Greetings, everyone! My, my... It's been quite a while since I've come here. Well, a lot seems to have happened this past weekend, so I was not able to visit that many of you all. Sorry! Despite it all, I hope you are doing well. ^_^
An Evening of Puccini
Well, we had 2 nights of this particular performance, one on Friday and the other on Sunday.
Friday's performance was certainly not out best. On one particular act, the flutists began way TOO FAST. My professor was saying that the conductor was quietly screaming at them, "SLOOOOOOW DOOOWN!!" Too late. Thus, when we came in, we were like a train crash, stacked upon each other. Fortunately, you would only have to have a good ear to really have heard that...
The good news is that the concert sold out. I told my dad that we messed up, but he didn't notice it at all. *shrugs* It could have been worst.
Sunday went much better, yet we still have our flubs. One of the key singers missed their cue and didn't enter on to the stage. O_O So what was basically a two-part performance inadvertantly became one. *grins* I'm glad that this particular performance is over. Opera is all right and such, but still... asi asi...
The Building Project
I've also been busy at the work project. It is coming along quite nicely. If anyone needs some grouting done in their home, well, feel free to contact me. *winks* Over the many months, I've obtained some really neat skills when it comes to construction. However, last night was rather dry and dull since I and several others hauled bricks (big ones) down to the basement. *le pant*
My pastor has bumped the date to November 17th. On that day, we're going to have the people from our Sterling (Virginia) church come up and visit for the ceremony. That'll be cool, but we still have a good push to go. *collapses onto chair* Plus, we still have a wedding to hold, which will be on the 10th of November, which is what we truly pushing for. -___-;
Anyway, I thought I'd take some time and introduce you to a couple of my friends in a little video. I used my camera to shoot this, so please bear with me! ^^;
Click Here for the video
Can you guess this guy's favorite beverage? XD And yes, he goes to our church and brings us many laughs. He also likes to pick on me, so I threaten to open up his stitches with a good 1-2. Don't mess with the Sushi. ^^
Good bye
Rather short, or I think it is. Sorry I haven't gotten to your sites. I miss you all! *hugs* I'll try to catch up over the next few. *hands out Chick-fil-A coupons*