Whoo boy! Thanks you all for you concern and care. Man, I don't know what I would've done had my accident been something major! Again, I can only thank the Lord for keeping me safe.
This post won't be long since I don't have too much to say... I think. ^^' Oh yeah... There weren't too many people on last night. What school can do to us... ^^
What to do..What to do??
Anyway, I'm in this dilemma concerning what to do about a mode of transportation. Well, at first, my dad said that he and my mom would actually look in to getting me a car, i.e. I don't have to buy one! I was really psyched about that. But then last night at dinner, he and my mom had talked and came to another alternative.
My dad works for a backgrounds investigation company. A perk for working for them is that they provide you a company car that's brand new. In his case, my dad will be getting a 2008 Dodge Charger. Very sweet indeed. ^^ This will or could leave me with his older-yet-still-very-new 2006 Chevy HHR. If you don't know what they are, click
right here to see an image of it.
Let me know if the link is dead.
I feel somewhat hesitant because I like the HHR but then again, I don't... The pros for keeping and using the HHR is that 1. it's brand new for the most part, 2. it has no problems, 3. it'll be cheaper to a degree, and 4. I still don't have to pay for gas. X3 The cons I find with this are 1. I'll have to make payments on it in addition to the insurance payments, 2. I find some blind spots in it, and 3. I really don't like it for a personal car. ^^;
After righting that list of pros and cons, I would say that the pros have the better perspective. I mean, my parents even told me that I don't have to make additional car payments if I can't because I don't have the money. They even said that when I'm not working that I don't have to pay. That's pretty cool, eh?
*ponders* Ok, so maybe I'll keep it for a while, but I'll still look around! Lol.
Commenting on Comments
Magnus Lenshurr - Thanks for the "Monster Hugs"!! I really appreciated them. It was freakin' scary... *shudders*

Your "monster" hugs helped. ^^
Sessylover18 - I DO BLAME THE FRIDGE! Well, the person who left the refrigerator in the middle of the road. My dad was like, "What idiot leaves a fridge in the middle of the road and not know it?!" Lol. I must agree with him. *shakes head*
Crystal Flute - Yah! Who knew binders could take so stinkin' long! Lol. The worst part of it all was that I kept messin' up on all of those labels! Grrrr.... Bloomin' labels that require tweezers to remove...
dark desires - You ran into your parents' mail box? Heehee... That's sorta funny! XD At least it was your parents' and not someone else's... ^^'
Le Kun - I don't think the fridge was ever important to me... Lol. *shrugs* And my parents were VERY thankful. They were more sympathetic toward me this time than my first accident (where I rear-ended someone): that's why they're helping with the car this time. ^^
morbid twilight - Yeah, it was pretty scary. I felt like I was in shock for a while before the police came. O_O I try not to dwell on the "What could've happened..."
Well, cheerio! Take care you all.