myO Still <3's You
Comments (8) | Permalink Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Eleven contest entries... wow!
*happy dance*
That's so cool!
*bows to ya'll*
Thank for participating!
And...this one has a new entry today! From CobwebDreams! It's wonderful! Check it out! XD
W00t... today was my last day of school.... I'M FREE!!!!!!! >.<
So.... This one shall be taking requests this summer! ^.^
But it will probably be a while from now so....
Ok so they aren't really worth that much but still! >.O
I draw really cool squiglies...
Yay squiglies!
Okies Ima go annoy Ben-san now!
And... I have a new piiiiiiiccie up! It's Kasai-chan's new design.
*evil laugh*
Have a great day! Bai bai everyone!
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Alrighty then, I have five votes for an extension so.... the contest is going to end Saturday, May 27 at noon.
That way the winners should be up by the end of the day.
But that's it! No more extensions! >.O
This one can sympathise with the late entries.... she is one of the world's biggest procrastinators. T____T
In fact.... my BCA final is in... two hours... I haven't studied yet. O.O
<.< >.>
Shh! Don't tell. >.<''''''
Anyways, I gots a new entry today!! It's from Windswept134. It's wallpaper sized! XD XD XD
*sets as background*
I really, really like it! Thank you very much for taking the time to enter! XD
I love them all... ooo!!!
*huggles them*
They are aaaaaaall going on my wall of fame... in my room of doominess.
Mwaha. That is if I get all of the wonderful artists' permissions. O.O
And.... I'm going to post it on meh site now, so ya'll go check it out! ^.^
Keep those entries comin peoples!
*huggles them*
This one is sooooooooooo excited! She didn't think anyone would want to enter! XD XD XD
Anyways she really has to go study now. O.O'''
So... Bai bai everyone! Have a great day!
HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Monday, May 22, 2006
No new entries today! But I did get an extension request. I'm sorry AngelBest Dream, but it isn't fair to everyone else if I extend it. Though if the others don't mind then that's fine, but at least three people have to agree.
Otherwise it's going on as planned. Anyway, that's all this one realy wanted to say so.. goodbye everyone! Have a great day! ^___^
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Sunday, May 21, 2006
Yay! Another Piccie!
Yet another new piece of wonderful artwork! So far there are eight entries! The newest ones are from Fire Apparition and spacecowboytv. I was so very excited when I recieved them! I didn't think here would be any more entries so late. But this one was proved wrong! ^__^
There are still three days everyone! The contest is officially over Wednesday at Midnight! Of course this one will be sleeping then, so if there are more entries by the time she wakes up then they will be accepted, but no later! And Wednesday just happens to be my last day of school! So that means the prizes will come sooner... hopefully. T____T
And I forgot to mention to the winners. If you do not want the pic colored, like if you wish to color them yourselves, please be sure to tell me! ^___^
Okies and I will mention it again in case someone missed it. <.< >.>
This one has new art up! Yay! XD
Anyways, hope to see you around everyone! Have a great day!
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
New Pic Up!
Well folks, I just finished coloring meh fairy picture! It's for my bestest friend, Megan!
*glomps her*
I hope you like it girly! I worked hard on it!
No new entries yet, but Gigi-chan said she is almost finished so... I might have a new one posted before the end of the day! XD
So.. I only have three finals left to do, and I am finished with school!!!!
*happy dance*
That means a lot of new piccies (hopefully), and I will be taking request again! XD
I prolly won't get any anyway, and I'm not asing for any don't get me wrong!
But this one is just letting you know. She will take them again in about two in a half more weeks! XD
It's me and Mara-chan(Megan)!
The names are from top to bottom:
Ki-chan, Ripley, Mara-chan, Emmye
The little girl is meh sissy! Ain't she cute?! XD
So I gots to go talk to my sissy now! Bai bai everyone! Have a great day!
*runs to annoy Gigi-chan*
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Friday, May 19, 2006
This is five more days in the contest everyone! Ya'll might wanna start finishin' up those entries. XD
Well anyways, guess what?
So she will online a lot now! That means lots of artwork! Yay! You should check out her art! This one loves it lots! XD
Mara-chan's Art!
I posted some of them for her because her computer was dead. T^T
But Neko-chan and Gigi-chan both have new artwork up! w00t! And so does this one! It's a sketch of Kasai-chan as a cowgirl. XD XD
Anyways, there isn't anything new to say.... so this one shall be going now! Bai bai everyone!
Have a wonderful day!
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Well.... nothin much to say today, except that Meggy(music=life) has an official nickname now! XD
It's Mara-chan! And this is a video of us at my grandma's house. We were posing for a picture... and after about a minute mom told us she was actually taping. ._. I'm the one sitting on Mara-chan! XD XD
Okies got to go now but........ check out Mara-chan's piccies! I scanned them for her, and they rock! XD XD
Okies bai bai! Have a great day!
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
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I'm back! Yay!
And there is a new contest entry! Check it out!
And I had a great weekend! I spent it with Mara-chan (music=life)!
We played lazy frizbee(sp?)! We just sat on the ground and threw it at each other. And we each had a really big stick in case we couldn't catch it. So we didn't have to get up. We ended up rolling across the yard most of the time!
*dies laughing*
It was SO fun! And I drew her two pics while I was there! And one of Papa, check them out in my Fan Art section!
And I stole a bunch of her pics to scan!
*evil laugh*
But the weekend went by so fast! And I even got my first black eye! XD
I was riding with my aunt in her big car, and the metal door swing open and hit me in the eye, it cut my eyelid and everything!
My first battlescar! XD XD
Well... almost. It hurts really bad but I laugh every time I think about it!
Anyway I have to go now... Ra-chan really wants to rp.
See you soon! Have a great day everyone! XD
It's me and my sissy! Goofin off!! XD XD
Mara-chan is taping us!
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