myO Still <3's You
Comments (4) | Permalink Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Ahh!!!!!! MyOtaku reverted the database last night! I totally freaked out! 0.o
It swiped my last picture, and one of my guestbook entries!
Tisn't fair!! IT was ultimatelifeform's guestbook entry, and I was really looking forward to being friends with her...
*more sobs*
Well... I suppose I shall repost my picture! XD
If you guys will re-vote on it... I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER!
*puppy eyes*
But don't lie! If you don't like it, say no, but please tell me why!! I really need to get better... :'(
And guess what! Two more people entered Neko-chan's contest! I would like to give a beeg round of applause to:
Sakura18 and Adia-chan!!
It was a true friggin joy when I saw 'em! They're just so... COOL!! XD XD XD XD
Ok.. I'll stop now... sorry. 0.o
I gots to go take a bath... cause my stinky... and then I'm off to school!! Then afterward... I SHALL TAKE OVER TEH WOOOOORLD!!!
Anyone wanna help?! XD
~Forever and Always~
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Guess what! I'm feeling better! Woohoo!
Guess what else? I FINALLY GOT MY YOOHOO!!!
*really really happy dance*
Been begging everyone in my neighborhood for three days..
So finally my mom drugged meh. And when I woke up... I HAD A YOOHOO! XD
This one... is just so happy..
*sparkly eyes*
Well anyway, I have a new piccie up for Fire Apparition! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope it's a great one!!!! XD
And I'm one vote away from 300! Woohoo!
Anyways.. the contest is almost over, and I really hope someone else submitted an artwork! A lot of people are busy and can't do it, or some event (such as broken scanner) prevents them from entering. But I thank ya'll soooooooooooooo much for even considering it!!!!
Oh my gosh... I saw Highwind Pheonix's Red XIII
fanart... *feels so small*
IT FRIGGIN ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So cool! I bow to your greatness Mi-chan!
I have no idea what else to say... So I'm gunna go and drink my yoohoo now...
Ja ne everyone! And have a great day!!! XD
~Forever and Always~
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Monday, February 20, 2006
Ah.... make the room stop spinning....
Ooooh... this sucks...I have the flu, and I'm so friggin dizzy... I can't walk straight.
So I'm annoying my mother to death by rolling around the house in the computer chair...
I've run into the wall at least six times... that's how friggin dizzy I am. But it does serve for a little amusement.
Ah...owowowowowowoowowowowowowowo... headache.
I wanna yoohoo...
In other news! I'm beggining to practice new coloring styles. Like cell coloring and soft-style. I can't exactly guarantee I'll be able to learn it... but I'm sure as heck tryin'. And I'm doin' pretty good on the soft-style. And equally as bad on the cell style. 0.0
But other than that things are pretty good...
How are ya'll doin'? I hope you have a wonderful day! ^___^
~Forever and Always~
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Sunday, February 19, 2006
Oooh... I ish shleepy....
Bleh... I stayed up 'till like 3 this morning. That's not that long... but I haven't gone to sleep in like... 2 days? I'm wore out!
*gets up and dusts off*
Sorry.. momentary relapse. 0.o
Anywho... how are all ya'll doin today? I'm finally feeling better!! I got to talk to some of my good friends yesterday, and it helped a lot! Thank you so much Fox-kun, Mi-chan, Ri-chan, and Megan-chan! I looooove you guys!! You always make me smile, even on the gloomiest days!
Mmm.. speaking of which... I haven't talked to Neko-chan in a few days. and I am very worried...
She usually gets on at least once a day.. or once every other day. But not even that...
Ahh... I'm very worried... I hope she's ok.
Anyway, I've been sketching a lot lately, and hopefully I will get to post some of them soon. I've just been so busy with school work...
Speaking of which... I have to go do some more right now.. ugh... it sux. Well anyway, I'll talk to ya'll later! Have a good day!! And if you need anything at all, just pm me!! Ja ne!
~Forever and Always~
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Saturday, February 18, 2006
Oh dear... I'm afraid my self-esteem is at an all time low. My art has been put down so much lately, I just.. don't know if it's worth it anymore. Maybe I should just quit drawing? It might be better. Doesn't seem like it's getting me anywhere anyway.
Gosh I just feel so...aweful. Bah. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you all with my ranting. I just need to let it all out! I promise I'll be better by tomorrow...
And guess what everyone? More people are going to enter Neko-chan's contest! So I prolly won't even place. 0.o Not that it really matters... I just entered it for fun. But it's nice not to feel completely worthless.
*bangs head on keyboard*
Oh.. and by the way, Highwind Phoenix, thank you so much for even considering entering the contest. I'm sorry you're so busy, and really hope things clear up for you soon! ^____^
Anyway.. I'll leave ya'll alone for now! ^^
And if I think of anything else I'll add it on later!
Well ja ne for now!! And have a wonderful day everyone!!
~Forever and Always~
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Friday, February 17, 2006
Oooh.... sleepy
It's 11:30 and I just woke up... ahh I'm so laaazy. But I got a new bed, so I have a good excuse.
Anyway... I don't really have much to say today, except that I'm so busy I'm about to croak. >.<
But I know I'm just being a baby... some of my friends have oodles and oodles of requests..and still manage to do it without complaint.
I only have a few and I'm struggling. 0.o
But it's because I kinda have a little case of drawer's block... or whatever the heck ya wanna call it. You know... those days where you just can't draw even the simplest thing to save your life? 0.o
But I'm trying soooo hard to get them all done on time! Oh.. and it turns out I'm the only one who has entered Neko-chan's contest. There are 11 days left 'till the deadline, so if anyone wants to give it a try...
But at this rate I'm going to win by default.. which is sad, 'cause this will be the only contest I've ever won... is that sad or what? >.<
Anyway... I gots to go to the store now.. but this one bids you farewell for now, and have a good day minna-san!!
Ooooh! I just got back from the store... and I hooked up my new webcam and microphone! XD
And am now enjoying my favorite game in the whole wide world.... annoying Ben-san! XD
And I'm pretty good at it if I do say so myself...
Anyway, just wanted to tell ya'll that.. for some weird reason... 0.o
~Forever and Always~
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Oh my goodness!! I had such a wonderful birthday yesterday!! And it was all because of my friends right here on Myotaku!!!
A huge thank you to Highwind Phoenix, ArcticFoxDemon, Hiei's Dark Kitten, RedTigress, and Sakairi-chan! You guys rock!! Thank you so much for making such a lousy day... so very wonderful! I just can't say thank you enough...
*teary eyes*
You guys... have no idea how happy that made me! Just a simple Happy Birthday... can make a person's day! Oh... Thank You!!!
Well... I have to go to the doctor now, but I'll be back later!!! Ja ne everyone! Have a great day!! ^______________________^
~Forever and Always~
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
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Well first off I'd just like to say.... I promise this is the last you'll hear of it! I'm so sorry if I've annoyed any of you over the last week, I was just so excited!
And in case anyone didn't know... today is my birthday. Whoopie.
I don't really feel as good about it as I should, I guess. I've been put down so much over the last few days... I dunno. I just feel so friggin' horrible.
But before I get all depressing and stuff... I want to give a HUGE thank you to Sakairi-chan! Look what she made me!
*happy tears*
Really and truly, thank you so much Sakair-chan! You have no idea how happy this made me! No one's ever done anything like that for me before! You have really made my day. Thank you so, so much.
And to everyone else who told me Happy Birthday, thank you so much as well!
And especially Fox-kun! You gave me such an absolutely wonderful valentine yesterday.. I thought I'd never stop blushing! O///O
Anyway... I guess I'll leave ya'll alone now. Sorry again if I annoyed you! ^__^
~Forever and Always~
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