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U.S. Air Force
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was MVP in soccer, graduated high school, and was accepted into the Air Force
Anime Fan Since
sailor moon lol
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too many to list, but I'll try: DBZ, Inuyasha, S-Cry-ed, Full Metal Alchemist, Chobits, D.N.Angel, Chrno Crusade, Case Closed, Ruroni Kenshin, Tenchi Muyo!, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, FLCL, Gundam Wing, Gundam Seed, Ghost In The Shel
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| Twilight Force
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Man it's been a while since I've posted.. ::stretch:: time to stop being lazy I guess. I've accomplished very little to nothing in my months of waiting for the Air Force.. and only two left until my departure, so I'm going to try to start getting into shape so I dont die during basic training.. other than that, there's really not much to talk about. So I'm going to talk about video games because they are one of my favorite subjects of all time.
First off: I've been playing through Kingdom Hearts on the hard difficulty cuz it's something i started and kinda dwindled off last time, so I'm going through it this time and I'm currently in Atlantica(?) I really dont like this level.. the music is all too familiar and even more repetitive.. same problem with Halloween Town, the music gets to you eventually.. anyway.. I can remember the first time I played through this game I was VERY impressed with how they kept all the characters personalities in check with how they were in the movies. Even so, tying together the stories and what not was also impressive and altogether i loved it so much. I recently looked at abunch of pics and clips from KH2, and it looks better than the first by a long shot.. an even more complex story with more characters from both disney and square.. I saw the clips at which will link to so anyway.. they have the opening movie clips and sum in-game clips.. and i got to say, listening to donald in japanese is hilarious.. and if you listen to Sora in battle in japanese, he sounds like Daisuke from d.n.angel (in japanese of course). I'm not going to go in depth as I wanted to because it could be deemed as a "spoiler" which tends to piss people off, but oh well.. I guess I'll have to wait to talk about it. I know there was a KH for GBA called "chain of memories", but i never beat it.. I got stuck in Agrabah cuz I ran out of the number key I needed and I couldnt find anymore so I just quit. I should probably try to beat it though. Anyway.. my next post will hopefully have my insight on another game.. because I am the king of video games (esp. Halo2)
For fun, here's a quick list of my fav. games
-Phantasy Star Online 1&2
-Halo 1&2
-Final Fantasy 7/8/10/Chrystal Chronicles
-Kingdom Hearts
-DBZ Budokai 1/2/3/Tenkaichi
-Star Ocean:Till the end of Time
-Super Smash Bros. Melee
-Dynasty Warriors 4&5 (xtreme legends)
My list was based upon how much time I spent playing each game... The games dont go in order, but I know PSO has the most time... several hundred hours on that one.. ya.. anyway.. maybe I'll list all my games sumtime.. not now tho..later.

That pic is from Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix.. the unreleased version for America that came out in Japan after the U.S. version came out.. this is because the U.S. version had things in it that were not in the original version in Japan, so they re-released Kingdom Hearts in Japan with the "Final Mix" which, as you can see in the picture, had more weapons and new heartless. as well as new boss battles and an extra cut-scene between Cloud and Sephiroth in the Colusseum. At the end of the game in Hollow Bastion..there was one of those guys in the black robes you see all over KH2 that was a boss battle, and a cutscene to go with it.. sad to say, this version never was planned to be released to us Americans, so all we can do is speculate (or download the clips and stuff from an uncertain source off sum crazy japanese site) (<--unrecommended) and whether you believe what I told you or not, here is a pic from this "cut scene" between Cloud and Sephiroth. 
There, Im not a liar.. anyway, I digress... later!
P.s.- I get side tracked very easily..
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