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College student
Real Name
Just call me "Sush"
Graduated high school back in the year '05, went to Africa for 2 wks. (missions trip), competed in the NACA basketball competition and came in 11th (out of 12! - LOL), and other stuff
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon started it all! XD
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FMA, FLCL, DBZ, Mushishi, Dennou Coil, Miyazaki films, and so many more!
To be sold out for Jesus and use the gifts I've been given for his glory!
Draw/doodle, music, sports, and (most importantly) my church
People say I have talent, but I don't seem to see what they do... ^^;
| twilight samurai
Monday, December 17, 2007
Heh. My weekly show up...
These are Christmas cards from a couple of my good friends, KitaBug69 and Enigmatic Turk!
Konnichiwa! How is everyone! Aye, it's been a while, and I've missed you all. I hope things have been going well with you all. *hugs*
Finally Done
I was hoping to come again last week, but I never got around to it. Last week were our finals at college. I pretty much know what I got in 2 of my 3 classes: they were A's. See, you just need to show up (Concert Choir) and practice hard (Applied Piano). They're pretty much easy A's if you do just that. It's funny though - this was the first semester my piano teacher had to fail a person and give another a D. *shakes head*
The course that has shaken me up the most is my Music Theory 3 class. And just to clear something up, "music" is not a cup of tea that some people make it out to be. Lol Anyway, my final for the MT3 class was broken up into 2 parts: ear training and written. By George, the ear training one gave me heck in the end... well, I guess the written did as well. I'm most bummed that I was not able to go to any concerts or performances to acquire some extra credit. *weeps* Ooo... I should go check my grades online... Be right back... *leaves to check grades*
*comes back* I cringed as the screen was loading... However, it seems as though my teacher hasn't yet posted the grade.... Grrrr! *crosses fingers*
Saturday Night Anime
I enjoy watching the toons on Saturday when I can. The following will be just tid-bits that stood out to me from the shows:
Naruto: Okay, I've missed a lot! I think LordSesshomaru told me that I could just break from Naruto since there would be a lot of filler. So I did (not necessarily because of him... ^^) and thus have missed a lot of action. Off to YouTube I guess!
One Piece: I haven't seen this one in quite some time too! I think the last time I watched was when Luffy fought Crocodile and left the princess lady. Sheesh, that's bad too. Now when I watched it this past Saturday, I was shocked because of the whole voice change and whatnot: I could hear their old voices yet these "new yet familiar" ones proceeded instead. Then I recalled something else LS mentioned on his site about One Piece now being under Funimation. xD LS, if you get this, could you fill me on the details? Lol
Death Note: Wow! This was a good episode. L really threw Light off guard. He freaks me out with his lifeless eyes...and when he rubs his toes together. Lol Also, I think I've grown to love Ryuk: he's such a comic relief in the whole series it seems. "An apple a day keeps Ryuk's symptoms at bay." ^^
Know Your Anime!
Yeah, that picture I posted last time might have been tricky. But LordSesshomaru was the closest although Bed-Stuy's guess made me laugh. "I think it's rice on abs." Teehee...

Mugen - Samurai Champloo
This picture cracks me up. It's from the 7th episode, I believe, where Fuu and Mugen enter this eating contest. However, it cost them some items in order to enter, namely their swords.
In the above image, Mugen's about to croak, but Jin insists he continues. Jin says: "My swords are on the line! Now swallow, dammit!" Heehee... Great anime series - check it out if you haven't done so already!
Today's Unknown:
You'll get this lickety-split. ^^
Well, I shall depart. Take care! I hope I can visit you all some time soon. *hugs*
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