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Hi!!! Welcome to my site! Add me as friend and the fun will never end!! (that rhymes!)anyways i thank everyone who checks out my site n more if u comment my drawings or guestbook. my fav show is Fullmetal Alchemist with Edward!! SQUEE!! i love him! anyways if anyone wants a request i'll do one! u can pm me or aim me which ever way. well i hope to hear from everyone soon! bye!!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Updated Trials - Keith, Meru, Nami, and Megan (ME) Profiles
1. Choose a few OC characters. Five at the most.
2. Make them answer the following questions.
3. Then tag a few people.
Characters Chosen:
K) Keith, cause yeah, he’s my bro
M) Meru, cause she’s sweet ^_^
N) Nami, cause she’s interesting and she’s cool
Me) CAUSE IT’S ME!! ^_^
Lets start!
1) How old are you?
K) I’m 17.
M) 16 *smiles shyly*
N) 19 and single! *winks*
K) O_= Why did I ever date you?
N) Because I’m hot! *flashes a pose*
Me) I’m 15. *smiles brightly*
N) Oh, your so cute! *hugs*
Me) ^_^
2) Height?
K) 6’2...
M) 5’8 *brushes some hair aside*
N) I’m 6’0 so I need someone tall like Keith *seductive smile*
K) Yeah, never going to happen. I got someone.
N) I was kidding! And who?
K) Not saying.
Me) I’m a little taller so 5’9.
3) You got any bad habits?
K) Um…. I think I got none….
N) That’s not true! You eat too much, you never pick up after youself, you get-
K) Ok! I got it! I’ve got bad habits!
M) Eh? *confused* Should I have some bad habits?
Me) It’s ok, Maru. ^_^ Um… I think I apologize a lot, and when I’m upset or shy I look away and play with my hands…
N) Which is so cute! *pets head*
K) Don’t you dare flirt with her. She’s a girl, not a guy!!
4) You a virgin?
K) No. *stares pointedly*
M) No…. *shyly looks away*
N) With how hot I look of course not!
Me) Eh, well-
K) It’s ok, Megan. We know your still a virgin so you don’t have to say.
N) Aw, look! You made her uncomfortable! *hugs me so my face is in her chest* It’s ok, sweetie!!
Me) ^_^;
5) Who's your mate/spouse?
K) None. Of. Your. Business.
N) Oh, feisty, I like it.
K) *rolls eyes*
M) I don’t have one…
Me) ………..
K) It’s ok, Megan.
N) Yeah, *wraps an arm around me* if you don’t have I’ll volunteer.
K) That’s so wrong…. O_o
Me) O_O T-that’s ok…. I don’t need one….
6) Have any kids?
All) NO!!
N) With this figure I don’t need any babies thank you very much!
Me, Keith and Maru) ^_^;
7) Favorite food?
K) Anything that your supposed to eat.
N) He’s serious, trust me.
M) Um… *thinks* ice cream… ^_^
Me) Let’s see…. anything chocolate! Especially chocolate syrup… ^//^
N) Aw, we got a sweet tooth amongst us!
Me) >//< Am not!
N) *rolls eyes* What ever. Anyways cherries are my fav!
K) …………..
8) Favorite ice cream flavour?
K) Strawberry.
M) Eh? Um…. vanilla !^_^
N) Don’t eat a lot of ice cream, it would go to my thighs.
Me) Um, cookie dough!
N) Sweet tooth!!
Me) Am NOT!! =//=
9) Killed anyone?
K) Y-yeah….
M) Yes… *looks down* but it was to protect my friends…
N) Nope! Clean slate! No record!
Me) No, of course not. ^_^
K) Your to scared to do anything.
Me) MEANIE!! >_<
10) Hate anyone?
K) I have some in mind…. (There’s Nami, and don’t get me started on that Zares guy….. =_=)
M) No. I always forgive.
K) Well, that’s dumb.
Me) Well…. *thinks* I don’t hate anyone right now….
N) I hate whoever harms Meggy weggy!! *hugs again*
Me) Don’t call me that!! >.< I hate that!
K) I agree with Nami…
11) Any secrets?
K) Every ones got a secret.
M) I concur.
N) Concur? Gosh, that sounds so geeky!
Me) Um…. *nervous* I’m not going to say….
N) Aw, is the girl we thought was pure got some naughty secrets?
Me) No! >.< It’s just if we kept them a secret why would we tell them?
N) Ok… I was just kidding… sheesh…
12) Love anyone?
K) Confidential.
M) None that I can think of. ^_^
N) Well, I love everyone! ^_~
Me) …………..
13) TACOS?
K) Tacos, where?!
M) Eh? *confused* Tacos?
Me) I had tacos for dinner. ^_^
14) Ever slept in all day?
K) Yes….
M) No. ^_^
N) Oh, of course! You always need your beauty sleep!
Me) Nope either. *smiles*
15) Favorite show?
K) None really.
M) None either.
N) I got lots! *winks*
K) I’m scared to know…
Me) FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!! *claps hands and smiles brightly*
N) Aw! *glomps* So cute! Your still obsessed of Edward Elric!
Me) ^//^ Yes and I’m proud of it!! *pumps fists* HE ROCKS!!!
K) We know… *rolls eyes*
16) Favourite movie?
K) Depends…
M) I can’t decide on which I most prefer either.
N) She’s the Man! Girls got power!
Me) Fullmetal Alchemist Movie. ^_^
17) Favorite band?
K) Three Days Grace
M) I’ll just pick Keith’s also…
N) Fergie and Shakira!
Me) Um…. I can’t decide… *pouts*
N) *squeels* It’s ok, Meggy weggy!
18) Eye Colours?
Keith- Green… though maybe it becomes red if in a ballistic state.
M) Purple. *smiles*
Nami and I) Blue. *looks at each other*
N) *squeels* THAT WAS SO CUTE!!
Me) O_O;
19) Skin?
K- Tan….
M) A little pale…
N) Tan, baby. Guys like it.
K) I don’t.
N) Well your not grown up yet.
K) Yes I- oh never mind I’m not falling for it…
Me) Um… *looks at skin* normal?
N) ^_^ Your to die for.
20) Fat/Average/Slim?
K) Slim yet built.
N) Your built all right. *smiles seductively*
K) *rolls eyes*
M) Um… slim….
Me) Average. T_T
N) Don’t say that you got an awesome figure! Put on lingerie and the guys will see it!
21) Rain, sunshine?
K) Rain. ^_^
M) Sunshine, I like things bright.
N) Sunshine so I can tan.
Me) I like both. But if I had to choose it’d be rain. (Then I could see Zares.)
22) Pool, beach?
K) Pool…
M) The beach, I love to watch the sun set. ^//^
N) Either as long as there are guys there.
Me) I agree with Maru. ^_^
23) Camping, staying home?
K) Staying home.
M) Camping, I love the wilderness.
N) Home! I wouldn’t be able to use my electronics in the forest!
Me) Either. *smiles shyly*
24) Dog, cat?
K) Either. *shrugs*
M) A cat. ^_^
N) A small dog would do.
Me) A dog! *hugs Suki*
25) Believe in aliens?
K) I do… Maru technically is one…
M) I do too. If that’s the case then you are an alien to me.
N) Nope don’t believe in them.
Me) I guess I do.
26) Natural born, or clone?
K) WTF?! Who would ask that?
M) I would. ^_^
K) O_O Natural…….
M) Natural also….
N) Ditto.
Me) Yes, I’m natural.
27) Car or ship?
K) Car.
M) Ship!
N) Ship also. I can tan on it.
Me) Um… I don’t care….
28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
K)Yes… ^_^;
M) No….
N) I have!! *smiles*
Me) I don’t think that’s something to be proud of… but yes I have….
29)Any unusual things about you?
K) Um…. I don’t gain any weight but I eat constantly.
N) Can’t argue with that. It’s like you have a black hole for a stomach!
K) T_T
M) Um… I can do magic…
Me) Well…. *thinks* I got double jointed toes….
K) That’s lovely…. *sarcastic*
30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
K) I eat whenever I can…
M) Um… three times a day…
N) Depends.
Me) Eh…. I agree with Nami….
31) Favourite place?
K) My room.
M) On the roof.
N) As long as I am with someone I don’t care.
Me) I don’t care as long as I’m with the people I love…. (especially a certain some one… >//<)
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Monday, May 21, 2007
its summer!!
yes!! its summer!! i am so happy!! *dances around* im gonna a do the 100 trial thing, so be ready to see some new stuff!!
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Friday, April 13, 2007
Look!! its so good! i submitted it here to so yah O_o but im really happy with it!
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