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Monday, April 11, 2005

   it's over
Well, all good things must come to an end.
Jesus Christ SuperStar was an awesome play, the cast was like a second family to me ;_;

But on the bright side I can still keep in contact with them thanks to the phonelist.

and soon I can put up fanart!

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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

   This is it!!
This is it; the week of Jesus Christ SuperStar. I'm getting nervous, but I'm excited

I'm just getting tired because of all the rehearsals we have to do; the pain!

And as soon as I can, I'll finally update my fanart stuff!


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Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Play is almost here!
Man, the play's next week and I'm getting sssssssssooooooooooooo nervous! As far as I know, this will be a show stopper like the original back in the 70's.

And another thing, keep praying for Terri!! Those morons are starving her to death, they're not even giving her a chip of ice to cool her cracking lips!! The poor woman can't defend herself and she's done nothing wrong! It's like they're killing her alive! Keep praying for her, pray that she'll live.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

   Terri Hatcher
Sorry for the lack of updates; I've been busy with the play

Anyhow, I've been hearing all over the news about the woman name Terri Hatcher; she was in a coma and now the caretakers of the hospital are starving a 30 year old woman to death by pulling the feeding tube!
Because her husband wants her to die. This is just plan sickening; it's just unbelieveable. If any of you otaku fans live in the Florida area, pray for this poor woman or do something to support her.

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Thursday, March 17, 2005

   heh heh...


*passes out green e-cookies to everybody; dances to Lord of the Dance*

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

   ho hum...again
Not much going on....

*stabs seto and marik plushie*

*ahem, sorry*

Well, on the bright side I bought 'The Incredables' and it's so awesome!!

You have to go see it!!!


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Thursday, March 10, 2005

   ho hum...
Not much to talk about except that the play will be in a few more weeks and it's starting drive me up the freak'n wall!

*starts stabbing Seto plushie*

But besides the point, I think I might go see that new movie 'Robots'; it might be a hit

and I know I said this a thousands times but I'll say it again anyway; I'll also take any requests you might have and I'll do what I can.


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Monday, March 7, 2005

   ugh, 4 more weeks......
Just 4 weeks until the play...
and I know that I haven't put up as many drawings as I usually would, but the play's been taking up alot of my spare time


But I assure you that I'll do my best to put up more drawing's whenever I can


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Saturday, March 5, 2005

   Sweet Magna!!!!!
For all of you who read Shonen Jump; you know that there was a sneek preview for the magna "LegendZ". Well, I just bought the first volume; and it's actually pretty awesome! The monsters in there are incredable and the characters are definetly likeable. I recommend this Magna to anyone who loves mythical creatures.


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Thursday, March 3, 2005

   sick of the snow
It's been snowing like crazy up here in Vermont; and it's driving me crazy!
It was nice during December because we didn't get alot of snow; but now were getting snow coming out of our ears!

*sips Latte; cuddles Yami Plushie*

And like I said a dozen times, I'll take any requests for your favorite anime.


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