myO Still <3's You
Comments (9) | Permalink Thursday, June 15, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
^^ Psychiatrist....
Mood: Depressed... ;_; But getting better!
Listening to: Sounds of battle... O_o
Reading: Her Majesty's Dog (For the millionth time)
Watching: Ninja Turtles kicking butt..
Playing: Nuthin
Hi hi everyone! How are you guys doing today? I'm not so good...
I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally depressed right now... more so than usual. And I have to go to the psychiatrist today... so I have to suck it up unless I want to be drowned with happy thoughts and compliments that are far from true.
And I read one of my friend's posts today... about how you should never choose an internet friend over a real one.... which is true. But it made this one feel like crap.
She said you should always take time to spend with them... and cut time off the computer. And that would be great advice if I HAD friends in real life...
My best friend lives far away... so I hardly get to see her...
Anyways.. here's another of my doodle pics...
It's Kasai-chan singing... -_-;
But it's time to go to the doctor so.. I'll finish this when I get back...
Have a great day everyone.. ja ne!
Edit: Hiii!!!! This one is back from the doctors! And she got a lot off of her mind, so she is feeling much better now!
And she is speaking with Neko-chan, too, so that's just a plus.
I tend to use the term 'real friends' when refering to people I have actually met in real life... like physically. But my internet friends are some of the best friends I have ever had, and I love them sooooooo much. I dunno what I would do without them. ;o;
And I plan to make then 'real friends' very soon. >=3
I ish going to fly up to meet them soon! Whether.... soon is a few years or months. ;_;
Okkkies well... this one has SOME good news!
She will for sure be taking requests and art trades, as soon as she is finished with the current ones! But ooooonly for friends (or sisters ^_~) and frequent commenters.
So if you tend to comment on my posts a lot, you ish qualified. XD
So here is the status on the current things... :
First Place Prize: 5% (Still looking for good references. ^_~ And then I have to color it. XD)
Seconds Place Prize: 5% (Can't think of a pose to save my life. And again... color it.)
WolfGoddess222: 0% (-_- Gomen, I haven't started yet. *begs for forgiveness*)
Okies well that's about it.... see you soon everyone, have a great day....! (Again. XD)
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Mood: Content...but freezing! *shiver*
Listening to: Ayumi Hamasaki - Fairyland
Reading: Her Majesty's Dog (For the millionth time)
Watching: Nothin'
Playing: Chrono Cross
I drew a new pic of Papa everyone!!! Check it ouuuuut please! ^^
It's a few different views of him.
Oh! And he got a name change! Neko-chan helped this one decide!
His new name is officially Saeru! =D
And.... today me, Gigi, AND Neko-chan played the game! Yay!
So here's a pic each of us drew! :
Keep in mind that me and Neko-chan are using the mouse, and Gigi had use of her tablet. ;o;
When this one uses her tablet, it leaves horrible spots everywhere. Of course Gigi still rocks soooooooooooooo much with the mouse, she was just on a roll with the tablet today. XD
Anyhow, I believe that is pretty much it for today...
Except that there are two more contest going on!
Neko-chan, and gothameyes are both hosting contests.
So if you feel like it go and check em out!
Weeeeeeeeell if anyone needs anything feel free to PM or email me, I'm always here to help!
Of course this one cannot promise she will be able to aid you, but she will most certainly try!
Okies well..
Bai bai for now everyone!
Ja ne and have a great day!
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Monday, June 12, 2006
Mood: Content! ^o^
Listening to: Demon Hunter - Undying
Reading: Her Majesty's Dog (For the millionth time)
Watching: M*A*S*H
Playing: Chrono Cross
How is everyone today? Nothing new here! Me and Gigi played the game again! We do it pretty much everytime we talk! XD XD
It's so much fun though!
Here's another pic she drew:
This one was going to post one that she drew, but Gigi was requesting some 'not so safe for posting piccies'. XD
Though I'll post one if you really wanna see it. It's not that bad. =D
But I tend to draw with the mouse rather then my tablet, cause it leaves dots when I draw. ;_;
And did you all check out my new piccie yet? It's Kasai-chan's papa. XD
This one was practicing men, and she just decided to draw him. And Neko-chan drew some awesome new picies too! (As usual. XD)
Here's a linky, please check them out, too!
Neko-chan's Piccies!
Okies weeeeeeeeeeell, this one thinks that is all for today so.... Ja ne everyone!
Feel free to PM me, or add me to your messenger lists, I'm in the mood for chatting! ^o^
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Sunday, June 11, 2006
I gots a new pic up... again. This time it's a quick sketch of this one's Papa!!! Yay! ^^
And then I was trying out new coloring stuff.
And to the winners.. again. I SWEAR... this one is working on them. ;_;
Sooooo........ now this one is waiting for the picture from Dejikonyo! ^^
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd! She played the drawing game again today with Gigi!!!!!!!!! Here's the pic of the day! One she drew! =D
Anyways, I have to go to bed now sooooooooooooo.... see you soon everyone! Ja ne!
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Saturday, June 10, 2006
This one has new artwork up, please take a look if you have time. =)
One of them is an art trade.... and I only did it because I asked someone for a request, and they asked for one in return so... it's turned in to an art trade.
And another person PMed me about one, and I told them I would do a request, but only if it was fairly simple, I don't have much free time on my hands.
And so they politely told me : "Let me make the character first... geez... The character's name is rose. I'll post her sooner or later but till then complete those prizes you need to make."
That made me really, REALLY upset. When you ask someone for a request, it is not a given that you have it READY first? And at the very least be POLITE abou it.
That's not fair!! T^T
This one was going to start taking requests and things again, but now it may only be from her friends, or frequent commenters. If you are rude to me... so help me you will never get even a CIRCLE from me! >.<
*huff huff*
Ugh.. Gomen. It just really upset me. And I might have to turn him/her down now. I don't have time to 'wait' on anyone... other then friends of course.
*cries again*
This one is so tired of people being rude to her, or insulting her. ;_;
But anyway, I am back from my grandmother's house, and I apologize profusely for not visiting everyone's sites!! Forgive meh? ;_;
I'll try to get to them today I swear. ;_;
Okies I have to go now.. bai bai everyone. T^T
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Friday, June 9, 2006
Mood: In pain, but Hyper XD
Listening to: THE BAT MAN THEME SONG! O.O *coughKankurocough*
Reading: Her Majesty's Dog (For the millionth time)
Watching: Batman O_o
Playing: Red Ninja - End Of Honor
OMGAWD!!! This one thought up a game to play awhile back, where each person opens up an IM were you can doodle. (Yahoo, Msn, etc.)
And one starts off by saying a noun. Like cat, dog, Kankuro... *coughGigicough*
Anyway, and the other person has to draw it. This one and Fire Apparition play it all the time!
It ish soooooooooooooo much fun! This time we decided to do a detailed game, so we each sat down and drew detailed pics of what the other wanted! XDXDXD
I even drew Kankuro for the first time eva! >3< was.. so FUN!
And I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove to play that game. If anyone wants to play it with meh, feel free to IM me one day. =)
I can't promise that I'll be able to, or feel like playing but eh, it never hurts to ask, ne?
And I gots new art up if anyone wants to check it out! I'd reaaaaaally like some feedback.
*lives for comments* ;_;
I'll give you a cookie if you comment....
Ok well... it's meh bedtime now so bai bai everyone! Have a great day!
*runs off to stalk Gigi*
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
Mood: Content. =)
Listening to: Silent Hill 4 - Room Of Angels
Reading: Nothing
Watching: Underworld - Evolution
Playing: Red Ninja - End Of Honor
Hiyas everybody! How are ya? I'm doing much better today. =D
And to the winners of my contest:
Im working on your prizes I promise!
Pleaaaaaaaaase be patient. I seem to be having an issue with drawing right now. No matter what I do it comes out cruddy. And I am not going to give out some ugly picture to you guys just because my brain stopped working. TT___TT
Anyway, I changed my post style back to normal, cause I didn't like the format of the other one. O_o;
And just because I feel like it... here are a part of the lyrics to my current song:
You lie silent there before me
your tears they mean nothing to me
the wind howling at the window
the love you never gave
I give to you
Really don't deserve it
but now there's nothing you can do
so sleep in your only memory of me
my dearest mother
Here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye
it was always you that I despised
I don't feel enough for you to cry oh well
here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye
Heehee! This one loves that song. ^^;
And... the Silent Hill series are her favorite games. And the movie is her favorite movie. XD
They are all extremely gory. O_O;
And I lurv it! XDDD
This one is a sucker for horror games.
Okies weeeeeeeell.... Neko-chan is holding another contest if you feel like entering, and so is Shelby P Wolfwood.
It's good to have options! =D
Well I think that is all for today. So bai bai everyone! The pm system is working again, at least most of the time, so feel free to pm me! I love to get those. =D
Have a great day!
Edit: And just so you know Angel-kun, I told you but I don't think you believed me. You really insulted me with what you said. ;_;
And that is hard to do.
Edit 2: *sigh* Third place has been posted! Feel free to check it out. =)
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
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Hello everyone! How are you today? =)
This one is feeling muuuuuuuuuch better! ^^;
She is just sitting here currently, taking quizzes with Neko-chan. ^^
So... what is going on in your lives?
Again... nothing new here. But as soon as this one finishes with the contest winners' prizes she will start taking requests again. =)
It's not that interesting but...
Okies well.... that's all I have to say for today I think. O_o...
See you soon everyone! Have a great day, ja ne!
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