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Member Since
• 2005-12-12
• College student
Real Name
• Just call me "Sush"
• Graduated high school back in the year '05, went to Africa for 2 wks. (missions trip), competed in the NACA basketball competition and came in 11th (out of 12! - LOL), and other stuff
Anime Fan Since
• Pokemon started it all! XD
Favorite Anime
• Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FMA, FLCL, DBZ, Mushishi, Dennou Coil, Miyazaki films, and so many more!
• To be sold out for Jesus and use the gifts I've been given for his glory!
• Draw/doodle, music, sports, and (most importantly) my church
• People say I have talent, but I don't seem to see what they do... ^^;
| twilight samurai
Monday, October 23, 2006
Warning: Long post...again! You don't have to read it all. ^_^
Hey my fellow Otaku peeps! heehee... I am so's not funny. *ahem* Anyway, how have you all been? I'm going to try to get to some of your sites tonight and see what I've been missing. ^_^
*sighs* My weekend has been quite busy. It seems as though I've just been on the go, almost nonstop! lol Let me give you all a quick recap of the past few days:
Tonight we went down to Sterling, VA where our "HQ" church is, if you will. There, they were having a Young Adults Talent Show. And OMGosh - it was so funny. That talent show was actually based upon the Christian ficiton Pilgrim's Progress, which is a great book by the way. If ever you get the chance, read it (although it has many metaphors and symbols in it). Anyway, it was done in a way where there were groups of different people doing different scenes. (They have a lot of people to work with). The last scene was the one I thought was the'd have to see it to believe me. ^_^
After only getting, let's see, less than 6 hours of sleep, I had to get up early and head for Ladies' Breakfast. It was a great time to be with many of the women of my church.
Following Ladies' Breakfast was a time of working on the building. I don't if I've ever mentioned this, but our church has moved and is now in the process of building new facilities. It's been a great time to be involved in this project. Cool thing is that the members of my church (around 80 people or so) have done a vast majority of the work: we've saved nearly half a million dollars doing some of the work ourselves as well as finding doors, lights, and such for our building. ^_^ Good work to say the least. *nods with approval*
Finally, it's Sunday. After a whole day in church (the message was very good), some of us young adults planned to go to an assisted living place, where we could go minister to some of the elderly folks there. We didn't have a whole lot planned, but overall things went very well. Next time, I might have some music prepared to play for them: that'll be cool. *smiles*
Alas, thus ended my busy weekend; I'm pretty pooped too. But all in all, I've had a productive weekend. This week will probably be more busy than usual. In a way, I'm not looking forward to it. *begins to laugh* Oh well! *shrugs* You gotta do what ya gotta do, right? Well, I shall hope to see you all around. Take care, my friends! *hugs*

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