Oye. I'm beginning to sound like a broken record.
Sorry for the absence. Yadda yadda yadda. ^^; It's been quite the week the past several days since I've last posted. Here's why...
Opening Ceremony
As you all may know, I am currently involved in our church's building project. We've been working on this project for well over 2 years, and so much progress has taken place! It's been very trying and taxing at some times but, nevertheless, it's been an overall awesome experience.
Well, November 17th was the day we were going to hold our opening ceremony, yet still so much had to be done and at least buttoned up. So all that week, from Monday to Friday and even some on Saturday, we all poured a lot of hours into that project! Thursday and Friday felt like the real killers since I went to be on those days from 2 to 4 in the morning. I was fortunate enough to be able to catch up on some rest. However, not all my friends had that same opportunity, so they would at times run on "E." *collapses*
Some of the cool things that were accomplished include:
-The gym floor was laid, save for a few rows of hard wood (laid in the course of, I'd say, 72 man hours or so)
-Carpet was laid on a majority of the main floor, as was the tile
-More painting
-Doors installed
-Bathrooms completed (for the most part: toilets, partitions, mirrors and sinks)
By far, the gym floor's getting laid had to be the highlight of the week. I mean, we laid it down relatively quickly. It looks great even though it looks like a bunch of confetti. That gym floor of maple hard wood cost us
nothing!! It came from another gym and was practically brand new: it saved us 20 grand or so.
Also, since we were hosting for our friends from Sterling (a group of 400+ people), we all had given responsibilities, like baking cookies, or preparing veggie trays, etc. It was very tiring indeed. *nods wearily*
On a side note, I had to make brownies. I just used a few Duncan Haynes brownie mix. However, I think my brownies were infamous for their horrid taste. Apparently, the oil I used was pretty bad because so many people commented on their oily/icky taste! Lol I did not own up to them. *slowly backs away while whistling* Heehee...
Thank God our pastor said that our next work day would be Friday, and we'd end around 9:30 or so. Unfortunately, that was when I was planning my hibotchi dinner at Kobe's for my 20th birthday, which is tomorrow! W00t! Alas, I must plan it for some other day... *sighs*
Wedding Day Too!
Oye, the wedding was also on Saturday. It was so funny because the people in the wedding never rehearsed or anything beforehand! Lol So when the people from Sterling mostly left, they began to rehearse for the wedding, which would be in the next 2 hours or so! XD
After they practiced some, all of the bride's maids and bride-to-be went to the house and began to get ready. They asked me to take pictures of them while they were getting ready. It was so funny to see them dash around like little insects. The bride, however, remained cool and collected for the most part. She really didn't care what she looked like in the long run: she just wanted get married and be done with it all! ^^ Don't get me wrong... She wanted to look very nice and presentable! But she wasn't taking her sweet time like the rest of them. She was ready before they all were and began walking back down to the church. Lol (The distance between the church and the house is like 2 minutes walking.)
The ceremony went really well. It was certainly not your traditional wedding, but that's cool. She looked great and the groom cleaned up nice too. Lol
Following the ceremony was the reception. We ate food and chilled for a little while. Then it was time for the bouquet throw. My friend and I were like, "Not-uh!" So we backed up way far from the crowd.
Well, lo and behold, the bride launched that bouquet... Directly toward me! I swear, it looked like a death missle heading straight for me, and it all happened like it was slow-mo or something. As it was heading toward me, I thought:
Oh God! It's heading straight for me!! Hmm. My legs aren't moving. Not good. Why isn't anyone else going for it! Was I set up? Oof...
People told me that it was one fluid motion - in the air landing right in my arms. I stared at the flowers, frowned and walked away. Lol Bring on the "marriage" jokes.
Who's the unlucky man?! Hahaha. Funny.
Mozilla vs. IE
Dag... It's been a whole week since I posted. *shakes head* Ok, so you may also recall that I was having some difficulty with the color codes and whatnot with Mozilla Firefox. Different browsers show web pages differently: IE7 will cut off certain pages while Mozilla uses that standard "red, green, blue" colors.
Well, I did some digging around last night and came across some extensions/add-ons for Mozilla, namely the ColorZilla extension. It appears that after I installed it, that now I can use whatever color code (Hex coding) I want. The ColorZilla also features an eyedropper that allows you to pick whatever colors from off another webpage. How spiffy is that! ^^ I'll do some more playing around in order to get the nicest match for my blogs and whatnot.
For more info about ColorZilla, click
Note: Thank you,
CosmicSailor for letting me know of that color palette
Know Your Anime!
You guys are really good! The right answer from last time was good ol' Vash! Gosh, every time I go to Borders, which isn't often, I always want to pick up the Trigun manga. Someday I suppose...

Vash the Stampede - Trigun
Ok, so here's today's new Unknown. Let's see how sharp you all are. XD

Who am I?
Ok then! I know I've said far too much. So I guess I shall see you all later on today! Have a great day. ^^