myO Still <3's You
Comments (0) | Permalink Monday, January 9, 2006
Sunday, January 8, 2006
This one is content...
This one finished her second request yesterday! And I'm happy to say that the person this one drew it for was pleased. Or at least this one thinks she is. -_-'
But your all have my friend Neko-chan to thank for this one being in a better mood! Arigatou Neko-chan!
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Saturday, January 7, 2006
I'm sorry everyone... this one is having a really bad week. My parents are fighting again.. and they seem to be venting on me. And my heart just hasn't been in my work lately. I apologize. But I promise I won't stop! Because even if only one person likes my drawings... that makes it worth while. ^^
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Friday, January 6, 2006
This one is so happy everyone! I got seven votes for my request pic! Thank you so very much! And guess what! This one is waiting for her new iPod nano to come in the mail!
*does a happy dance*
Ahh!! And by the way! This one has added a new picture! So be sure to let me know what you think ok? All of your input is very valuable to me and is held in the highest respect! Okay... I think that's all I wanted to say... so have a lovely day everyone!
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
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First Request!!!
Omgawsh!!! This one is so proud! *puffs out chest* I gots my vewy first request! *does a happy dance* It took me awhile to get the poses right... and I'm still not quite satisfied with em', but I think it'll do. So everyone be sure to let me know what you think when I post it, k?
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