of people who owe me alot of things (thats alot of.. alots ^^; )
Lunch was funny, Chrsistina got mad cause I eat the school lunch, (ham sandwich... yuck) and she knows i dun like it.. So she told me yesturday she was gonan bring me in a bag lunch.. and she actually did. She tis be the best lol She told her dad that she lost a bet to someone and that she had to bring in lunch for them lol. I gave her a big hug, and said thank you about five hundred times. She even got her dad to pack pretzels hehe. I enjoyed it alot more than the school lunch lol.
I went home early today to go to the doctors, nothing big.. its for my face and stuff lol but orchestra was funny. Allissa got so mad at Mr. H today, she was being really sarcastic, and me, Bradley and someone who sat by us (shes in a higher grade) just started laughing. Allissa had asked mr. H to que (sp?) us in when we had to come in on the music. and Mr. H was like "Well you know, you could count as well.. You know how to do counting right?" and allissa was like "No.. Im not familiar with the phrase 'counting'" it was funny ^_^
So tired -_- just got back from visiting my grandma and everything, she's doing alot better... 'cept she seemed sad today cause it was her and my grandpas anniversary (my grandpa passed away.. around 5 or 6 years ago i beleive..) That also reminded me that I havent visited his grave in a while.. So i asked my dad to bring me there this weekend. Imma write him a letter, telling him about everything thats happened in the past month or so.. I know it seems childish, but i've been doing it since i was a kid (or.. since before i went into 7th.. i lost myself in school work and whatnot) and it also makes me feel a little bit better too ^^
Well ohhh, i went to subway with Lauran and Christina on monday, XD it was fun. I helped Christina with her Globel homework and Lauran helped me with my italian homework.. which i still have to do >_< shizmo..
Anyway, hope you've all had fun mondays and tuesdays hehe, imma prob. change my theme next week sometime.. Oh quick vote.. what do you think I should do.. Balmung or Kite? hehe ^_^ thanks.
Take care everyone and hope you have a fun week ^^
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Monday, September 26, 2005
ugh, morning started off as bad as usual, and now I'm very paranoid right now for some unknown reason. I kept hearing something like groan or whatnot and I don't know were it was coming from, and I asked my mom if she had a nightmare or anything and she didnt. So then i got even more freaked. So I went back in my room and whatnot to get dressed and stuff, and I hear it again. Cept this time its louder and I know that it's not my mom or my dad lol So I'm very freaked out, and Ive gotten a very bad paranoid feeling of someone watching me. Which isnt good to have first thing in the morning, at the beginning of a new week lol
I had a pretty boring weekend... Oh cept saturday night, I went to starbucks with Michael and Michele. I guess we got there too late or something so Michele had left and i was like "YOU LEFT!? >_<" it was kinda funny actually. So me and Michael just ended up staying there, I had two vanilla bean frappichinos (sp?) and wow, ^^; i was bouncing off the walls, lol I was telling my mom this story and I kept saying "AND AND AND THAN umm.. than this happened.. and um.." I was talking so fast I couldnt keep up with my words and I called Y'vonne and I was like "guess what y'vonne?" "what?" "IM HYPER!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" "Oh god" I dont normally get hyper like that, so its very different lol
XDDD And I get very emotional when Im hyper, my uncle was joking around like he always doess he said "no i dont wnat you to come over" he had his usuall joking voice and i was like "What? omg thats so hurtful uncle jim.. Im sad now.. I think im really gonna cry" I was laughing, but i really felt like I was gonna cry lol
Besides that nothing new happened, really having a dilemma with something... er someone, its a whole confusing situation and i dont want to go into it and everything but its jsut got me thinking and kinda frustrated... But frustrated in a good way (if thats possible XD)
Oh, I dont thnk I got to everyones site yesturday, srry ^^; while i was commenting, my computer was working really slow and I wanted to throw it threw a window... So before I broke the thing I just got off it lol ^^;;
Well Imma go eat breakfast now, cause I tis be hungry~ ^_^ take care everyone (oh and I put up a new fanart so could you all go and take a look at it?? Tell me how you like the outfit ^_^ thankies very muchs ^^)
How have you all been? Did ya enjoy your weekend? ^^
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
no video games ;.;
hey everyone! ^^ unfortantly my bane is gonna be abit longer, until my mom is able to call the doctor and set up an appointment cause my wrists havent stopped hurting any less since ive been off the computer, just a whole lot more -_-
Well, my moms allowed me on the computer for a little tiny while.. Of course I had to give up playing .hack//outbreak but thas ok ^^ srry i havent posted in a while. lol
Nothing much went on in school today, got kinda... yelled at cause I skipped (no i did not cut >_<) lunch.. I had lessons and I really didnt feel like eating, I really have to practice the brandenberg (sp?) and mr. h said we're doing hallelujah (sp?) and woahs, i need to practice certain points on there as well. Gym sucked as always, and sucked even more cause i started crying and tried to hide it up and argh -_- it was just a bad period lol the stupid gym teacher, whom i want to wack over the head! >_< s'not my gym teacher and he's yelling at me because I stopped. I thought he menat like stop stoped, like i just kinda stood there. So i looked at him and than christina and lauran and i was like "We stopped?" and he yells at us and goes "hurry up, you only have a little time left all three of you are getting points deducted from your grade" I kept running and he can't even deduct points from my grade! He's not my teacher >_< and the only reason im kinda pissed off is cause 1. im not a running person.. lol im very very outta shape and im not used to running like that and 2. i couldnt breath and everytime i ran i got a searing pain shooting through my back.. well everytime i ran and used my right arm lol ok anyway, srry i just got mad -_- lol
I was supposed to go to the nurse, but... I just didnt go though i told christina i did.. cause i know she'd yell at me for not going lol I didnt go cause i was just... not in the mood to explain anything, i was sweaty, pissed off, hot and hungry. So i just went straight to child Pysch, which i was late for lol
The rest of the day passed by without anything really happening, although i did find out under some special circumstance i could get into Philosophy next year when Im a sophmore.. Cause usually its only at Jr.-Sr. class. But i wanna join it sooner >_< I'm really planning on going to the library soon and take out some philosophy books, cause i realy just love philosophy hehe ^^; of course.. Ill have to return the 2 books i owed first.. that are like -_- over 20 dollars overdue already lol
I'm feeling a whole lot better than i was this whjole day and yesturday. I yelled at christina for getting me sick and than allissa yelled at me for getting her sick. I laughed and went "Ok ^^" and i like pretend breathed on her and well it was just funny lol
Well I'll see all ya guys ater, gotta go to homework cause i fell asleep before ^^; How have you all been?
Take care.
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Monday, September 19, 2005
weeeeee -_- hehe
well, i tis be sneakin' on again. My moms at the dentist and me daddy isnt home yet. and lenny doesnt really mind if I type for a little bit so yay lol Sxhools been going ok, cept my friends having boy troubles but thats highschool :P jk,
argh -_- bad part about today, is I stayed up late last night talking to David and Jessi and Erin (i was on the phone with her -_- erin, what happened? you hung up on me lol) Well i basically didnt get to bed till like 1:30 and now im paying for it cause i think im getting sick. Strep throat to be exact, my friend said my glands felt a lil' swollen and my neck has been burning all day >_< I feel so sick and tired -_- well anyway enough of that lol Lunch was ok, cept the little fued between my friend her boyfriend. and it was just confusing really -_- i didnt learn the whole story till orchestra, and ya know what? Im still confused >_< lol My science teachers wierd but funny lol he hands out a homework sheet everyday and since he doenst give homework out on fridays.. our homework last week on friday was "Go Home" and the one this week is "Leave this Place" XD i find it funny hehe
well anyway, in ummmm... i suppose association with the new theme. Imma post up some Blackrose pics (ill post up pics of .. well youll see its just gonna be a pattern lol) Imma put alot up.. so beware lol

This one is one of my most favorites of Blackrose. Possibly because she's holding a Rose lol ^^

Hoped you liked them... Imma go head downstairs to get some foods ^_^ and start homework -_-
Well I hope you all have bene well, take care everyone ^^ ^^ ^^
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
new theme
ok ive figured out a new theme,even if its simple lol .hack ^_^ right now its all about blackrose. Than ill probably do a kite one and I will force my self to share balmung as well <_< lol :P and than possible, .hack//G.U.
This is all for the upcoming .Hack//Fragment online and .Hack//G.U. games and plus the new .hack anime that almost no information, (that ive hear of atleasT) has been released on yet. Also for all the past installments of .hack, like //sign, //uneden and //infection-quarintine
Oh new infos been released on G.U. I tis be happy ^_^ even a new trailer, thats very spiffy hehe.
I'd better go before I get caught on -_- take care everyone oh and tell me how you like my new theme ok? ^^;
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
sneaking on
I tis be sneaking on, im not very good at it so hopefully my parents wont hear me typing or whatnot. -.- we're leaving for the hospital soon (to go visit my grandma) so i dont have long to type.
No good news on my wrists, they've been hurting even WORSE since I stopped typing. I had a shooting pain going through my thumb on friday during Italian, outta nowere, and it hurt badly. But im sitll gonna have to wait till tuesday to tell my doctor, so im just going to shut up and take the pain for now lol.
I missed all of ya, and i was still able to get to your sites (I had my mom hovering over me to make sure i didnt type "too" much lol) I dont know when my next post will be.. probably wednsday if the doctor doesnt bane me from the computer longer. (and she better not cause im already having withdrawels :hugs computer: im so bored without it! ;_;) lol anyway,
School was ok, my new quote seems to be "I think we should jump him" now see, i would never ever think of jumping someone unless they did something to really hurt one of my friends. Like what 3 of my friends told me that some people did to them this week (im not gonna mention the stories cause its there business and everything lol) but one of my friends i was like "Don't worry <_< We'll go jump him" or it mighta been like "I think we should all jump him :evil smile: " lol One of my friends has a boyfriend and yay for her, hehe she was so happy, they were holdin' hands goin' through the hallways :P while i held her drink lol
Im gonna be bored tonight -_- sinc eim not on and everyone (kev, jessi and erin and david ^^) usually get on on saturdays and we have a chat and stuff ;_; and i wont be able too! oh well, i can watch i suppose lol and do my homework before sunday.. hehe ^^
theres nothing really else to mention about school, except i didnt have that bad of a day on friday. ^_^ I even did the essay that was due, and i handed it in ON TIME. that is a first for me lol well with essays anyway.
Well we're leavin now, and i still have to get dressed out of my pajamas -_- yups i was lazy today, woke up at lik 8 am and than went back to bed around 2 and slept till 5. i still didnt get much sleep all week, so im just making it up lol anyway id better go before my dad figures out that im not getting dressed but im typin :P lol well bai bai everyone, I miss you all. ;.;
(oh erin if your reading this, call me ok? lol srry) Take care everyone!
So how's everyone been? ^_^
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