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To stop saying sorry so much, to get better at drawing and writing ^^
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| TsurugiAngel513
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
ugh.. >
Just woke up... I feel like shizmo... Think I'm getting a head cold, and anyway... My legs are also killing me, they dont seem to want to move. Probably cause I did alot the past two days. I'm not used to it at all ^-^ :anime-sweatdrop:
Dunno what I'm gnna do today.. Might call Christina later, see if she wants to go to the beach sometime this week. Maybe I'll ask Allissa or Michele and maybe Brandon and Michael and Stevan can come too ::shrugs:: lol ^^; I think me and Michele and Steve might just go to a movie or something. That sounds like fun, ^^ Wonder whats out..
I was supposed to go to my aunts today.. But I didn't wake up on time >< I'll try and get to sleep earlier tonight... I went to bed around 5 am last night, c'ause im exhausted off my arse lol
Well I have mixed feelings today.. .it's inbetween happy, sad, angsty, stressed and very full of anxiety lol ^^;; Well, Im sure that tidbit of info didnt really matter.. haha..
Anyway I shalt end this long and pointless post, now lol. And continue it tomorrow when I'm bored as well ^-^ 
A nice picture.. its not mine.. but i dont know whos it is... if anyone does, tell me.. but anyway.. Dunno what I'll name it yet lol ^-^;
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Monday, July 4, 2005
Justins Blockparty
It rocked my socks!!! lol Justin is the coolest, I wanted to go home at first and stuff. But after I got used to all the kids there (I wsa the only 14 year odl) there were either, like 6 year olds or 9 year olds. Or 15-29 year olds lol ^^ but I got along with the older people more. Although most of them were drunk but that's ok. I played vollyball with them for a while, than I went and ate hehe. Than I asked my cousin Tony to play Vollyball as well ^-^ It was alot of fun hehe And I think I only beat Tony cause he was already drunk off his arse haha ^^
Well after that, it was sorta boring, some events (that I dont wanna mention hehe)
Ummm After a while, I went inside to see what everyone was doing, cause i was bored. And I found out that Justin has 4 dogs.. umm Bandit, Bella, and I didn't find out the other dogs name.. But he's a newfindland so he's really really fluffy.. and when I saw him I was like "FLUFFY" so I'll just call... oops "her" that for now and I didnt get a chance to meet the other dog lol Bellas really cute, she's the energetic one. Bandit is really shy, he's a.. umm one of the dogs who look like a wolf.. erm a husky!! yay there we go lol. Well he's really cute, he looks like one of the wolves off of wolfs rain, but im not sure which one. .. ::thinks:: nope still dont know, but he was very cute. And then theres fluffy. Her name describes her.. Fluffy lol ^-^ she has sooo much hair, and she has the face of my doggy Butch. That's because Butch is half newfindland lol the other half of him is lab, so he isn't hairy like Fluffy is. ^^
Well after that, my cousin deanna dragged me outside and my mom to the dj dance floor lol ^^ Cause they were playin' the cha cha slide lol. I love doin' that lil' dance thingymerbobber lol Than afterwords they started doing the electric slide, I dont know how to do that, so I tried to get away. But my cousin dragged me back ::laughs:: Well than after that, they played the cotten-eye joe (dunno if thats how its spelled, but thats how it soudns lol) I love that dance!!! hehe, we used to do it all the time in camp haha. We did it at our school dance too. Than they played the chicken dance >< and my cousin and mom forced me to do it.. ugh.. lol than after that they did the mocerrena (dunno how to spell it) I love that dance as well.
After that, me and my mom sat down for a while. Than we went inside and whatnot. Nothing interesting happened after that really. I helped clean up a little bit. Oh wait I almost forgot lol. Justin was funny (he's around 18 or 20 maybe lol i dun remember) he was like "Yeah!! me and Amber are going to get married soon right!?" LMAO!! i was like "Uh.. Yeah!!!" and we high-fived eachother. And my mom and Deanna were like "Yeah, Im down for that" At the same time heh, it was soo funny ehhe.
I'm getting a mini fireworks show in my backyard, from the neighbors that live behind us. yay for me ^-^
Well now im just sitting here... Being bored, oh yay Erin just signed on ^^ Well thats it for my long and pointless post. Yet again hehe sorryyy ^^
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
Just got back from lindas. She had a small party over there with all of julias friends and their parents. For fourth of july and stuff lol ^-^ (Linda is julia and james mom. The kids I babysit ^^)
I ahd alot of fun.. At first it was boring, and tiring lol ^-^ Julia wnats em to do everything with her, but its not that bad I got excersize in lol. First, We ate. lol than we went in the pool, I gave all the kids piggy back rides. After that, we got out for a while. And Chris (julia and james' dad) set up this dance thingy, were it could do the jump rope for you. So we played hellicopter for a while, and than we played regular jumprope ^-^ Go me! I was on the fastest dial and I still did it lol
Anyway, after that... I took a break cause i could barely walk lol ^-^ My knees hurt, than Julia bugged me to get into the pool. So i told her I would, So Chris got in there for a while, gave me some time to relax. And than I headed in the pool. While Chris was throwing the kids (lol) I was playing catch with my dad from inside the pool. Gotta practice for Softball next year, right? hehe.
Than, Chris suggested we play "Keep it away" and as the name implies, we have to keep it away from the other team lol. I was on Chris, Julia and Laura (one of julias friends) team. And the other team was made up of, Jaime (one of julias friends) James, Matt (One of james' friends) and Denise (Jaimes dad) It was so much fun lol ^-^ Our team lost, but htats only cause Chris called quits.
At the begining it was kinda boring, but than i really got into it. Im pretty good at the game, to my suprise hehe. Denise kinda (we'll say smooshed, me lol but im kinda a fish in water (I love swimming ^^) so I was able to bend my body under water so that, when i pushed back. My body, fit right through his arm lol ^-^ it was funny. Than there was this other time, when Mr. Denise went to catch the ball and he missed it. And he landed not to far from me, so i swam for it and so did he. I ended up getting pushed under but I brought him under with me, so in between the whole struggle for the ball. I ended up elbowing him in the face. And when Chris told me I was like "O.O OMG IM SO SORRY!!!SORRY!!" lol they started cracking up.
Mr. Denise, and Matt also tried to splash me so i wouldnt see when I went to throw the ball. But see im smart, 'cause I grabbed goggles and put them on when i had the ball. So the splashes didnt affect my vision and I also held my breath, so i didnt choke in any water lol ^-^
Mr. Denise than tried to box me in. By putting both his arms around me and pushing me to the side of the pool. But see im smart again, 'cause when he did that, I still had my goggle on, so i went under water and as flexible as I am under there. I was able to squeeze through the side of his body and the wall and get out ^-^
It was alot of fun, Chris and Mr. Densie gave me a high five afterwords so I feel accomplished lol ^-^
Julia and jamie, after we ate and whatnot, did a litlte dance show. And I must admit their not half bad. Lol ^-^ They did one of the songs to Eide.. i think thats how you spell it.. might be with an A.. Aide?? i dont know lol ^-^
Not much is going on today, listneing to Yasashii Yoake from .Hack//sign. It's one of my fav songs from .hack.. theres Yasashii Yaoke.. which I believe means Gentle dawn, and Fake Wings nd also B.T.
Anyway gonna go listen to the music, and be bored >< so bored lol
Sorry for the long post ><
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Just got back..
Just got back from Micheles house lol ^-^ We had so much fun, it was just me, her and stevean but thats ok lol. We took loads of pictures, I was wearin' micheles sweatshirt (cause I be freezing lol) and this cool hat of hers. And she took a pic of me with my hair down with the hat on, lol, Than I took a picture of myself, she took a picture when i was restin' and she snapped it on me when i wasn't paying attention. Oh, her and Stevean have concluded that I am actually japanese and was adopted lol ^-^ They tell me I look really asian, I guess I kinda do, but its mostly cause my eyes are sorta squinty it hink lol ^-^
It was funny, Stevean kept like glomping me and i was like O.o looking over at Michele lol ^-^;;
Just got home, so bored lol ^-^, tired too. I went to bed at 7:30 this morning, and woke up at around 11 or 12.. SO that means I got around.. around 4 or 5 hours lol ^-^ That's ok though, I had mcdonalds breakfast and some sugar lol, my cousin, deanna, my brother michael and my cousin Tony were still up too. We were having a great time lol. They were all cracking jokes lol.
All in all it was a fun day. And tonight, I'm staying up late again to watch anime shows on adult swim ^-^ joy joy
So I think i might go and finally steal my Ps2 back from my bro.^-^ cause i badly want to get past FF7 (oh and I decided I'm going to run the stairs again, but than im gonna restart the game and go through the front.. I just wanna run up the stairs to hear Tifa yell at barret lol ^-^)
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Friday, July 1, 2005
oh boy -.-
My mom just 4th of julyed me lol It's not even the foruth of july yet!!! hehe. Well anyway, My sis wants to head out for icecream. 'Cause im the only one with money in the household right now. I feel very powerful at the moment >=) ::Evil smile:: nah, just kidding. lol
She was like "Amber, do ya want icecream" and I looked at her, than looked back, reading fullmetal alchemist and I said "No, but I'm sure you do" and I just smiled. She groaned and was lke "shi*" lol
Well, can't deny a request from my sister (Although I feel I should strangle her sometimes, I do love her lol ^-^; ) Well, Hopefully, I get to hang out with michele and steve and maybe Brandon this week. yay ^-^
Woah buddy, Bambino (my doggy) Just jumped up on the bench lol
^-^ well anyway gotta go to the icecream shop with my sister, cause I knwo she wont stop buggin' me till I go so, adios everyone!lol (im hyper, haha)
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Mr. Chuck got back to my mom today, and he said that it was gonna be 2,000 dollars. So my mom asked me if it was alright if I didn't go. And I said yeah." well of course for that much money, jesus! lol. Well anyway, she said she'd bring me to the community center to see if there was anything I like there. It's gonan be a boring summer lol
Well I'm not so sad that im not going, my friends seemed.. Well I dunno, but it just got me nervous about going back. It felt like they didn't really want me back. So as from Fruits Basket "An onigiri doesn't belong in a fruit basket" That's kinda the way I'm feelin' right now. But alls well and good.
Gonna go steal my Ps2 back from my bro so I can play some FF7 and run up that stupid friggen' staircase again lol ^-^ should be so much fun eh? ::sarcastic voice::
Just got back from my autns house. I was there from like... 1:30 till now. We played Arc The Lad 5 and This one part, that she tried to get past like 5 times, i got past in one lol ^-^ I do that alot for some reason. My brother was playin' Prince Of Persia: Warrior Withen. and he couldn't get past one of the parts were ya gotta jump off the wall and grab onto the pole. So I told him to let me try and after much aggrivation he's like "Fine amber!" lol So I tried it, and got it on the first try. (Meanwhile he had tried about 50 times hehe) he got so mad at me.
Well I told my aunt that and I was like "'cause i got skillz like that lol" joking around of course. and she's like "yeah, your kinda scarry like that" lol it was funny.
Well, plannin' on listenin' to BoA some, before I go and steal back my playstation lol. Every Heart, Waiting and NO. 1, are my new fav songs lol ^-^
well as I promised heres the picture of Gojyo lookin' like a sexy beast lol. Credit goes to Kazuya Minekura ^-^

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 You are one of the few out there whose wings are truly ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and divine, you are one blessed with a certain cosmic grace. You are unequalled in peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of Light your wings are massive and a soft white or silver. Countless feathers grace them and radiate the light within you for all the world to see. You are a defender, protector, and caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver of the wrong, chances are you are taken advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often. But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in everyone and so this mistreatment does not make you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will try to help misguided souls find themselves and peace. However not all Angelics allow themselves to be gotten the better of - the Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting for the sake of Justice and protection of those less powerful. Congratulations - and don't ever change - the world needs more people like you.
Image Copyright Sheila Wolk (prints available through - words added by myself.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
 ...tears within
Who Are You From Within? (Anime Images used) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Elemant is Wind. You're light-hearted, care-free, kind, sensative, and mysterious. You have friends and most absolutely love you. You can be calm and soothing one minute and ragging in anger the next so no one wants to get on your bad side. You are usually very calm though so even in desperate situations, you seem to be the most sane person present. You think things through and consider the futur rather than the present. You're beauty is inspiring and magical. (please forgive me if you cannot see the pics. If you go to my userpage then you can see your result picture at the bottom)
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES) brought to you by Quizilla
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probably going to go to bed in a little while, this week was hectic lol I suffered mood swings, terribly lol ^-^ Well, Since I don't have FF7 or The Bouncer, to keep my up. (My brother still has my friggen Ps2) I don't have much that'll keep me up.
I know sleep with Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz on, just to keep some sound and light in my bedroom. I think I've watched that movie so much, I practicly memorized half of it >< lol ^-^
In other news, tomorrow is friday,well technicly today is friday.. because its 12:15 but im not in the mood to get technical lol, So Mr. Chuck should be getting back to my mom about camp. Thanks to Aino91 and TwistedNightmare for hoping I'll be aloud to go to camp. I'm so anxious to know the answer. I really hope its yes ::silent squeel:: lol
I don't have my glasses on, so I'm kinda blind right now. And I have noticed that my eyes are just seemingly getting worse rather than getting better. So hopefully, I'll get rich or atleast get some money so I can get some contacts so I won't have to wear my glasses anymore. Not that I mind wearing glasses, I just break them very easily lol
I've been re-reading all my Saiyuki books. And I'm fallin' in love with the series all over again. I have now two nicknames for Sanzo "Droopy-eyes" and "Priest with a gun" Oh yeah I also added "Unforutant priesthood" Because of what Gojyo said in Vol. 5 of Saiyuki lol ^-^; Gojyo I have nicknamed "The leecher" and "Sub-monkey" From the comment Sanzo made, in Vol. 5 of saiyuki lol ^^. Hakkai... I don't think I've made a nickname for him yet. It might be something like "Green-eyed bueaty" or "hidden smile" lol^-^ Hmm Goku.. well.. Gokus so cute, I can't name him anything mean ^^ I'd probably nickanme him something like "Hungry-monkey" or somethin' stupid like that
Ok, now that you've listened to me babble, I shalt put up another picture. I think I'll make this girl one of my new RP characters, her name'll be... erm... Kaoka Nizumi (Don't ask, I just came up with it lol)

(sorry if its a little small ^-^;;; :sweat-drops: oh and Disclaimer: all rights of this picture belong to Kaze Hime)
Tomorrows picture shalt be of Gojyo, lookin' Smexy and as lustfull as always lol ^_- (Also he kinda looks like a pimp. Sorry for the long post as well lol^-^; )
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Just got done playing FF7! Wanna choke the game, out of love... Of course >_> lol Ya know the part were ya go to the shinra HQ.. and you take the chance of going the back way.. Well I took taht choice. And I really regret it >< You end up having to run up the longest friggin staircase in history in that game!!! 'Course it makes it more fun hearin' Tifa scream at Barret lol ^-^ but I have now nicknamed that staircase either "The stairway to heaven" and/or "The neverendin' friggen staircase.. in FF7!" lol ^^ And now my finger is killing me from pushing on the RUN button so much. >-< and of course, after I get done with that. I run out into an open corridor and I Get attacked by Shinra people!!! and all you hear is me going "I ha- HOLY FUDGE!!" lol
Though I love this game so much, that I decided I wanted to run that stupid staircase, all over again, tomorrow. Because my brother wouldn't leave me alone about borrowing my PS2 lol
Anyway, I play the Violin and I love angels so I thought this'd be a pretty picture to put up, also it isn't mine, im not sure who did it. If anyone knows tell me. But Im disclaiming the picture, cause obviously I didn't make it lol ^-^

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Today made my day!!!
I'm soooo happy now! I just got back from Parkshore, (the camp I go to) and my mom said I might be going for the last 3 weeks!!!! That just totally made my day. And improved my mood from last night, which was angsty, anxiety full and depressed. But now I'm all good ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ :D so happy! lol Anyway, Planning on playing FF7 today. Haven't been able to in while. (Two days! omgwad lol) And take a break from "The Bouncer" Because, if I loose a battle in that game one more time I will throw my controller at the TV. lol ^-^
Well, FF7 here i come, I wonder, Does anyone know where I can get the official strategy guide online somewhere, or like which store I can get it from. ^-^;;; because, my laptop has crashed (and my dad ain't fixin' it till I clean my room.. and I ain't cleaning my room for a while lol) and We don't have enough printer paper to print out a whole 63 guide/FAQ/Walkthrough from the internet. So as you can see, I tis be stuck at the moment, and I know I am gonna need this strategy guide lol. ^-^;;
It's not a definite about camp yet, Mr. Chuck said he'd have to thinka bout it. And that he'd let my mom know by friday. I am still soo happy that Mr. Chuck is giving me the chance to go to camp, for not that much money. Because It's a lot of money to be a super teen. Parkshores divions kinda divide like this
toddlers - 2 to 3 years old (always on campus)
Jrs- 4 to 6 years old (i believe and always on campus)
Seniors- 7 to 10 or 11 years old (always on campus)
super seniors(capris) - 11 to 13
(might be 12 im not sure lol and on campus 3 days and off campus 2 days)
Explorers - 13 to 14 year olds (never really on campus but dont go to the amjor places)
Super Teens- 13-16 year olds. (This is what I am. We're never on campus. And we go to major places, like ohio and florida and ... boston. and all the major themeparks like hershey park, disney world, cider point)
That's pretty much it. Maybe a little bit off here or there. But I think I did pretty good, remembering this and everything. ParkShore is a really great camp, They do alot for their campers (although their workers dont get paid alot but thats ok, ya learn to love it) Well Hopefully I'm going, and I'll get to see Renee and Sammi and Amanda, and everyone else. ^-^
Now I shalt fly and go play FF7 and make a bag of popcorn weeeeee^-^
(or as Brandon says "Fly Fly" lol)(I'm hyper today yeeeeee!! ::flies:: )
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