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myOtaku.com: TsurugiAngel513

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 07/28/05:

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Wolf Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 07/28/05:

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Inuyasha Villain Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 07/28/05:

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Kon Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 07/28/05:

Your personality is best represented by Morning.
You are a calm person and really nice to
everyone, even if they are a bit...odd
sometimes. You are relatively happy with your
life at the moment and sometimes feel sorry for
everyone who seems to be surrounded with
problems all the time. You probably get pretty
good grades in school and know quite a few
people, even if you arent close friends with
many of them.

What Time of Day Best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 07/17/05:
^-^ I am a bookworm sometimes hehe

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Angel Sanctuary Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 07/17/05:

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Ninja Class Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 07/17/05:

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Village Are You From?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 07/14/05:

~*~Result nr 8~*~

Your power is: Extreme healing powers

Explanation: When injured your body
focuses on the wound and heals rapidly, within
a few seconds. This makes you pretty much hard
to kill and you can help people in danger using
yourself as a shield. Almost anything is
possible in combat but you prefer looking after
others. In bad purposes you can do the same as
above but for evil intentions.
This power fits you pretty good since you want
to help those around you, and when you are
pretty much unstopable, that's not an obsticle.
You are caring and nurturing and are more a
pascifist. Even if you know there are much
unfairness in the world you still chose to see
from a positive angle because you belive in the
good of this world. You are probably friendly
and have a soft spot for people who are not
accepted. Though to others you come of as naive
and gullible. You could be taken advantagde of
if the wrong person comes around. Even if you
could be seen as pure, you are not that
completely since you're human and make mistakes
Negative aspects: If your naiveness has
been making you blind for too long you could go
into dark thinking.

What Power is Compatible With You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 07/14/05:

Caring soul
Your soul is caring.
Other people are your concern, even if you
don't know them. If you see a person trip you
worry is he is okay. You put your loved ones
first and you're very mature. When someones
sick you're nurturing and always try to help
family and friends when failure strikes them.
You can be called the motherly one, if you are
in a group of people, which doesn't have to be
bad. Love is something that's already in you
and you have a lot to give whether you believe
it or not. Your friends probably love you very
much and come to when they need help since
you're reliable. People can feel secure with
you and generally like you.

How is your soul?(pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 07/13/05:
^^ Hawkeyes cool ^^

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Military Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

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