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College student
Real Name
Just call me "Sush"
Graduated high school back in the year '05, went to Africa for 2 wks. (missions trip), competed in the NACA basketball competition and came in 11th (out of 12! - LOL), and other stuff
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon started it all! XD
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FMA, FLCL, DBZ, Mushishi, Dennou Coil, Miyazaki films, and so many more!
To be sold out for Jesus and use the gifts I've been given for his glory!
Draw/doodle, music, sports, and (most importantly) my church
People say I have talent, but I don't seem to see what they do... ^^;
| twilight samurai
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
Yes, No, Maybe?
Whoo boy! Thanks you all for you concern and care. Man, I don't know what I would've done had my accident been something major! Again, I can only thank the Lord for keeping me safe.
This post won't be long since I don't have too much to say... I think. ^^' Oh yeah... There weren't too many people on last night. What school can do to us... ^^
What to do..What to do??
Anyway, I'm in this dilemma concerning what to do about a mode of transportation. Well, at first, my dad said that he and my mom would actually look in to getting me a car, i.e. I don't have to buy one! I was really psyched about that. But then last night at dinner, he and my mom had talked and came to another alternative.
My dad works for a backgrounds investigation company. A perk for working for them is that they provide you a company car that's brand new. In his case, my dad will be getting a 2008 Dodge Charger. Very sweet indeed. ^^ This will or could leave me with his older-yet-still-very-new 2006 Chevy HHR. If you don't know what they are, click right here to see an image of it. Let me know if the link is dead.
I feel somewhat hesitant because I like the HHR but then again, I don't... The pros for keeping and using the HHR is that 1. it's brand new for the most part, 2. it has no problems, 3. it'll be cheaper to a degree, and 4. I still don't have to pay for gas. X3 The cons I find with this are 1. I'll have to make payments on it in addition to the insurance payments, 2. I find some blind spots in it, and 3. I really don't like it for a personal car. ^^;
After righting that list of pros and cons, I would say that the pros have the better perspective. I mean, my parents even told me that I don't have to make additional car payments if I can't because I don't have the money. They even said that when I'm not working that I don't have to pay. That's pretty cool, eh?
*ponders* Ok, so maybe I'll keep it for a while, but I'll still look around! Lol.
Commenting on Comments
Magnus Lenshurr - Thanks for the "Monster Hugs"!! I really appreciated them. It was freakin' scary... *shudders*  Your "monster" hugs helped. ^^
Sessylover18 - I DO BLAME THE FRIDGE! Well, the person who left the refrigerator in the middle of the road. My dad was like, "What idiot leaves a fridge in the middle of the road and not know it?!" Lol. I must agree with him. *shakes head*
Crystal Flute - Yah! Who knew binders could take so stinkin' long! Lol. The worst part of it all was that I kept messin' up on all of those labels! Grrrr.... Bloomin' labels that require tweezers to remove...
dark desires - You ran into your parents' mail box? Heehee... That's sorta funny! XD At least it was your parents' and not someone else's... ^^'
Le Kun - I don't think the fridge was ever important to me... Lol. *shrugs* And my parents were VERY thankful. They were more sympathetic toward me this time than my first accident (where I rear-ended someone): that's why they're helping with the car this time. ^^
morbid twilight - Yeah, it was pretty scary. I felt like I was in shock for a while before the police came. O_O I try not to dwell on the "What could've happened..."
Well, cheerio! Take care you all.
Comments (5) |
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I'm Alive!!
Oye! It's been a while since I've come by here. ^^' I may not have posted each day, but I've tried to make some rounds to people's sites.
Deja Vu
Yesterday was a normal day. Mondays I work at the coal company. It was a rather boring day, but some fellow gave me an assignment for me to do for him. It was just making 5 binders for work instructions. ... It took me ALL day!! How does that happen... Lol. *shrugs* It did break up the monotony. ^^
I went home after work to wolf down some grub before I would head out to the work project. So, after a nice meal of carbs (^^), I drove down to the property. I got there a bit late but was able to get a job, helping to hang air ducts. Phooey! Those are big babies. ^^ But 50 feet of the air ducts were hung. *big smile*
We worked late that night, probably until 11:00 p.m. or so. Let's just say I was ready to head home. ^^ It was a bit rainy as well, spitting one moment and pouring another. The highway wasn't really heavy with traffic, which was nice. However, this is where my deja vu comes to play.
At a point on the way home, there was a white object in the road. I couldn't tell what it was because it was dark and starting to pour some more. I quickly came upon it and realized it was a refrigerator!! Instincts told me to avoid the objects, so I tried, which made me swerve from side to side! It was soo weird: I felt like I was in slow motion. I could see everything that was happening, including the light pole I was heading for. O_O The only thing I could think at that time was, "Am I going to hit it?!"
I hit the pole and came to a sudden stop. I was sooo freaked! Lol. So, in short, I got into another accident. *shakes head* You know what irked me the most? I didn't even have the car for one whole year yet!! >_<
I am fine. I managed to come out without a scratch or bruise! Thank the Lord!! ^^ Shortly thereafter, a few people from my church came and stopped by. There was a nurse who saw the whole thing from her rear view mirror. She told me, "I saw that refrigerator and said to myself, 'I hope no one gets into an accident!' And no sooner had I said that, there you were!" ^^' Oops. *smiles* The lady nurse let me use her phone since I didn't have mind on hand. I called my dad, and he and my mom (whoa! She's still all rickety from her surgery) came soon.
Now I'm at a stand still. My mom is letting me use her car. My dad and I will start looking for another one soon. *sighs* I really don't want to buy another one. I'm a college kid for pity's sake! Lol.
I'm alive and well though my spirit's a bit shaken. I thank God for keeping me safe! I swear that that incident could have been a whole lot worse! But I won't dwell upon the "What If."
See you all later. Oh, and thanks for your kind, comforting words concerning that whole other incident last Sunday. *shakes head* I think I'm over that. Lol. Bye and I hope to visit some of you all soon! ^^
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Good day, everybody! How have you all been doing? Was everyone's Labor Day weekend nice? I hope so. ^^
Mother's Update
Thanks, guys, for all your warm support on behalf of my mom's operation. As I mentioned before, it went well, taking 5 hours.
My mom stayed at the Good Sam's hospital for 5 days and was released last Friday. So now she's home with us. ^^ I must say, that she's doing well, slowly but surely walking here and there on her own. Hopefully, when she's fully recovered, she'll be able to do a lot more things. Before, she could only do so much at a time. So we'll see how things go for her.
With her being down, my dad and I have had to pick up a few more things here and there. It's mostly my dad, but I want to help out as much as I can. Although I do admit, I sometimes get grumpy when called to do something... ^^' I know - I'm terrible!
One Too Many Buttons
Last Sunday, my dad stayed home from church to take care of my mom. (He has a better knowledge of how to take care of her more required needs.) So, I went to church by myself.
Anyway, something happened that morning that really ticked me off. For a season, I used to play the piano a little bit for the worship team. But I stopped due to the facts that 1. I didn't know many songs and 2. I didn't feel like going up there to play one little song.
Well, a couple of people made some really harsh comments in my face, e.g. "Sarah's a music major: she should be able to play those songs by now" or "Sarah's just given up on the piano," etc. To say the least, I didn't appreciate those comments: they really hurt. I hurried outside so I could vent my anger and sorrow at the same time. Darn my emotions... I was miserable that whole day...
Fortunately, I had somebody, who's like my second dad or something, come up to me and ask me what was wrong. So I basically spilled everything to him. He was able to help me think things through and consider what I could do to work on my piano. Another lady also came up to me later that day. She was very helpful too. So with both of their help, I felt better and gained some different perspectives through it all. Geez, I hate going through times like that though! Lol.
I think I was tagged... or was I? I don't know... If I wasn't, thought I think I was, I will list a few more things about me. Heehee. ^^
1. I broke my collar bone doing a "head" stand.
2. I have a collection of Pogs. (Y'all remember those? Lol)
3. I hate rap and country music.
4. I played small forward on my basketball team.
5. My friends call me "Sushi," short for "Sushi-breath."
6. I don't like sushi..
I'm not tagging anyone since I don't think I was officially tagged. ^^ I know, I know... You can thank me later. XD
Well, that's all for today. Also, thanks for updating me on Naruto. I missed this past week's again. Oh well, I'll have to check it out this upcoming weekend since the movie's airing then. Oooo... O_O
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Good afternoon, everyone! I hope your days have been going well so far. ^^
Mother's Update
The whole surgery for my mom went very well. She apparently went in around 1:30 and was done by 6:30 p.m. My dad and I almost thought they took an extra long time on her because she was supposed to start around 12. *shrugs* The thing that matters is that it went A.O.K.! *winks* I guess I knew what that meant all along... I just thought those letters meant something.
Well that was Monday. I haven't been able to see her since her operation, and I don't know for sure when she'll come home. It depends on her progess with the therapy. We shall see soon enough.
Thank you all for your warm care and concern on my mom's behalf! It means a lot to me. ^^
Good Eats, Bad Weather
It was Saturday, and my dad and I thought it would be nice to take her out to dinner before she went in to Good Sam's Hospital. So we all agreed to go to the Cheesecake Factory! Mmm... I love that place. Have you all ever been there? If you haven't, you should!! The menu itself is something to behold, chocked full of yumminess. XD
Actually, it was yummy until I got the "Hungarian Goulash." Umm... I never knew what paprika tasted like until I ate that dish. Whoo boy! That's a spicy one. ^^' It wasn't all entirely bad or anything! Lol.
While we were eating, a storm was brewing up outside. I was glad we were able to be seated when we were (a 50 min. wait!). Shortly thereafter, the wind was blowing and the rain was pouring. There was so much lightening outside. It really looked awesome behind the window. ^^
The storm continued as we headed home. My dad even pointed out that the lightening was striking over where we lived. Uh oh. As we approached home, Dad noticed that the street lights were out. Jeez... Our stinkin' block was out of power! NOOooooo!! That's the only thing I hate about storms: power outages.
So for hours until nearly 2 AM, we had no power. Nada... zilch... I was soo miserable, trying to sleep in a warm, humid room. Not cool! (Pun intended). I managed to catch some Z's before my light popped on. Lol. This leads me to the question of the day...
Question of the Day
I missed Naruto and Bleach! T_T So can anyone tell me what happened in those episodes? Pooo.
Well, I'll see you later! Take care!
Comments (12) |
Monday, August 27, 2007
Time: 9:20 a.m.
Mood: Drained
I am: eating a piece of cold toast with Nutella spread... Mmm... Nutella.
G'day, mates! ^^ (A friend is in Australia for school. Five whole months she gets to stay there!! I am jealous...Lol)
Anyway, a few of my friends have gone back to college today: for one, it's his first semester. That should be interesting for him. ^^ I will be starting tomorrow, but my classes will only be on Tuesdays and Thursdays (I hope). Because my piano teacher hasn't contacted me yet, I'm not sure as to when I'll have those lessons. *shrugs* I'm sure she'll be okay with my having the lessons on either Tuesday or Thursday.
In the meantime, I'll be working at the good ol' coal company. ^^ Oh yeah! On a side note, do you all recall that I went on a mine tour? Well, one week later after we came back from there, an accident occurred. Some heavy machinery fell onto a guy's leg, crushing it. He unfortunately had to have it amputated. I'm glad nothing like that happened while I was down there!!
No New News
Today is the day of my mom's surgery. She goes in for the actual surgery 11 a.m. and will be under the knife for 4 to 5 hours. It's quite the procedure. I may have mentioned this before, but if you don't recall, I'd like to go over the whole scenario.
My mom has had back problems for 20 years or so. A lot of the pain is caused by collapsed disks in her vertebrae. There are disks in between the individual bone to cushion the whole spinal column. However, when the disks collapse, it creates a bone-to-bone action, which is very painful. So, the doctor is going to put metal rods between the vertebrae, whose disks have collapsed. This will help mitigate her back pains.
I just hope and pray the whole procedures go well and favorable.^^;
*is called to a meeting and returns sometime later*
Time: 11:10 a.m.
Whoo! I just came back from a meeting with my boss and an auditor. The auditor came to check out what I've done in this management system. She said that what I've done so far is A.O.K. Whoot! ^^ *ponders* What does the "A" in a.o.k. mean? What does the whole thing mean? O_o
Oh yeah. Some of you noted that extremely random question I asked the other day, about the Kings in a deck of cards. Le Kun actually got the answer correct! *hands Le Kun another choco-donut* Here's the breakdown:
Spades - King David
Hearts - Charlemagne
Clubs - Alexander the Great
Diamonds - Julius Caesar
My dad had sent me this email while I was at work. It contained some pretty nifty facts I had never heard of. ^^ You all have probably gotten emails like that one and like the following one:
Yuor mnid is petrty azminag. Eevn wehn all the ltetrs are all srcmabeld, yuor mnid can ipnertert the wrdos as lnog as the frsit and lsat lterts are in prepor odrer. I'm srue you hvae gtoetn tihs one bferoe, rgiht? ^^
 Is It In You? (trial)Hosted By
This is a pic I was thinking about entering in Iruka Sensei/Knight Edge's Soul Society contest. But the more I look at it, the more I hate it! Lol. ^^; It needs help so if you could, give some critical feedback on it, that would be greatly appreciated!
Well, that's all. Pretty random post today! ^^ Take care you all. I hope to see you around.
Comments (6) |
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Hola! Que pasa? Hey! What's up? Don't ask me why I'm greeting in Spanish. *shrugs* ^^
Anyway, as I was reading some of your comments, I was a little surprised by some who felt so strongly about that marriage thing. But then again, it was to be expected. Don't get me wrong: I didn't mind you all expressing your opinions! Rather, go ahead - speak your mind! Just try to avoid using explitives! Lol. But it's good that we share ourselves and how we feel/think about something.
Speaking of the wedding, it was this past Tuesday! (O_O) Yeah, pretty darn quick, eh? I can imagine the comments now! They're both going to go to college, which starts up soon, as some of you are well aware of; so they wanted to have their honeymoon before then. ^^
Nothing much is going on here. It's just been the usual: work, work at the property, bed, then work... ^^ Soon, it'll be work, work at property, bed, school, work at property, etc. etc. The process will go on and on. ^^
I shouldn't complain. My boss is so nice! She keeps asking me if she's stressing me out! Lol. She's very thoughtful. Plus, earning a little more moolah will be quite useful. So I'll be working throughout the school semester and even in winter.
However, I feel a little uneasy about school coming up. It seems like it's been forever since I've had any classes. Sheesh - what a whole summer will do to ya!
I'm also afraid of my piano teacher! Lol. ^^' I may have told you in the past that she's pretty strict - the strictest one out of the bunch. But she keeps you on your toes. I just hope I'm up to her lessons this semester - I haven't really practiced much due to the work project and whatnot. *gasps and shakes head* I think I'm going to die... T_T *faints*
What I Look Forward to in the Future
1. Vacation at the Outer Banks! ( I will bring sunscreen this time!)
2. My mom's surgery is this upcoming Monday. Ok, I don't want to sound sinister or anything. My dad and I are hoping this surgery will be successful in reducing her pains. *nods*
3. My bed I'm pooped!
Question of the Day
Try to give me the correct answer for this one!
What do the Kings of a deck of cards represent? Hint: They represent real, historical kings or leaders... The question is: Who? *rubs chin* Hmm..
Ok then, see you later! *hugs you all and hands out donuts*
Comments (11) |
Friday, August 17, 2007
Greetings everyone! How are you all? I think today is the first in a while that I've been able to visit more than 5 sites. ^^ I cannot believe how much I can miss in the event of a few days. But then again, I did have some things go on in the past several days too. ^^
A Week Chocked Full of Events
Ok, so when I say "chocked full," I don't mean to imply that a TON of things happened, but some rather good things did occur.
Here Comes the Bride
I wonder, as you all read the title, if any of you thought I was going to talk about myself, as if I was getting married... Bah. Yeah right! Lol. No, but my friends from VA are! I was quite surprised by it all since 1.) they're sooo young and 2.) they just graduated from high school! That's fast! Lol. Plus, I heard that groom-to-be's dad is giving them a HOUSE! I can imagine the conversation between them...
Father: Son, I got you something as a wedding gift.
Son: Yeah? What is it?
Father: *hands him keys* ... Your very own house!!
Son: O_O Awesome! Thanks, Dad!! WHOOHOO!!!
Yeah... Wow, that is awesome, but whoa buddy!
Tea and Crumpets, Anyone?
My teacher from way back when had her 60th birthday on Tuesday. It was supposed to be a surprise celebration, but I think it leaked out somehow... *shakes head* It was a nice time. It was a Tea Party theme since my teacher loves/collects all things that are tea related.. for the most part.
I have to say, she was my favorite teacher from high school. Probably the most strict teacher I've ever had, but never mean-like. She's really nice, just very direct and to the point. Lol. Good times... good times... ^^
Can You Pay My Bills..?
I'm so grateful for the job I have. This year they've bumped my hourly pay to 14/hour with a $2 bonus in the end. That's good because I'm going to need the money for a couple of expenses.
1. I just registered for college. This year is much lighter since I'm taking 3 courses in music, and I didn't need any books! Good, yes? Well, that's what I thought until I saw the bill. ...Stinkin' $938 for 3 classes!! *grumbles*
2. My car needed to go to the shop for coolant, A/C fix-up, and a door repair. What broke me the most was the A/C, but I had to get that fixed - I can't stand sweating in my car! There's goes another $344!!
Oh the agony! So I told myself that I would not buy anything else until I've saved more moolah or until I've paid off my bills. *sighs*
I heard from a friend that this hair studio called Dreamzz did her hair. Both she and I liked what they did to her hair. So I decided to get my hair done at the same place with the same guy that did hers. The guy did a really nice job with my hair. He cut it short... maybe a little too short than what I asked, but my hair grows fast. Fortunately, I was able to donate my hair to Locks of Love for kids and others who have lost their hair due to cancer and the like.
Anyway, a lot of people liked my new do. It even fooled some people, like "Do I know you?" XD *evil laughter* YES! AND THEN COMES THE WORLD!!! *looks around* ...What?
Life Is But a Dream
Speaking of dreams, I had a weird one the last night. I dreamt of fairies, I think. However, these fairies didn't appear "Tinkerbell" size, but more like little gnat size. In my dream, I had my own fairy, whom I kept smashing because I thought it was a fly or something. So it granted everyone else's wish? O_o Yeah, I know... Very strange. Even stranger, in my dream, I was making a big deal about green peppers. Did you see that? My fairy made a green pepper!!
Don't ask me if I was on crack... 'Cause I wasn't! Lol.
I tried to keep my post somewhat shorter since I had a lot on my mind. I could've just blabbed on but that wouldn't have been cool. ^^ I hope you all are doing well. I'll visit more sites later! Take care!!
Comments (6) |
Monday, August 13, 2007
Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've last posted. But nothing much has really happened since then. So this'll be a shorter post! XD
In the past few weeks, I have met some new friends here on the O. I like meeting new people with new faces. My buddy list is growing, which means I have to push to be more consistent and get to their sites too. *sighs* You can do it, Sarah...!
Hmm... What else? Oh yeah. I submitted a couple pieces of really old fanart. *scratches head* They're oooookay, but that's all... I am working on some more art though: a Bleach one and another one for ElvesAteMyRamen, since I never made the due date for her recent contest.... Curse be my procrastination!! >.< ...
But in the meantime, I am awaiting for some art supplies from Blick's Art Materials. It has a nice selection. I bought my Prismacolor pencils there (120 count). This time I'm getting watercolor pencils, Prismacolor markers and a couple blenders... That's about $205... O_O I know... But, as my dad tells me, you get what you pay for! ^^' It is a good thing I'm working here at the good ol' mine company.
Speaking of the mine company, my fellow cohort went back to college this week, so it's just me in the A/P department. T_T It's soooo lonely! I miss her. *hangs head*
Poll Results
Well, well... I was quite surprised from the poll I held. Surprisingly, nobody really liked the four I put up, but that's cool. Granted, I did not rattle off every character from the Bleach series... I'm sure my fave will change as I dive deeper into the series. ^^
Picture Failures
I am sooo sorry that my links weren't working for you all. That sucks. -_-' So let me try to redeem myself.
See that little picture below? Try clicking on that to see a blown up version. If it's successful, you should see one of us with arrows around her head. That would be me. ^^
Note: I'm fed up with dealing with Photobucket!!
Fare Thee Well
All righty then. That's it for me. Was that post any shorter?! Hehehe.. I doubt.
Take care you all! Have a safe and wonderful day!
Comments (9) |
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Greetings, my fellow anime lovers. ^^ I hope you had a wonderful weekend: I'll have to visit you all some time very soon!
A Weekend Recap
On Saturday, I worked on the building project as usual. We're almost done with the whole project, which is really neat. Our pastor thinks we can be 99% done and occupying the building by the end of September. I am sooo looking forward to that. Although I've definitely enjoyed the time working on the building for the past 2 years or so, I am ready for it to be over with! ^^ Gee, what will I do with all that spare time?!
So anyway, my task was to paint the cinder-block walls of the stair case with a few other people. That was fun though around 5:00, my arms were ready to pop off. I also had no idea I could sweat sooo much! I was glad I didn't have to work outside with a heat index of 100... ^^'
Later that night, my friends and I went out to celebrate our friend's birthday. We went to Red Lobster again. I say "again" because we did the same thing for him last year! ^^ Oh man, I ate some yummy shrimp and stuff from other people's plates. Heehee. They didn't mind since I gave them some of mine too. But my friend, Seth, ordered raw oysters!! XP *gags* Of course, I had to be the one sitting next to him as he SLUUURP'd away! *shakes head* Icky poo...
Other than the raw oysters, it was a really nice night. I love hanging out with my friends. ^^
Another Bleach Episode
Oooo... This past episode of Bleach was jammed with action: loved it! ^^ The series just keeps getting more interesting. Come to think of it, I hate it when, for example, adult swim or Cartoon Network will take you so far into a series, and then suddenly start from the beginning of the series as they wait for more of the new stuff to come out. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Lol.
*ahem* I digress... ^^ Oh yeah, did anyone else think Mayuri's bankai was freaky looking?
I mean, it looked like a baby doll-faced caterpiller spewing halitosis all over the place. O_o Yes? No?
But then you had Uryuu stepping up to the next level as well. *squeals*
Oooo... pretty! ^^ But with removing the glove, he'll lose his Quincy powers... Then again, there is more to expect, so I've heard. ^^
Speaking of Bleach, I'm curious to know who your favorite character is. I have a small poll, outside this blog thing, that I would like you all to check out. Ichigo, Orihime, Chad, and Uryuu were the only ones I picked, but there is another option, that is, a "None of the above" option. If your fave isn't on that list, then do share who is and maybe why!
Commenting on Comments
Yay! I love reading your comments. It's icing on the cake when I get more than usual. ^^
But before I get there, let me answer a common question concerning the coal mine pictures: "Which one's you?" Click here to get another glimpse. The one with the arrows around her head is me. ^^ Those glasses... *shudders* They remind me of the ones I used to wear before I got contacts. Blah.
All right. Now I'm ready:
Sesslover18 - Ha! Cooked samurai, eh? ^^ At least you didn't say cooked sushi instead. You know, my friends do call me "Sush." I guess since I'm Asian and all. I don't even like sushi! But anyway, I'm no where nearly as bad as I was before. Most of my skin's shed and now, as you said, I'm a pretty butterfly! *flutters around*
Kitabug69 - "Mom syndrome"? They have a name for that?! Lol. I do love my mom, but she can be hard to love at times. *shakes head*
bLuEeYeS - I like that: "peelingness." I don't think it's a real word (^^) but it's catchy! Lol. 20 isn't that old... at least not in my opinion. ^^' But I was like you once... Yes, those were the days... When I was your age, everyone older than me was "OLD." Lol.
ElvesAteMyRamen - Howdy! Wait - you think my mom and I have a good relationship? I think it's as you say: two strangers who know each other really well but not at all. But my mom and I are working on it. ^^ I wish I could've entered your contest sooner. Do you think you'd do something like that in the near future?
mononokegirl96 - Heehee! You remember from that pic too? Good for you! *hands m.g. a cookie and a nickle*
Ouroboros78 - Hey Ouro. Long time no see! Ah yes. Glad you like that little "Know Your Captains" thing up there. I find that humorous.... XD
lordsesshomaru - Gee, I guess I never thought of that: Freddy Krueger. Yes, if they would've called me that, I would have been offended... Like the time my friend called me Michael Jackson. O_O
master hiko - Don't move out until I'm 45?! Lol. I don't think I want to wait that long! ^^ 22ish sounds nice, but I'd hope I'd have enough moola by then. I don't think I'm really that ready though.
That's all I have today. I shall try to make visits later on today and get around to those who've signed my GB recently.
Comments (9) |
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Whaddup whaddup! How is everyone? Sorry for writing so much the other day: I just had so much to say! ^^ Hopefully I won't say too much this time... XD
You may recall from my last post that I got burnt when I went to the beach. It's weird... I've never had sunburn to this extent EVER! T_T I don't like it...
What was worse was when I went in for work on the following Monday. My sunburn was beginning to peel on my face badly. *groans* It suck sooo much! Lol. I looked like I had leprosy or something. In fact, someone even called me "The Leper." They also called me "Splotch" and "Quasimodo." ...That ain't right! Lol. XD It was all in good fun though. But still... How would you like it if people just stared at you? It was getting annoying. I almost felt compelled to put a sign with an explanation on my back, or put a paper bag over my head. ^^
Fortunately, that night I took a shower and just scrubbed my face. Gently yet vigorously, mind you. I looked completely better.
Now, I'm just itchy... all over my body! *Grrr!* And I'm still peeling too, but not as bad (and not in the most obvious of places). *scratches* Oh look. There's a piece of me fell onto my desk! *ewww*

That's me. Itching and burning and almost swearing at the same time... >_<
Mine Pictures
I received some pics from my adventure in the Emerald mine. Some of them didn't turn out well. (Heck, we were 450' down in the earth! Lol.) So anyway, here are the links for them:
Coal Mine Pic #1
Coal Mine Pic #2
Can you guess which one is me?
( Hint: I'm the one that looks like a Geek from Heck!!)
Growing Pains
Ah. I can't believe I'm almost 20. *looks at calendar* In November. *sighs* The more I think about how much older I am and am getting, the more I want to move out on my own. Not just for the independence (for I'm sure I'd frequent my parents' place... for food... because I'm poorish). Lol. But part of me wants to move out because of the bickering that goes on, over the little things (or what should be little).
For instance, my mom and I don't have the closest relationship. In my view, for that's the only one I can give, she's hard to be close to in the first place. She's the type to make a big deal out of, let's say, my wanting to give someone else a piece of clothing. "Well, that's still good!" or "I've never seen you wear that!!" and the like. It gets old real fast. My dad and I, on the other hand, get along just fine.
Well anyway, my mom's going in for some major surgery in her back, more specifically, in her spinal column. Apparently, the disks between some of the vertebrae have collapsed, making it bone-to-bone. That's painful. So she's going to be out for a while.
That being the case, my dad and I are going to have to pick up a lot of responsibilities and at the same time maintain our own. This is going to be trying on me because I want to have the right heart attitude with all of this, yet I know I'm going to get weary. Alas, we'll see how that goes soon.
So Long!
Ok! Well I'll see you later! I drew the other night a Bleach pic of Ichigo. I like how it turned out and will post it when I color it. That reminds me... I've got to try to enter ElvesAteMyRamen's contest! Yipes! See ya!! *flash steps away*
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