Whaddup whaddup! How is everyone? Sorry for writing so much the other day: I just had so much to say! ^^ Hopefully I won't say too much this time... XD
You may recall from my last post that I got burnt when I went to the beach. It's weird... I've never had sunburn to this extent EVER! T_T I don't like it...
What was worse was when I went in for work on the following Monday. My sunburn was beginning to peel on my face badly. *groans* It suck sooo much! Lol. I looked like I had leprosy or something. In fact, someone even called me "The Leper." They also called me "Splotch" and "Quasimodo." ...That ain't right! Lol. XD It was all in good fun though. But still... How would you like it if people just stared at you? It was getting annoying. I almost felt compelled to put a sign with an explanation on my back, or put a paper bag over my head. ^^
Fortunately, that night I took a shower and just scrubbed my face. Gently yet vigorously, mind you. I looked completely better.
Now, I'm just itchy... all over my body! *Grrr!* And I'm still peeling too, but not as bad (and not in the most obvious of places). *scratches* Oh look. There's a piece of me fell onto my desk! *ewww*

That's me. Itching and burning and almost swearing at the same time... >_<
Mine Pictures
I received some pics from my adventure in the Emerald mine. Some of them didn't turn out well. (Heck, we were 450' down in the earth! Lol.) So anyway, here are the links for them:
Coal Mine Pic #1
Coal Mine Pic #2
Can you guess which one is me?
Hint: I'm the one that looks like a Geek from Heck!!)
Growing Pains
Ah. I can't believe I'm almost 20. *looks at calendar* In November. *sighs* The more I think about how much older I am and am getting, the more I want to move out on my own. Not just for the independence (for I'm sure I'd frequent my parents' place... for food... because I'm poorish). Lol. But part of me wants to move out because of the bickering that goes on, over the little things (or what should be little).
For instance, my mom and I don't have the closest relationship. In my view, for that's the only one I can give, she's hard to be close to in the first place. She's the type to make a big deal out of, let's say, my wanting to give someone else a piece of clothing. "Well, that's still good!" or "I've never seen you wear that!!" and the like. It gets old real fast. My dad and I, on the other hand, get along just fine.
Well anyway, my mom's going in for some major surgery in her back, more specifically, in her spinal column. Apparently, the disks between some of the vertebrae have collapsed, making it bone-to-bone. That's painful. So she's going to be out for a while.
That being the case, my dad and I are going to have to pick up a lot of responsibilities and at the same time maintain our own. This is going to be trying on me because I want to have the right heart attitude with all of this, yet I know I'm going to get weary. Alas, we'll see how that goes soon.
So Long!
Ok! Well I'll see you later! I drew the other night a Bleach pic of Ichigo. I like how it turned out and will post it when I color it. That reminds me... I've got to try to enter ElvesAteMyRamen's contest! Yipes! See ya!! *flash steps away*