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• animelover513
• 1991-04-25
• Deer Park
Member Since
• 2005-06-22
• Student
Real Name
• Amber
• um... typing really fast ^^;;;;
Anime Fan Since
• 5 years old.. I think ^^;
Favorite Anime
• Full Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha and .Hack//Sign
• To stop saying sorry so much, to get better at drawing and writing ^^
• reading, writing and drawing, playing sports, hanging out with friends, thinking, contemplating, watching anime, watching regular tv shows, going on the computer, learning about things i like, RPing, reading Manga and .... I can't think of any more at the
• drawing and reading
| TsurugiAngel513
Friday, July 1, 2005
probably going to go to bed in a little while, this week was hectic lol I suffered mood swings, terribly lol ^-^ Well, Since I don't have FF7 or The Bouncer, to keep my up. (My brother still has my friggen Ps2) I don't have much that'll keep me up.
I know sleep with Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz on, just to keep some sound and light in my bedroom. I think I've watched that movie so much, I practicly memorized half of it >< lol ^-^
In other news, tomorrow is friday,well technicly today is friday.. because its 12:15 but im not in the mood to get technical lol, So Mr. Chuck should be getting back to my mom about camp. Thanks to Aino91 and TwistedNightmare for hoping I'll be aloud to go to camp. I'm so anxious to know the answer. I really hope its yes ::silent squeel:: lol
I don't have my glasses on, so I'm kinda blind right now. And I have noticed that my eyes are just seemingly getting worse rather than getting better. So hopefully, I'll get rich or atleast get some money so I can get some contacts so I won't have to wear my glasses anymore. Not that I mind wearing glasses, I just break them very easily lol
I've been re-reading all my Saiyuki books. And I'm fallin' in love with the series all over again. I have now two nicknames for Sanzo "Droopy-eyes" and "Priest with a gun" Oh yeah I also added "Unforutant priesthood" Because of what Gojyo said in Vol. 5 of Saiyuki lol ^-^; Gojyo I have nicknamed "The leecher" and "Sub-monkey" From the comment Sanzo made, in Vol. 5 of saiyuki lol ^^. Hakkai... I don't think I've made a nickname for him yet. It might be something like "Green-eyed bueaty" or "hidden smile" lol^-^ Hmm Goku.. well.. Gokus so cute, I can't name him anything mean ^^ I'd probably nickanme him something like "Hungry-monkey" or somethin' stupid like that
Ok, now that you've listened to me babble, I shalt put up another picture. I think I'll make this girl one of my new RP characters, her name'll be... erm... Kaoka Nizumi (Don't ask, I just came up with it lol)

(sorry if its a little small ^-^;;; :sweat-drops: oh and Disclaimer: all rights of this picture belong to Kaze Hime)
Tomorrows picture shalt be of Gojyo, lookin' Smexy and as lustfull as always lol ^_- (Also he kinda looks like a pimp. Sorry for the long post as well lol^-^; )
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