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College student
Real Name
Just call me "Sush"
Graduated high school back in the year '05, went to Africa for 2 wks. (missions trip), competed in the NACA basketball competition and came in 11th (out of 12! - LOL), and other stuff
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon started it all! XD
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FMA, FLCL, DBZ, Mushishi, Dennou Coil, Miyazaki films, and so many more!
To be sold out for Jesus and use the gifts I've been given for his glory!
Draw/doodle, music, sports, and (most importantly) my church
People say I have talent, but I don't seem to see what they do... ^^;
| twilight samurai
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Sleep is goooood....
Hey fellow Otaku peeps! heehee. Thanks for your endearing comments concerning my mixed emotions. I do hope I didn't make any of the guys feel out of place, though I'm sure I still did... lol ^^;
Well, today went all right. Actually, it started off pretty rough. Let me take a fews steps back and start from there. Yesterday, I had, at least, 5 hours to work on an English paper. Five hours!! And throughout that time period, my brain functioned like it was on crack. And no, I certainly don't do drugs! So 5 hours were spent with nothing accomplished. Lovely, right?
Consequently, because I had church last night, I was left with only a couple hours in the day. So what do I do? I stay up until 2:30 in the morning reading and re-reading William Shakespeare's Macbeth. That's my sleeping time!! *begins to sob* Bloody, I could recite passages right now if my brain were working for me. *sighs*
Fortunately, I managed to scribble down several paragraphs that probably will make my professor wonder... Well, I already said that today was somewhat rough, and that is due to my lack of sleep which in effect made me oversleep. Thus, I get to my morning class late (My art class: we had fun learning about "shading"), work on the in-class project and run over the class period, which then makes me very late for my next class. I should really schedule my classes better next semester... So that was my day! Now, after posting this, I hope to take a couple hour nap, for I have to go work for several more hours. >_<
Sorry my posts aren't very eventful like some of yours are out there. I just say it how it is. ^_^
Wait a minute! Quick Q of the Day:
How do you use your 'down time,' other than with anime? Any other hobbies or activities?
I guess that's all. I've prattled enough for today. Take care, my fellow anime lovers! *hugs*

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