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Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Even though the auction is going on, no one's put down an amount yet!!
People, this money is going to the Tsunambe victims, and they need the money soon! The total number of dead bodies has reached 150,000, and the workers need billions of dollars in order to repair the amount of damage that has been caused.
Even if the picture is auctioned off for only $20.00, the Red Cross Industrial Relief fund needs the money soon.
To any of those who read this post, tell your friends to put the bidding amount in the comments secion under the post, or even in the guestbook; either way, the bidding needs to be on my site so that way I know who bid what and who will recieve the pic.
C'mon people, we have to hurry before something else happens to the Tsunambe victims!

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Tuesday, January 4, 2005

The people have voted; and the auction will now begin!

Just a quick note, for everyone who's bidding on the pic, leave your bidding in the comments box below the post. And whoever has the highest bid needs to make out a bank check (not a personal check) out to the Red Cross International Relief Fund. Plus, I need his/her home adress and real name so I can send him/her the prize.

The auction shall go on until Friday night until 9:00 pm
(I'll only extend the date if we need more time)

Let the bidding begin!!!!

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Monday, January 3, 2005

   auction or no auction? that is the question
Well, I haven't the results yet, but the deadline is tonight at 9:00 pm; that way I'll know if people want the auction to begin

(I probably won't check until tommorow night, but I still need to know anyway.)

If it's a yes, the auction will begin tommorow night until friday night. I need to know soon so send in the results tonight.


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Sunday, January 2, 2005

   Possible Auction?
Just a reminder, I need to know by Monday night, 9:00 pm if everyone wants the auction to go on or not.
If it's a yes (hopefully), the auction will go on for a few days (possibly will end on Thursday or Friday night) and whoever has the highest bid will recieve the pic in a frame.
Plus the only way to send the money is by writing out a bank check (not a personal check) to the Red Cross Industrial Relief Fund. And in order for me to send the highest bidder his/her prize, I need your real name, adress, city and state, and zip code. That information will be required for the highest bidder. Anyhow, I still need to know by tommorow night.

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Saturday, January 1, 2005

   2005, YEAH!!!!
Where has the year gone?
I think it went by too fast personally...
Anyhow, I'm still taking polls to see if anyone is willing to start an auction on my DMG pic (I need to know by Mon. 9:00 p.m.)
And I'm still taking requests for your favorite anime.

Byes, and Happy New Year!

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Thursday, December 30, 2004

Auction for my fanart pic
Why auction off my Dark Magician Girl color pic?
Here's the main reason:
I know all of you have heard about the Tsuname victims over the past week and how they need their homes repaired. The Tsumane has effected the victims homes from South Asia to East Africa, and already 125,000 people have been killed. So my idea is to auction off my Dark Magician Girl pic for the next two days; and the highest bidder will recieve the real thing frame and all.

But the Auction will not be official yet; I want to see if enough people interested to bid on this pic. I would like to know by Monday night at 9:00 p.m. and if some of you are interested, I'll set the rules on Monday night as well.

Remeber, this is for the Tsuname victims that need our help, more then ever.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2004

   ealier comment
Just a note of what I said yesterday, only the bad commenters will have the voo-doo doll treatment

(starts to look evil while holding voo-doo doll and extremly sharp needle)

Anyhow, I'll still take requests on your favorite anime; and if you want, I'll add a bit of a twist like making it into a gargoyle or base it on your favorite movie or music, etc.

Just ask and I'll get around to it as soon as possible.


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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

   not much to do
Well, work went okay today
(despite the fact clothes were everywhere and I was about to loose it!), and I got some new Yugioh cards; nothing new really.

Besides the point, I'm still taking requests for anyone on any anime (well, almost any anime). For the heck of it, I'll combine your favorite movie with your favorite anime character (Like the Phantom one I did with Pegasus)

All you have to do is ask
(and any more comments from ANY OTAKU MEMBERS shall feel my wrath!
*has voodoo doll and extremely sharp needle*


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Monday, December 27, 2004

   relaxing day


(dances around the room)

Plus, I got my pic up on the Otaku so check it out! And I'm still taking requests for you favorite anime (be it One Piece, Naruto, Yu Yu Hakushou, or anything else!)


(bounces out of room eating Pixie Sticks)

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Sunday, December 26, 2004

   laid back sunday

The gifts are unwrapped....
The sweets have been eaten.....
and I'm high on loads of sugar!!!!

(bounces around the room while devouring Pixie Sticks)

I'm still taking requests in case any of you were wondering (while I'm also trying to work on a Phantom pic for this site; but I really don't mind working on two different projects; I'm used to it!)

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, byes!

(bounces out of room still eating Pixie Sticks)


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