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College student
Real Name
Just call me "Sush"
Graduated high school back in the year '05, went to Africa for 2 wks. (missions trip), competed in the NACA basketball competition and came in 11th (out of 12! - LOL), and other stuff
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon started it all! XD
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FMA, FLCL, DBZ, Mushishi, Dennou Coil, Miyazaki films, and so many more!
To be sold out for Jesus and use the gifts I've been given for his glory!
Draw/doodle, music, sports, and (most importantly) my church
People say I have talent, but I don't seem to see what they do... ^^;
| twilight samurai
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Friday, November 24, 2006
Quick Post!
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! Everyday should be a day to give thanks, not just when it's a national holiday! ^_^
Tell me: What are you grateful for?
Take care, my fellow Otaku friends. Enjoy the holiday. ^_^
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Well, howdy y'all! heehee How have you all been? I'm sorry I haven't been on lately: last week was very stressful, but fortunately it's over. ^_^ I was also able to check out some of your sites yesterday, and I hope to see more today or tomorrow.
Speaking of last week, let me give you a quick recap of what went on: (My recap is italicized, so if you want to skip ahead...then go ahead!)
Early that week, I found out that our car that was involved in my accident can't really be repaired. The radiator's a bust, and there isn't any guarantee that it can be repaired with workable results. *mumbles* So, now I'm "car hunting." Fun, right?
Last Wednesday, I was supposed to do a presentation at school (not at work!) about a famous composer. For this project I had a partner. However, he didn't show up for class consistently, and I couldn't contact him regularly about our assignment, which made things even more difficult and complicated. So, it's Wednesday and my compadre is a no show...until about 5 min. before it's our turn. I spent most of that morning (including a number of hours elsewhere) working on that PowerPoint show. It sucked. >_< Fortunately, I talked to my teacher, and he was real cool about everything. He could tell how much effort I put into this (even if it did, well, suck!).
Friday was my piano master class. For all of you who don't know what a master class is, it's a class where the piano students perform their piece in front of everyone else. Me - I don't do well with public performances, and my teacher really wanted me to play that day. She thought I would blow everyone away. *rolls eyes* I think I just dashed her fancy into a billion pieces, for my performance, once again, sucked! Oh well. I'll get it next time...I hope!
Ok, supposedly that was a "quick" recap, but I'm sure I made it anything but. ^^
Oh yeah - this month is November,isn't it? I can't believe it's almost the end of the year. Where does time fly? Anyway, my birthday is coming up, and I was wondering: What should I do for my birthday? I'll be turning 19, my final year as a "teenager"! I might have some friends over and whatnot, but I never know what to do. Any suggestions?
Well, I would rant on and on about other things, like work, but I'm sure I've just talked your ears off. Sorry 'bout that. *sighs* Maybe I'll come back tomorrow and pour out some more then. Until tomorrow, take care, my good friends of Otaku! *hugs everyone*
That was me during that stress-filled week.
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Hugs for everyone! ^_^
Hey y'all! Thanks so much for your concern and kindness. Other than for a sore neck *begins to rub neck*, I'm doing all right, both physically and emotionally. I must say though, I hope I never go through that experience ever again. *nods*
Well, today is Halloween, isn't it. Right now, I'm at work, enjoying the show: many of the workers here have gotten all dressed up. Some of them look really good, while should I say this kindly?...don't. It's sorta funny watching grown-ups behave like little kids. ^_^
Although I don't really observe Halloween as a holiday that I'd celebrate, I still think, in some way, it would be neat to dress up. Cosplay, if you will. *ponders* I wonder if I could pull the "samurai" look off, since my buddies call me that. lol Next year...maybe.
I'll end this post off with a couple Q's:
1.) What was your most horrifying moment?
2.) Are you dressing up for Halloween? If so, what's your costume?
Well, take care everyone. Again, thank you so much for your kindness. I truly appreciate it. *bows* Have a safe and fun night!!
Weird random pic:
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Monday, October 30, 2006
I feel like...
Heh. I'm not going to finish that phrase, but I'm sure you'll know how I feel after I tell you what happened. ^_^
Well, because I wanted to get an early start for school this morning, I decided to leave home around 7:30. All seemed well - I had my books ready to go, I was psyched to go practice for the next hour or so (I know I'm a geek!), and I was starting the day early...
So here I am, driving down the highway for college. Traffic is tight as usual with the fast lane going super slow. Typical of "rush hour." (Why do they call it "rush hour"?) Anyway, all of a sudden - BANG!!! I find myself rear-ending the person in front of me, also with my face shoved in the air bag! Dagnabbit - I just experienced my first accident!! The other person's car was just fine, save a few scratches. Mine was roughed up, with the radiator all broken, fluids flowing, and lights shattered. (T_T)
Once again, I have these mixed emotions swelling up inside me. On one hand, I am truly grateful that I'm all right, as well as the girl I hit. (Thank You, Lord!) On the other hand, I am sooooo angry at myself (it's MY fault!!) for getting in this mess. 
I must say, the girl whose car I hit was very nice. And my folks have been very supportive as well. Jeepers...I just wonder what's going to come out of all of this. *sighs* have you all been lately? Sorry I haven't been around in the recent days. Hey! If you all come across any good deals on a used vehicle, hook me up! lol Just kidding. ^_^
My current feelings...
....without the smile.
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Monday, October 23, 2006
Warning: Long post...again! You don't have to read it all. ^_^
Hey my fellow Otaku peeps! heehee... I am so's not funny. *ahem* Anyway, how have you all been? I'm going to try to get to some of your sites tonight and see what I've been missing. ^_^
*sighs* My weekend has been quite busy. It seems as though I've just been on the go, almost nonstop! lol Let me give you all a quick recap of the past few days:
Tonight we went down to Sterling, VA where our "HQ" church is, if you will. There, they were having a Young Adults Talent Show. And OMGosh - it was so funny. That talent show was actually based upon the Christian ficiton Pilgrim's Progress, which is a great book by the way. If ever you get the chance, read it (although it has many metaphors and symbols in it). Anyway, it was done in a way where there were groups of different people doing different scenes. (They have a lot of people to work with). The last scene was the one I thought was the'd have to see it to believe me. ^_^
After only getting, let's see, less than 6 hours of sleep, I had to get up early and head for Ladies' Breakfast. It was a great time to be with many of the women of my church.
Following Ladies' Breakfast was a time of working on the building. I don't if I've ever mentioned this, but our church has moved and is now in the process of building new facilities. It's been a great time to be involved in this project. Cool thing is that the members of my church (around 80 people or so) have done a vast majority of the work: we've saved nearly half a million dollars doing some of the work ourselves as well as finding doors, lights, and such for our building. ^_^ Good work to say the least. *nods with approval*
Finally, it's Sunday. After a whole day in church (the message was very good), some of us young adults planned to go to an assisted living place, where we could go minister to some of the elderly folks there. We didn't have a whole lot planned, but overall things went very well. Next time, I might have some music prepared to play for them: that'll be cool. *smiles*
Alas, thus ended my busy weekend; I'm pretty pooped too. But all in all, I've had a productive weekend. This week will probably be more busy than usual. In a way, I'm not looking forward to it. *begins to laugh* Oh well! *shrugs* You gotta do what ya gotta do, right? Well, I shall hope to see you all around. Take care, my friends! *hugs*

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
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Hey everyone! I hope you're doing all right. I was able to visit many sites last night, and for the most part people seem to be doing well. *yay!* Anyway... *recalls comments from previous post* Geez... some of you all really cracked on me for forgetting my sheet music! lol I guess I did deserve the rebuke. heehee... At least my teacher was cool. I mean - she didn't even know what I went through just so I would have my music. *grins*
Hmmm...something else happened to me last night that I wasn't too happy about. Typically on Tuesdays, I as well as several other of my friends, go to another's house for a Bible study around 8:00. Well, it's about that time and I'm at the house waiting for folks to show up. No one comes and so I start calling people. No one answers. I finally reach someone and find out that people are holding a birthday celebration for a friend. Turns out not everyone was invited, which somewhat upset me. I guess what got me most upset was that I didn't at least get a call telling me that there wouldn't be a Bible study that night. I don't... I have all these mixed feelings right now. Grrrr...I hate feeling like this. *shakes head*
Do I sound crazy for wanting just a bit of consideration? *starts to run around furiously*
*calms down and sighs* I'm all right I guess. ^_^ Well, you all take care. I'll catch ya later!
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Monday, October 16, 2006
Note: Please at least read the latter part of my post! ^_^
Good day, everyone! Thanks again for your comments. I'm glad I can open up with a good majority of y'all. ^_^ *hugs*
How was your weekend? I hope you guys had a more eventful one than mine: I cut the grass, which hadn't been done in 3 weeks. It also doesn't help to have it rain for a several days with your dog's never-ending fertilizing system on the constant go. lol
*yawns* Man, I'm tired. First I stayed up 'til around 12:30-ish in the a.m. practicing piano, and then I woke up around 6:30 (yeah, big whoop, right? lol). Nevertheless, I'm still tired. I actually had to rush out the door this morning to retrieve my sheet music for my lesson. (My teacher is soooo going to kill me.) Yesterday, I'd left it all at church, which is a 30-min. trip from my house plus traffic. Why do people slow down in the morning and in the evenings? I hate slow drivers, and rush hour, and people in the fast lane going slower than my mom, and... *begins to massage head* yeah...
So, now I'm here typing my post when I should be practicing piano. Ok, I'm leaving now...
Oh yeah, just real quick! I was able to add some of your buttons to my site: I hope that isn't a problem. If there is an issue with my doing that, then please let me know promptly and I will remove it. Also, if you have a button image that you wouldn't mind my posting on my site, please leave me the URL address. I like to boast in good buddies! ^_^ Ok, well take care and ttyl. ^^ I also want to give a special thanks to kitabug69 for her help with my site in recent days. Thanks, Kita!
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
Hey everyone! Wow, thanks for your words of encouragement and advice. It was nice to hear what you all go through, that is, dislike about yourself and how "that" affects you. ^_^ I did go back to my friend and apologized for lashing out at her. My intentions were to just encourage her to come on out and be more involved, yet it came out all wrong. It's her choice though, you know?
Well, let me see: is there anything new? Uh...Not really! lol But things have been going relatively well. School is going "swimmingly," although I was displeased with my grade on my last GEO(graphy) test...a stupid 88! *smacks head repeatedly* I know - I'm probably too hard on myself. I even had a guy from work call me a geek just because I have a 3.9 GPA. *grumbles* Bah. He was just messin' with me. ^_^
Work's going well too. People are asking me if I've been allowed to continue to work there. I just shrug and tell them "I dunno." I seriously don't though, since no one has told me otherwise. So I just show up until somebody says, "Go home!" lol Speaking of work, remember how I had asked how to get that guy from work off my mind? Well, he's still in there, *points to head* but I don't think he's as "dominating." lol At least I hope not. *blushes*
My Q. to U: (Hey that rhymed! lol)
What is your comfort food?
Me: Any type of carbohydrate! lol That includes pasta, rice, potatoes, uh...yeah. I'm a 'carbo-holic." ^_^
That was totally random, if you didn't notice already. *smiles* Oh, I also got my pics from AZ. I'll have to put some of them up sometime. Well, take care: I've talked way too much. *nods*

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Hey everyone! ... *frowns*
Man, I feel out of sorts today - don't know why. Maybe it's because I snapped at my friend today, and now I feel pretty low. My intentions were to encourage her to come out and involve herself in some activities with the young adults of our church, since she rarely does because of her homework. I can understand that though - the whole homework ordeal... I mean, I have homework too, but I try to at least make the time to be around my buddies too. On one hand you want to keep up with your studies and whatnot, while on the other hand you know you need to be with friends and family in order to build/maintain healthy relationships. *sighs* Do you think I make any sense? O_o'
Well, I hope you all are doing much better than I am! lol (-_-) Well, on the brighter side, my GEO teacher (and for all of you that wonder, GEO is Geography) isn't having class today or Friday. *whoohoo!* That so cuts down on the workload and gives me a chance to get some more sleep. ^_^
I guess I've said enough today. Sorry my post's a bit...uh...depressing or boring. So... wait! Quick Q.:
What's one thing that you dislike about yourself? Anything? Nothing?
Me: I hate how I get so darn emotional at times. *shakes head*
Your turn! heehee Ok then, well, I'll see you all around the O. Take care! *hugs*

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Friday, October 6, 2006
It's's pouring...blah blah blah
Hey everyone! Wow, I appreciate all the warm welcomes you all gave me from my last post. Heh. I'm glad you guys got a kick from the nakey cowboy. lol
*sighs* Today has been a mediocre day. It's been raining all day since last night. The power even went off 3 times, and each time it did so, the phones would beep! Gosh, that was soooo annoying: it was hard to go back to sleep. -__-
Today I also took a GEO test. I really hope I did well, although I must say I have this uneasiness in my gut...or it could be those tacos we ate last night. lol ^_^ jk...sorta...
*ahem* Let's see - what else...
Oh, I do have a question for you all:
Do you have people on your 'Buddy List' that NEVER come and visit you? If so, what do you do about those people?
I only ask because I have individuals that are my list who never come by. I don't like it when people want you to be their friends and whatnot and it turns out to be a "win-lose" friendship. *shakes heads* So I just wanted to know your thoughts. ^_^
Well, see more of you around the O! n_n
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