Time: 9:20 a.m.
Mood: Drained
I am: eating a piece of cold toast with Nutella spread... Mmm... Nutella.
G'day, mates! ^^ (A friend is in Australia for school. Five whole months she gets to stay there!! I am jealous...Lol)
Anyway, a few of my friends have gone back to college today: for one, it's his first semester. That should be interesting for him. ^^ I will be starting tomorrow, but my classes will only be on Tuesdays and Thursdays (I hope). Because my piano teacher hasn't contacted me yet, I'm not sure as to when I'll have those lessons. *shrugs* I'm sure she'll be okay with my having the lessons on either Tuesday or Thursday.
In the meantime, I'll be working at the good ol' coal company. ^^ Oh yeah! On a side note, do you all recall that I went on a mine tour? Well, one week later after we came back from there, an accident occurred. Some heavy machinery fell onto a guy's leg, crushing it. He unfortunately had to have it amputated. I'm glad nothing like that happened while I was down there!!
No New News
Today is the day of my mom's surgery. She goes in for the actual surgery 11 a.m. and will be under the knife for 4 to 5 hours. It's quite the procedure. I may have mentioned this before, but if you don't recall, I'd like to go over the whole scenario.
My mom has had back problems for 20 years or so. A lot of the pain is caused by collapsed disks in her vertebrae. There are disks in between the individual bone to cushion the whole spinal column. However, when the disks collapse, it creates a bone-to-bone action, which is very painful. So, the doctor is going to put metal rods between the vertebrae, whose disks have collapsed. This will help mitigate her back pains.
I just hope and pray the whole procedures go well and favorable.^^;
*is called to a meeting and returns sometime later*
Time: 11:10 a.m.
Whoo! I just came back from a meeting with my boss and an auditor. The auditor came to check out what I've done in this management system. She said that what I've done so far is A.O.K. Whoot! ^^ *ponders* What does the "A" in a.o.k. mean? What does the whole thing mean? O_o
Oh yeah. Some of you noted that extremely random question I asked the other day, about the Kings in a deck of cards.
Le Kun actually got the answer correct! *hands Le Kun another choco-donut* Here's the breakdown:
Spades - King David
Hearts - Charlemagne
Clubs - Alexander the Great
Diamonds - Julius Caesar
My dad had sent me this email while I was at work. It contained some pretty nifty facts I had never heard of. ^^ You all have probably gotten emails like that one and like the following one:
Yuor mnid is petrty azminag. Eevn wehn all the ltetrs are all srcmabeld, yuor mnid can ipnertert the wrdos as lnog as the frsit and lsat lterts are in prepor odrer. I'm srue you hvae gtoetn tihs one bferoe, rgiht? ^^

Is It In You? (trial)Hosted By
This is a pic I was thinking about entering in Iruka Sensei/Knight Edge's Soul Society contest. But the more I look at it, the more I hate it! Lol. ^^; It needs help so if you could, give some critical feedback on it, that would be greatly appreciated!
Well, that's all. Pretty random post today! ^^ Take care you all. I hope to see you around.