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U.S. Air Force
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was MVP in soccer, graduated high school, and was accepted into the Air Force
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sailor moon lol
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too many to list, but I'll try: DBZ, Inuyasha, S-Cry-ed, Full Metal Alchemist, Chobits, D.N.Angel, Chrno Crusade, Case Closed, Ruroni Kenshin, Tenchi Muyo!, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, FLCL, Gundam Wing, Gundam Seed, Ghost In The Shel
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| Twilight Force
Thursday, November 17, 2005
I have such a having so many problems right now with, what feels like everything. I went back to the school yesterday to talk with Ron yesterday cuz something about my dad had been bugging me the night before and not letting me sleep. So I went and had a chat with him, during which, i started tearing up (which sucked, cuz he's never seen me like that before, but anyway) it was a bit of a talk that I needed to have with someone with a neutral stand point and biblically sound knowledge. After I finished with him, Danny showed up so me and him stayed the rest of the day there. After school, the rain picks up and the ride to my house is kinda harsh, but i fell asleep for that part cuz I hadnt slept for 13 hours b4 then... but when we get to my house, I currently have no key and nobody else was home. We tried all the doors and windows, but got nuthin except freaking soaked. We tried teaching my dog how to open the back door (and handle you crank downwards) and she actually jumped up and landed her paw on it (though she was just using it for balance cuz i was trying to get her to jump up, and she got that part) but darn my back door handle doesnt twist when locked.. go figure. So as we are soaking wet, my sister calls and sez mom wants the drains cleared out cuz they would flood our street. Sure enough, the street was starting to flood because the sewage drains on the sides were clogged with leaves, so we got shovels and went out to clear the drains. After that, back on the back porch we were and we hear this huge crackling and a thud. I first checked my backyard and saw nothing, but then in my neighbors yard had fallen what looked to be maybe a 20-30 feet of tree across their driveway, and the brush and stuff ended no more than 5 feet from their cars. Anyway, we were stuck outside in the cold (we werent leaving my house cuz the rain was hard, wind was crazy) and we were on my back porch for over an hour b4 anyone got home, soaked to the bone and freezing. So ended up staying the night cuz we werent feeling too well after that. I past out around 7, and missed out on talkin to kate last night (she's got a timer on her s/n and only gets one hour,so I really like talking to her whenever I can) and she'd probly be the only person online i'd talk to, cuz danny was already over, so i could talk with him right there.
At any rate, my head has been killing me with thinking and I feel like I'm falling apart. Every thought turns bad and hurts, and I'm not feeling comfort from anything. I'm so tired of everything.. I just need something..

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