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College student
Real Name
Just call me "Sush"
Graduated high school back in the year '05, went to Africa for 2 wks. (missions trip), competed in the NACA basketball competition and came in 11th (out of 12! - LOL), and other stuff
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon started it all! XD
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FMA, FLCL, DBZ, Mushishi, Dennou Coil, Miyazaki films, and so many more!
To be sold out for Jesus and use the gifts I've been given for his glory!
Draw/doodle, music, sports, and (most importantly) my church
People say I have talent, but I don't seem to see what they do... ^^;
| twilight samurai
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
Whoo boy...I am tired right now. Yesterday was a pretty busy day ...err...maybe just a late night. Right after work, alot of our congregation headed down to Sterling, VA to our "headquarters" church. It was going to be testimony time for the people who went to Africa this year. We watched a short video of the trip: it was so cool, and it had some funny stuff too. For example, can you guess how many cows can fit into a small Nissan truck? Any guesses? Well, I don't know how they do it, but those Kenyans managed to squeeze 7 cows in the back!! How crazy is that? So after the whole movie and some time to chit-chat with folks, we left and got home around 11:18 p.m. Actually, that's not too late, but I stayed up 'til around 12:45 to practice piano. (My teacher is so going to kill me!)
Oh, on a side note: I appreciate all of you for encouraging me. I think that other post about my discouragement concerning my friend's marriage was just my being immature. In fact, to my chagrin, she even asked me to be one the bride's maids. I feel quite honored yet, at the same time, ashamed because of the way I acted. So, I will (try to) enjoy my life as it is and not be bogged down by all of this. Thanks again!! *humbly bows* ^_^
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Hey you guys! How have you all been doing? Sorry, I've been sluggish in updating and visiting. I've been pretty tired lately. Well, at least today I got my first paycheck! *whoohoo!* Finally - I sorta don't like this "getting paid every 2 weeks," but the check is nice$$ ^_^
Ok, so I tried sending this video to some folks; however, these attempts were unsuccessful. So, I'll just place the video here. I thought it was really funny yet, at the same time, quite pathetic. *shakes head* Listen to this cop sing (or should I say "try to sing") the Star Spangled Banner. 
Word of advice: If ya don't know it, then don't sing it! lol Maybe I'll have another one tomorrow. I do feel for the guy though...O_O *stage fright*
Well, now I'll be off to visit your sites! Take care and see ya later! ^_^
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Monday, June 12, 2006
Well, yesterday was a busy day, so I’m sorry if I didn’t get to your site (or if I got there late). On Sunday, my buddies, (remember there are only 3 of them) who came back from Africa, graduated from high school. I’m really happy for them. After their graduation ceremony, they had a picnic/get-together. It was a nice time. n__n
However, throughout the day, I felt somewhat depressed. I think it’s my friend’s getting married soon (July 8th I believe). Now that’s she’s engaged, I really don’t know how to relate to her: it’s just awkward, you know? I know she’s still my friend, but still… Maybe I’m somewhat jealous…lol…not because of who she’s marrying! But I think it’s just the fact that she’s getting married before me and many others who have been waiting. Nevertheless, I know that God’s timing is perfect. Someday (if it’s God’s will), I’ll find me a hubby! XP
Well, take care you all, and I hope to get around to your sites!! ^_^
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Saturday, June 10, 2006
Whoohoo! It's such a lovely day - nice weather and all! ^_^
Anyway, how are you all doing? I was able to visit some of your sites out there yesterday, but not everyone's. *sorry!* I also didn't post yesterday, but "oh well!"
Today is going to be a day that we, as a family, will spend together, e.g. nice dinner or something, quality time, etc. I just hope everything today goes well *painful memories returning* ... lol
Well, I'd love to hear everything that you guys are doing today, this weekend, sometime later...whenever! ^_^
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
Good morning everyone! How re you all? I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday or visit everyone's site (T_T), but it was a crazy-busy day. Let me explain why:
Well, as I've been saying for the past week, today was the day of our presentation. And OMGosh...*cringes* it went all right, but man... gosh it's so hard to explain. Here you had three boss-like dudes who knew more than we would probably ever know about 'business.' Let's just say I was completely freaked out, and when I get nervous like that, I talk pretty fast... Overall, they said they liked it...sorta...since it was our "first" one ever and it was a "learning experience." Nevertheless, they were not "lenient" in their execution of criticism - on both good and bad points. XP I'm just glad it's over for now, since later this summer we're going to do an even more important one! *screams and runs away*
Also, yesterday was the day (or should I say night) that my friends from Africa were coming home. They were supposed to arrive in customs at 10:30, but they were running behind. But they got in maybe around 11:30 (?) or around that time. Well, I was so excited!! XD We had most of our congregations from B.more and from Sterling, VA (our church is part of theirs down in VA). We made all of this noise and whatnot when our friends came through those customs doors. So cool!
Oh oh oh...I have to tell y'all this too. My friend, April, who went to Africa was proposed to be engaged!! Our youth pastor, Pastor Jimmy, asked for her hand in marriage in the London airport! XD They're both young, but they've known each other for quite a while. Everyone knew it would was just a matter of when! I'm so happy! *Hehehehe!*
So I got back from Dulles 1:30 in the morning. Now I'm tired - but yet I'm all right and refreshed! XD *Oh, also sorry for the weird Q. I'll reiterate later!*
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Well, now that I'm done work in the office I guess I'm done...right? Hehe...Wrong!! I've got some manual labor to do right now, i.e. mow the lawn. Fortunately for me, the weather is really nice * nice!* Then I've got to do some studying for that presentation. ...Ok, sorry I keep talking about it! lol You all are probably annoyed by it already! XP
Well, I've got a random Q. for you guys:
Tell me, just how much is enough?
Me: Just a little bit more...
Well, I'll see you guys and gals around. Thanks for dropping by! Take care! ^_^
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Hey everyone – how ya doing? *sighs* Well, we three interns just got finished doing a “rehearsal” for our presentation tomorrow. …I’m SO messed up it’s not even funny! T_T I’ve so got to do so more research and some more practice on my presentation. We did our “rehearsal” in front of my fellow-intern’s mom – that did help but, man, I was really BLAH. Jeepers…I’ll get back with y’all later…I’ve gotta do some more research. I’m tellin’ ya, in the words of another fellow intern, “I feel like I’m beating a dead horse with Google.” lol I’ll get back with you all with some favorable news. ^_^
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Monday, June 5, 2006
Change in schedule
There's been a change in our presentation schedule. It's been bumped up to Wednesday, and after that we'll eat lunch with the "Big Three." This should turn out interesting...
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Jambo! (That’s Swahili for “hello”) How are you guys doing? I really appreciate your comments, despite my not being able to get to your sites. *hugs* ^_^
So tomorrow is our presentation. The others want to forget the whole thing, but I’m not sure (even though I really, really don’t want to do this presentation!). None of us are computer savvy, so we can talk for a half an hour without knowing a word of what we’re speaking (make sense?). lol Yeah, we are a pretty sad site….lol JK!!
*feels guilty* Ok, ok, ok…I know I haven’t been to your sites…I’m really sorry! T_T So, I’ll try to visit (catch up on) your sites!! Oh yeah, I’ve gotten 101 GB signings! *Yay!* I’ve got cool friends….*nods with gratification* XD
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Sunday, June 4, 2006
This is gonna be short, but I just wanted to see how everyone's doing! I hope ya'll are doing all right. ^_^
Well, I had a great time yesterday. I was able to get some of that bball done, but not all of it. I'm gonna try to finish it tonight. I also had a great time at the concert yesterday. (That's Jeremy Camp up there in the music video - he's really cool and has great lyrics! ^^) After the concert, another girl and I went on the rollercoasters. *WEEEeeeee!* We had a blast, though we probably should've worked our way up (we started on the Superman - that rocked! lol). Oh well, we still had a great time.
So what did ya'll do this weekend? I'm sorry I didn't get to visit any (if at all) sites yesterday. T_T I'll do my best to catch up!! Take care!
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