myO Still <3's You
Comments (8) | Permalink Friday, June 30, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
ZOHMGAWD! X3333333
I just joined a new club!!! XDDDDDDDDD
As you can see this one added a new banner to her site.
You are now looking at one of the newest members of WDX!
*puffs out chest*
I am having such a frigin good time on there! XDDDD
This one can't stop laughing!!!!!
And.... my status on there isn't very high yet, but I almost posted fifty times in one day! O__O
But anyways....
I gots nuuuuuuthin new to say other than that. X3
So... Have a great day everyone, I'll edit if anything new pops up. =)
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we goooo!
Mood: Content ^^
Listening to: Nothing
Reading: Nothing
Watching: M*A*S*H (One of my all-time favorite shows! X3)
Playing: Haunting Ground (AKA Demento)
Hiiiiiiiiyas! This one hash returned from.... wherever it is I was. o_O
The last thing I remember was being attacked by an evil Big Mac from under my bed.
-cue Twilight Zone theme-
Anyways.... this one and Neko-chan did another team piccu! X3
Teh Piccu Of Doominess!
Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase check it out....
*looks around*
She wouldn't post it... so I did. X3
But anyways, LOOKIE!!!
It is this one when she was younger! =D
About five or six. X3
And that is my natural hair. o_O
This one was making a sandwich in the kitchen when she found the picture near the toaster. Momma doesn't really care about my pictures much.
But now I think I shall go and.... do something else cause... I have nothing more to say. XD
So... bai bai everyone! Have a great day!
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Mood: Content ^^
Listening to: Nothing
Reading: Nothing
Watching: M*A*S*H (One of my all-time favorite shows! X3)
Playing:Final Fantasy X (Again. X3)
^^ Haaaaaaaallo!!!!
Ki-chan is back an iiiiiiiiiiiiiin business!!!
This one had so much fun with Meggy!! (music=life)
I went to stay with my grandma, and she came to spend the night! X3
We stayed up aaaall night, drawing and playing Inuyasha : Feudal Combat, and Red Ninja : End Of Honor!!!
Then the next night I went to stay with her! They sold their house... so Meggy got her own camper to stay in, and her parents had their own! X3
Our camper had the computer, gamecube playstation 2, T.V., about two-hundred-million different colored sharpies, and aaaaaaaaall the junk food you can eat! X33333
It was so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This one missed her soooooo much.... and now she misses Meggy again... ;_;
My daddy came got me this morning. ;__;
I have two new piccus up!!! ^^
And.... nothing else new. o.o
Okies well.... I really missed you guys. T^T
And... now I have to go so... bai bai!!!
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Neko-chan here updating for Ki-chan!
Hello everyone who visits her site, it;s Neko-chan here Aka: Hieis Dark Kitten!
Well, anyways, Ki-chan wanted me to update her site for her, so noone worries. She went to her grandparents house, and is now with her friend Megan. music=life So no worries! Alright?! ^_^
She shall return in a couple of days, so you won't have to listen to me for long! ^-~
Oohhh, and you ALL should go and vote on her new fanart that she put up really quickly!! ^o^ It's so pretty!! I am proud of my sissy!!
Oohhh, and you all should know, that she is now a "otaku legend" instead of a "otaku senior" ^-^ *claps* Whoo!!
Anyways, Ki-chan shall return in a couple of days!!!
Bai bai!!
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Mood: Happy! ^^
Listening to: .hack//SIGN - Aura
Reading: Drama Con
Watching: Nothing
Hi everyone!!! How are you doing today? I felt REALLY bad earlier... almost... suicidal bad.
No one would talk to me, and it broke my heart. ;__;
But then Gigi got online! And we talked for a long time! ^^
And I called Meggy, and she helped a LOT.
And when Gigi had to go to bed, Ben-san was there for me. =)
So with the help of three of this one's awesomely awesomeness friends... she made it through the day! ^^
I was really feeling horrible... I thought that I had annoyed everyone so much that they didn't wanna talk to me any longer. ;__;
It's happened before.... why couldn't it happen again? That thought kept repeated itself in my head over and over. ;_____;
But don't worry, I really am better now! All thanks to them.
I dunno what I'd do without you guys. ;___;
Much love.
I made a Naruto OC. =)
She pretty much is Kasai-chan, with a different name, and as a human.
Her personality is still exactly the same. And her overall attitude. I love her too much to just push her to the side. She is me.. after all. =)
*huggles her*
Gigi is gunna outline the sketch for me, cause my tablet is fried at the current time. ;__;
So... it should be up later on. o_O
I loooooooooove making outfits... and I got to make a totally new one this time. XP
And it's as detailed as I could make it, while still being fairly easy to draw.
I'm a stickler for details. I don't... really like plain. At all. .__.
It bugs meh.
Anyways, Gigi-chan seems to be the first one to always see my drawings first. XD
And vice-versa.
She calls it being the 'First Class VIP.'
And... she says she's my number one fan!
I didn't even know I had fans.
After she said that I was bouncin off the walls! XD
Gigi doodled that too! XD
It's me and her! I'm on the bottom and she's on top! X333
Ooooooo! I spend more time with her than with anyone else! We talk all the time, and joke around!! And we talk aaaaaall day!!!!
*looks around*
Ooook... it's two o' clock in the mornin... time to go to bed. O_O
I'll update ya'll later on the piccu progress if ya want! X3
Okies gots to go now! Love you guys, have a great day!!!!!!!
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Monday, June 19, 2006
Oh noes....
This one's tablet isn't working!
That is what she uses to draw most of her pictures! T^T
*kicks it*
It makes me wanna cwy. T^T
Nothing I do makes it work... I've restarted paintshop, reloaded the tablet, restarted the computer... tried it in a different progam.... NOTHING WORKS! T____________________________T
That is what this one gets for a buying the cheapest tablet in history. ;__;
And and and... I MISS THAT CHEAP TABLET!!!!!!!!!!
*huggles it*
But anyways...
I gots twenty-two votes on one piccie, and seventeen comments on the same one. O______O
I ish so thankful I could cry. ;___;
Thank you everyone.... you really made my day! T^T
O_O Uh oh!!! Got to go now!
I'll be back later! Love you guys, have a great day!
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Sunday, June 18, 2006
Mood: Sleepeh
Listening to: Alizee - Veni Vedi Vici
Reading: Nothing..
Watching: American Dragon Jake Long O_o...
First off I have noooooo idea what the title means. I found an avatar in my picture folder with that written on it. o_O
This one ADORES the random one. XD XD XD
I just felt like posting those.. just because. O_o
Alright NOW! For the big news.
I have a new piccu up! But this one is a collaboration (team pic)with Gigi! XD
I drew it, and she colored it. X3333
It is also this one's current background on her computer.
*huggles it*
Please check it out too, I'm sure you'll like it. ^_~
But only if you have time please. Don't go out of your way! =)
Mmmm... what else.......
Nothing I don't think. Okies so I shall go noooooooow. <.< >.>
Bai bai everyone!!!
Thank you so much for always commenting.
*feels uber loved*
Have a great day!
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Saturday, June 17, 2006
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Hello everyone!
How are you today? I'm still so-so... but I'm a lot better than before at least. =)
Apparently the only sissies who have time for me are Gigi and Megan.
Noooooooone else likes to talk to me.
Ah well, I'm having so much fun with Gigi right now it's scareh! XDDDDDDD
Please check out her AWESOME art.
She is my idol. She's just such a cool person... ;_;
And she helps me in more ways then she will ever know. ;____;
*glomps her*
I looooooooooooove you Gigi! T^T
Thank you for being there for me when I need you most! T^T
And she has aaaaaaalso been teaching me some things in drawing!
*sparkly eyes*
And this one has been trying to help her too.. even though you can't improve perfection! X3
OH! And I have two more pics up. O_o;;;;
I'm on a roll!
One I drew in microsoft paint... I hadn't meant to draw it.. I was just doodling...
But.. it's kind of a farewell to my cousin, Miranda.
*salutes her*
Bai bai Mandy... I'm gunna miss that smile, the one you always had for me, no matter what. Nothing could cheer me up quite like it. I love you.
And the other I drew while talking to Gigi! =3
She suggested I use one of her poses so I did. XDDDDDDD
Okies I gots to go now bai bai everyone! XD
Have a great day!
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