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Thursday, January 27, 2005

Sorry for the lack of updates people, I've been sick for the past week.


But that's not the point. I decided to let the auction run until Saturday night to see if anything improves; and if it doesn't improve by then the auction will be shut down. I think the important thing is that I tried my best to raise some money for the Tsunami victims and I didn't just sit there and do nothing.
I also want to thank some of my friends who tried to place a bidding on the pic but were unable to. I especially want to thank all my friends trying to support my auction idea.
Thank you everyone

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Sunday, January 23, 2005

   Possible cancellation of auction
It's been going on for three weeks now, and nothing's working. I've tried e-mailing the creator of the site, I've told my buddies about it, and nothing's working.

I might let the auction go on for one more week; and if nothing improves by then.....
the auction will be cancelled.

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sorry folks, I've got the cold flu

*cough cough*

On the other hand, I still haven't heard anything from the creator of the site (Adam, if you're reading this, I need you to respond ASAP!!!)
And I'll still be taking requests for your favorite anime (no yaio)

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Wednesday, January 19, 2005


(starts tearing out hair; throws tons of plushies around room)

However, I'll try to contact him again and see what happens. I'll have the auction for the Dark Magician Girl color pic for awhile until further notice. Plus, I'll still be taking requests for your favorite anime.

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Sunday, January 16, 2005

   what's he up too?
I still haven't gotten any word from the big guy (aka Adam: the creator of the Otaku)

I wonder if he actually read the e-mail I sent him....

*starts thinking; sucks on Yugioh lollipop*

Anyhow, the auction will continue and I'm still taking requests for you favorite anime series. Just tell me what you want me to draw and I'll do it (but noth'n yaio or stuff like that, 'kay?)

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Friday, January 14, 2005

Okay, I know the auction is going poorly (in fact, this is wicked bad).
So, I wrote to the creator of the site, Adam. Hopefully, he'll except my proposal and announce the auction soon.
We can only hope.

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Monday, January 10, 2005

It's come to my attention that some members don't have jobs or money for the bid...

Here's a suggestion...
talk to your parents and tell them what the auction is for and where the money's going to go.

I think they'll agree to help with the bidding since it's going to a good cause. Let them know ASAP!!

(plus, I'm still taking request drawings for your favorite anime)

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It's come to my attention that some members don't have jobs or money for the bid...

Here's a suggestion...
talk to your parents and tell them what the auction is for and where the money's going to go.

I think they'll agree to help with the bidding since it's going to a good cause. Let them know ASAP!!

(plus, I'm still taking request drawings for your favorite anime)

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Well, so far I haven't seen any results of the auction so far...
kind of dissapointing really.

I'll keep the auction going anyway for the Dark Magician Girl pic for awhile until the Red Cross International Relief Fund has stopped.

So please, won't anyone put down a bidding to help out the Tsunambe victims?

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Friday, January 7, 2005

Extending auction
I watched the news tonight and they said that the Red Cross is trying to raise over $40 million dollars to help the Tsunambe victims.
Anyway, I'll actually keep the auction going on for awhile until there is a reasonable bidding amount. Remeber, the bidding needs to go under the comments section of my site
(this is to everyone who reads this.)
And I'm still taking requests for anyone

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