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Member Since
• 2005-12-12
• College student
Real Name
• Just call me "Sush"
• Graduated high school back in the year '05, went to Africa for 2 wks. (missions trip), competed in the NACA basketball competition and came in 11th (out of 12! - LOL), and other stuff
Anime Fan Since
• Pokemon started it all! XD
Favorite Anime
• Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FMA, FLCL, DBZ, Mushishi, Dennou Coil, Miyazaki films, and so many more!
• To be sold out for Jesus and use the gifts I've been given for his glory!
• Draw/doodle, music, sports, and (most importantly) my church
• People say I have talent, but I don't seem to see what they do... ^^;
| twilight samurai
Friday, August 17, 2007
Greetings everyone! How are you all? I think today is the first in a while that I've been able to visit more than 5 sites. ^^ I cannot believe how much I can miss in the event of a few days. But then again, I did have some things go on in the past several days too. ^^
A Week Chocked Full of Events
Ok, so when I say "chocked full," I don't mean to imply that a TON of things happened, but some rather good things did occur.
Here Comes the Bride
I wonder, as you all read the title, if any of you thought I was going to talk about myself, as if I was getting married... Bah. Yeah right! Lol. No, but my friends from VA are! I was quite surprised by it all since 1.) they're sooo young and 2.) they just graduated from high school! That's fast! Lol. Plus, I heard that groom-to-be's dad is giving them a HOUSE! I can imagine the conversation between them...
Father: Son, I got you something as a wedding gift.
Son: Yeah? What is it?
Father: *hands him keys* ... Your very own house!!
Son: O_O Awesome! Thanks, Dad!! WHOOHOO!!!
Yeah... Wow, that is awesome, but whoa buddy!
Tea and Crumpets, Anyone?
My teacher from way back when had her 60th birthday on Tuesday. It was supposed to be a surprise celebration, but I think it leaked out somehow... *shakes head* It was a nice time. It was a Tea Party theme since my teacher loves/collects all things that are tea related.. for the most part.
I have to say, she was my favorite teacher from high school. Probably the most strict teacher I've ever had, but never mean-like. She's really nice, just very direct and to the point. Lol. Good times... good times... ^^
Can You Pay My Bills..?
I'm so grateful for the job I have. This year they've bumped my hourly pay to 14/hour with a $2 bonus in the end. That's good because I'm going to need the money for a couple of expenses.
1. I just registered for college. This year is much lighter since I'm taking 3 courses in music, and I didn't need any books! Good, yes? Well, that's what I thought until I saw the bill. ...Stinkin' $938 for 3 classes!! *grumbles*
2. My car needed to go to the shop for coolant, A/C fix-up, and a door repair. What broke me the most was the A/C, but I had to get that fixed - I can't stand sweating in my car! There's goes another $344!!
Oh the agony! So I told myself that I would not buy anything else until I've saved more moolah or until I've paid off my bills. *sighs*
I heard from a friend that this hair studio called Dreamzz did her hair. Both she and I liked what they did to her hair. So I decided to get my hair done at the same place with the same guy that did hers. The guy did a really nice job with my hair. He cut it short... maybe a little too short than what I asked, but my hair grows fast. Fortunately, I was able to donate my hair to Locks of Love for kids and others who have lost their hair due to cancer and the like.
Anyway, a lot of people liked my new do. It even fooled some people, like "Do I know you?" XD *evil laughter* YES! AND THEN COMES THE WORLD!!! *looks around* ...What?
Life Is But a Dream
Speaking of dreams, I had a weird one the last night. I dreamt of fairies, I think. However, these fairies didn't appear "Tinkerbell" size, but more like little gnat size. In my dream, I had my own fairy, whom I kept smashing because I thought it was a fly or something. So it granted everyone else's wish? O_o Yeah, I know... Very strange. Even stranger, in my dream, I was making a big deal about green peppers. Did you see that? My fairy made a green pepper!!
Don't ask me if I was on crack... 'Cause I wasn't! Lol.
I tried to keep my post somewhat shorter since I had a lot on my mind. I could've just blabbed on but that wouldn't have been cool. ^^ I hope you all are doing well. I'll visit more sites later! Take care!!
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