myO Still <3's You
Comments (4) | Permalink Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Well so far the neighbor has been letting me get on almost everyday...
And tomorrow she is letting me use her scanner! Whewt!
I have like six pics to scan! Go me!
*happy dance*
Anyways... Ben-san is working really hard on my computer...
And in exchange I had to draw him a picture...
And.. she is rather er... more detailed than I would normally do.. and I actually spent like an hour on this one...
So.. please bear with me.. it was a request. 9_9
And I gotta go now...
But I wuv you guys and I miss ya'll!! T^T
Bai bai! Have a good day!
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Monday, April 24, 2006
I have temporarily hijacked my neighbor's computer.. <.< >.>
So I get to post real quick...
Anyways! I am going to have at least six more pictures by the time I get a new computer!! Which shall hopefully be within the next two or three weeks...
*hears heavenly music playing*
Yes... you heard correctly..
Dell said that they couldn't (or wouldn't) do it. So Ben-san said he would!!
I ish so hoppy...
*faints from emotion overload*
Oh.. and thank you guys for the comments..
And I..
Already miss ya'll lots.
OH AND MEGGY GUESS WHAT!!! I'm moving right next to Kinder!! I'M GUNNA BE CLOSER TO YOU!!!!!
*happy dance*
And now I have to go... cause... the neighbor needs her comp back now...
But I love you guys.. hope to see you all soon!
Have a great day!
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
Well... I just bought a new computer five months ago...
And it crashed day before yesterday... for good.
I lost every picture I had... and everything else. The hard drive is dead... and there is no way to restore it.
So everything I was working on is gone for good.
And I am using a neighbors computer right now... that is the only reason I can post right now.
So I not be on for a long time.. a very long time.
And I... don't really think anyone cares but.. I just wanna let you know. I might be able to sneak on sometimes... and I'll try really hard to keep up with my site.
I'm very sorry... I just... really feel sad cause... I don't think anyone is gunna miss me.
Except maybe Fox-kun and Angel-kun. T^T
My buddies..
*glomps you all*
But I will miss everyone to be sure...
And... I'm really glad to have met Neko-chan and everyone...
Her, Ra-chan, Adia, and Zi-kun are the best of friends, and I got to meet them all. I am very glad to have done so.
And one day I hope I'll get friends like them. I think I've had two real friends like that. In person I mean!
Though I do have one friend like that.. that I used to do everything with... share everything with. It is Meggy-chan... and I miss her so much. But... I don't think she likes me anymore. But that's entirely my fault and I know that...
But I hardly ever, ever see either of them... So it's very lonely here... and now that I don't have a computer....
I think I shall crawl up in a little hole and die...
Anyway sorry for the long post... but I just had to let it all out while I could...
I'm really gunna miss you guys...
And to Neko-chan and the others... I''m gunna miss you guys lots, too... even if you don't miss me... which I'm pretty sure you won't.
I wuv you all! And thank you for always reading my boring little posts and commenting.
Bai bai everyone!!! I really will miss you!!!
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Friday, April 21, 2006
Hiyas everyone! How are ya doin? I'm ok I think. One of my friends was having a bad day yesterday, and I couldn't help her... but the others did. So she's feeling better. ^_^
Actually...I'm not feeling all that well. I'm just a little down in the dumps. Nothing major though. I just feel like I'm getting in my friends' way.
I'm not sure why. But I feel bad when I talk to them because I think I'm bothering them... and the incedent with my friend yesterday made me a feel worse.
And it is certainly NOT any of your faults guys... so please don't think of it that way. I'm just saying...
I just realized myself that I feel that way... that's the only reason I haven't mentioned it to you.
Ugh... I feel so.... funky.
It's like an in-between feeling... anyone else know what I mean?
Anyways... I'm gunna go ahead and go now... I just wanted to update ya'll a bit on my strange little life.
Well ja ne for now everyone! Have a great day!
Edit: Huh.... I think I might might might might might might might hold a contest.
It's completely up to ya'll. If ya'll want to do it, then that's cool! But if you do.. I need you to help me brainstorm for prizes and... what the contest is going to be for.
Like I said.. it's a very faint idea. But it's just something to think about.
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Hallo! I saw something yesterday in one of the comments from one of my old pictures...
Someone said that Kasai-chan looked conceited!
And I realized... that she does kinda look full of herself.
But I wanted to explain this to you...
I know most of you haven't read her profile. But she if far from conceited. Kasai-chan is me. And my self-image is amazingly low. And she sometimes wears less-than-modest clothing. But that's because she was grew up with a man... he raised her alone in a small house for about forty years. She grew up with a man... no modesty there. He raised her form a toddler... and she never had contact with women. So.. she really had no reason to be modest. It was just her and her Papa.
And I'm really gunna havta draw a new picture of Papa... cause he really is preety...
Anyway... it kinda made me feel stupid that I forgot to explain that..
Gomen gomen gomen gomen minna-san!
She is most certainly not vain, conceited, or anything of the sort.
This time in a battle pose. I kinda like it.. she looks mad. O_o...
And I'm going to post the sketch... then I'll post the clean lineart when I finish redrawing it in Paintshop.
Okay so... I go now. Bai bai everyone!!
Have a great day!!!!!
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Hi everyone!!! How is everything? I'm doin great! I put new art up if ya wanna check it out! And...
I've been doodlin' a lot. And Meggy sent me some pictures of her Oc!!!!! So I'm gunna do some fanart for her!
Oh and Meggy, I just got your letter today, and I wrote you back and mailed it! ^__^
Her character is so keeeeewl! I can't wait to draw it!
*dances around*
And hopefully soon I will get to talk to Fox-kun on the phone!! If his Papa says it's ok!
*sits down and munches*
Oh yeh.. and I drew Angel-kun a picture! It's in my fanart, and then he colored it, and posted it in his fanart! So please check it out if you have time! ^__^
And he also drew a wonderful picture of Kasai-chan for me!!!!! Yay!!!!
Here's a link to his art:
Angel-kun's Art!
OH!!! AND NEKO-CHAN IS POSTING ART ON MYOTAKU AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! Please check it out! Her art is so very wonderful, and even though I saw it on DeviantArt I missed it here!! ^___^
Hopefully I will be a senior artist soon so my pics will get posted sooner... does anyone know how many pictures you have to have to be one?
Anyways I gotta go now! I'm rping with Neko-chan and Ra-chan. See you soon everyone!
*happy dance*
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Monday, April 17, 2006
Oh gosh!! I'm talking to Angel-kun right now on msn... and he has the most ADORABLE accent like thing EVER.
I'm having SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun talkin to him. He's teaching me a few words in spanish!
Oh goodness... I mean like... a LOT of fun...
*bounces around*
He's just so cool to be around! XD
Anyway I just... had to say that!!! XD XD
He speaks like... three or four different languages. And english isn't his first, so sometimes his verbs get mixed up. And it's so adorable!!!!!!!! XD XD
And sometimes I help him with animals and such. But when I try to talk to him in spanish I make him laugh cause... I suck.
*falls over laughing*
I talk like a two year old!
Actually no... they probably talk better than me. O_O
Okies! I gots to go now before mama catches me... <.< >.>
But have a great day everyone! See you soon!
And looky what Angel-kun taught me!!
~para siempre y jamas~
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
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Happy Easter everyone! How are ya'll doin? I'm alright now I think..
So... I got one more Easter pic for ya'll! ^_~
It's us in our costumes! Characters in order from left to right:
Adia, Ra-chan, Neko-chan, Ben-san, Me, Fox-kun!
Haha... I drew it with the mouse.. sorry if it's sloppy... I kinda rushed it due to the fact that I had four hours to finish it... in which most time was spent rping.
*happy dance*
Ok I don't really have anything else to say... Er...
Newp.. nothing else. Ok then.. Have a great Easter everyone!
And if you don't celebrate Easter... than just have a great day!!! ^__^
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