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U.S. Air Force
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was MVP in soccer, graduated high school, and was accepted into the Air Force
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sailor moon lol
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| Twilight Force
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Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Our Time
Well, my time home is almost up, I leave for California on sunday, and there i shall be based for the next 3 years probly. Ive enjoyed my time home, I just wish it could have lasted longer.
While home, I managed to go out on my first date evah.. as far as "dates" go, I think it went pretty well. But since im leaving, me and the girl decided to not make any commitments to eachother.
Another good thing was the thanksgiving dinner. It was the first home cooked meal Ive had in months and it was sooo delicious. I was happier than Ive been in a while when it came to eating foods.
I'll be leaving these good times soon though and wont be able to return for probably another 8 months at least. *sigh* Oh well.. In case I dont have my internet for a while when I get to my next base, have a Merry Christmas you guys. And a Happy New Year too. Best of luck to you.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Guess what. I'm leaving Texas in 2 DAYS!!! I graduate tech school tomarrow, and then I get to go home for a little bit. Which is good because i havent seen everyone for 8 months. Even though I'm traveling home thanksgiving day, my family works that day anyway so they said we could have it on friday! YES! I havent had a decent meal in a long time and the first one i get will be AWESOME!! I'm so happy :) Hope everything has been good for you guys, sorry i havent been around much, been kinda busy. Rock on!! WOOT!!

I like this picture

And this picture is just awesome.
Later guys
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
Random thoughts and crap..
ive gotten internet in my room now, so i can finally put my laptop to good use. yay me..
anyway, the air force has been going alright.. my training is almost done and i should be graduating tech school november either the 22 or 29.. im hoping 22 cuz being home for thanksgiving would be freakin amazing (i havent had a good home cooked meal in AGES and i miss them soooooo much.. and as far as im concerned, thanksgiving is the motherload of all homecooked meal days..)

this pic is cool

so is this one

i drew a little Cloud face...
and i drew a little me face (back when i had my hair)
and to end this little pointless post, ill end saying that i think anna faris is hot

rar... ttyl
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
The most awesome thing happened...
On friday morning, my sister called me and told me my dog had 22 seizures the night before and could not get up, and that his eyes werent working, and that the vet believed they should have him put down.. choosing option B, they had him kept at the vet's office overnight for observations, and treatments to see if he'd improve. Friday night, the vet calls and says he has a fever of 106 (nomral dog temp is around 100), so this also meant he had an infection of a sort. So things were looking horribly grim for my dog. Saturday morning, I get a call saying the vet couldnt believe the improvement my dog had made.. the fever was gone, his eyes were no longer blind, and he was up and walking again. AWESOME!!! God answers prayers, I was almost certain I was never going to get to see my dog again. I just hope and pray whatever it was stays gone.. at least long enough for me to get to see my dog again in the fall... thats all i ask.. but Im So HAPPY HES OKAY NOW!! thats all for now folks, later.

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Friday, June 23, 2006
today sucked.. I kept falling asleep and getting in trouble.. it just sucked.. I hope this weekend wont suck or else next week will just be wonderful..

cool stuff...
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Sunday, June 11, 2006
I have headaches..
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Sunday, May 28, 2006
I've had alot of free time lately, which indirectly means I've had my share of headaches lately too. Theres no ral need to ask why, its just how I am.
Anyway, I have nothing new to report, just that I've had alot of headaches lately and keep stressing out homesickness and other such things.. anyway, I found this cool picture I'm going to post, then go.. bye bye

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Thursday, May 25, 2006
"Wake Me Up When September Ends"- Green Day
I'll start by explaining my title and why I picked it. The end of septemeber looks like its going to be the time when I get to visit my home, which means I spend a whole summer in Texas, which I'd rather not do, so I'd like my time here to be the least memorable time possible, and how do you achieve that? sleep.. that way, everything afterward seems like a dream.. yea..anyway
Hey guys. Its hot.. and sucky.. hows stuff for you? Heh, my best friend Danny told me the other day that he was talked to by an FBI dude, so that means they are working on my sec. clearance.. nice. hopefully it will be done soon and I can start class immedietely. On another note, I found out where my first duty station is going to be: Beale AFB Calif. nice right? an even worse time gap will exist b/t me and everyone I know, so that will suck alot. So im just not going to think about it right now. umm.. I dont think I have much to talk about right now. I picked up Elder Scrolls IV the other day, its wicked awesome.. except I went into this cave and was attacked by 2 green gorilla looking creatures, so i summoned a skeleton and they murdered him, so I ran out.. upon reaching outside and looking about my environment, it was to my horror that the monsters can come outside too, so I ran again, and summoned a skeleton again (he died again), and to my dismay, i ran into a wolf, so i turned my direction alittle and shortly thereafter, i found another wolf.. (i also jumped down a bit of a cliff and lost some life) THEN... i turned around and so the green monsters turned away and left me to the wolves, so i stopped to fight them, and out of nowhere comes this psyco chick with an axe... awesome... my roomate thought it was hilarious to watch.. i thought i was having a bad day. IN THE END.. i killed them all..mwahaha.. yea, so there... the end.
by guys, ttyl
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
WHEW!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Twilight Force speaking, taking this opportunity to inform you that I have completed basic training and am now in tech school. meaning= i can get access to a computer again!! YA!! the downside is, im still stuck here in texas... ugh.. an unlucky break for yours truly, but oh well. im just leaving this post as an informity, im not planning on ranting about anything right now, i have other stuff to do. I'll hopefully talk to you guys later, buh bye!
Trust in your military

We're good with guns

and women...

close combat...



being happy

and marching
see? we're all good here...
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
"Good-Bye For Now"- P.O.D.
Well, its come down to it, this will be my last post until further notice. I'm leaving for basic training on Tuesday, and will be unable to access a computer for a while before then, so I'm doing my goodbyes now. I do plan to come back on when I can, but that wont be for several months at least. I wish the best of luck to y'all, hang in there. Love and Peace! -Brian

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