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um... typing really fast ^^;;;;
Anime Fan Since
5 years old.. I think ^^;
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Full Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha and .Hack//Sign
To stop saying sorry so much, to get better at drawing and writing ^^
reading, writing and drawing, playing sports, hanging out with friends, thinking, contemplating, watching anime, watching regular tv shows, going on the computer, learning about things i like, RPing, reading Manga and .... I can't think of any more at the
drawing and reading
| TsurugiAngel513
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/23/05:
Congratulations! You are a great friend! You are Loyal, and you care deeply about your friends. You would do almost anything to make them feel better. Go you!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/10/05:
Result Posted on 10/14/05:
Result Posted on 10/07/05:
I'm like this lol but I would also be tied to Earth, Air and Metal. Bits and pieces of all of them, fully describe how my persanality is ^^
WATERYour element is water. On the surface you are calm and relaxed like a still lake or small pond. However, appearances can be deceiving, because underneath you are powerful and emotional. You are creative and instrospective though not completely solitary. You like the company of others as much as you like the peace of solitude. You are well-liked and easy to get along with unless your temper is unleashed. Kind and nurturing you love helping others and cannot stand seeing pain. You would be best matched with Earth or Light.
The Element Personality Quiz (7 Results / Photos) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/07/05:
hah, i do fantasize alot. Love the picture of the unicorn.
 Fantasizing Girl
You fantasize a lot. That's good. You love all kinds of fantacy. You're the only normal on this quiz! ^^ Your dreams will come true, so don't give up hope! I beleive in you! And you was the only one who called me Faia-sama u_u'
Which kind of girl are you? (Only for girls, dude O_o) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/07/05:
nicceee lol
 Your vamp is Julian
Most people never heard of him because unlike Lestat he likes to lay low.He's very romantic and keeps you guessing.You love spend time with him because it never gets boring. He's one in a million and never puts the one he loves in harms way.Also very sexy
Which vampire would you date?(GIRLS ONLY)CHANGED!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/30/05:
Hey!!! I got myself on Jessis quiz.. well of course! weeee atleast i know i answered truthfully lol
Result Posted on 09/30/05:
pretty pretty pciture ^_^
 you are the purest of heart! will you be my frend? heehee ^^ . you care about others and want to make everyone happy. you are a kind and loving person to be with, and can be found at a hospital caring for your sick grandmother, or at a animal shelter. your sign is the sign of hope (like me!) and you bring evryone hope and happiness wherever you go! remember: u ARE LOvEd!!
Are you pure of heart?(for boys and girls) ^#^ brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/24/05:
weeeeeeeeeeeee imma kenshin, the pic is cute.. it'd be really cute without the big powerpuff girl shaped eyes lol
Result Posted on 09/24/05:
weee pretty picture
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