Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Age: 12
Weapon: Katana
Rank: Chuunin
Attitude: Oh god, you're the female Naruto I swear it! You're a ditsy, hyper-active, knuckle head that would rather be running around and training than you would be taking orders. REBELLION! You probably love ramen, and sweets! You're peers in Sunagakure find you hilarious and fun to be around, when you aren't being overly annoying! Your ideal boy is Naruto, Deidara, or Kiba! You get along best with Kankuro, Lee, or Jiraiya (oh dear my)! Your enemies are Gaara, TenTen, and Itachi!
Village: Hidden Sand Village
Most Admirable Trait: Adaptability
Least Admirable Trait: Your inability to SHUT UP!
Naruto- Loves to play pranks with you!
Sasuke- Finds you incredibly annoying!
Sakura- Thinks like Sasuke.
Kiba- Likes when you scratch behind his ears!
Hinata- Secretly hates you for stealing Naruto!
Shino- Thinks you're not so bad...
Ino- Thinks you're funny...
Shikamaru- Hates you for waking him up at school every day.
Chouji- Is mad because you tried to steal his foot but got your hand bit!
Kimimaro- Admires you in a sense...
Tayuya- Doesn't admire you in a sense... XD
Sakon/Ukon- Can't keep up with your ever-changing sugar levels.
Deidara- Loves how hyper and funny you can be!
Itachi- Wants to put you in Mangekyou Sharingan so you will suffer a fate worse than death.
Neji- Believes Fate and Destiny will one day crush you under a fish bowl... o.O
Rock Lee-... Loves you like every other pretty girl... *sighs*
TenTen- Hates. Your. Guts.
Temari- Loves how easily Gaara can get pissed off around you!
Gaara- Wonders how the hell you can still be alive after so many Sand Coffins!
Kankuro- Is in awe of how much Gaara hates you more than others.
Haku- Has never met you.
Sasori- Wants to turn you into a puppet!
Kisame- Will never look at pizza the same! *sniffles* (What did you do to him?!)
Iruka- Wants to cry because you and Naruto run him crazy at times.
Kakashi- Usually sweat drops around you...
Zabuza- Finds you to be incredibly insane...
Kurenai- Has no response...
Jiraiya- Thinks you will be his favorite student!
Orochimaru- Gets easily annoyed around you!
Tsunade- Was to drunk to answer! :P
Sarutobi- Loved you like a daughter!
Yondaime- Loved you even more like a daughter than the Third!
Kabuto- Same answer as Oro!
Asuma- Will never buy you anything again!
Genma- Will NEVER give you pocky again!
Hayate- Regrets coughing in your face... -_-*
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