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in your pants
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occupation..*laughs insanly*
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........i'll get back to you on that one.....
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my friends brainwashed me
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| gangsta.

Saturday, August 13, 2005
I LOVE YOUBIZZATCH! its beena while sincei ve been on andsoyea ihadtore-do anythingokay. for startersd i dont like anime anymoresadly. yeai knowright. well yea nd im preppy. im addictedrto surferguys and skaterguiys. yea i have aloto f bbad typos i know
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
guess what? me and my friend,kathrine (everyone calls her "k") are gonna cross-dress on monday! but here's the deal, not only are we gonna dress up as guys but we're gonna do that WHILE WEARING OUR PAJAMAS!! doesnt that sound fun or what? oh yeah!! i almost forgot, we had 2 hurricanes where i am and me and my friend kathrine ran down the hallway with toilet paper in our hands screaming "im jesus! bow doooown to meeee!" and we were running from the teacher who was mad becasue we skipped class and after school, we were all scared because of the hurricanes and all so we went to a food store to buy ourselves some orange juice to make us feel safe and better and my friend,megan, dropped her orange juice...and that started the journey from we ran away,filled with fear, and went to the local park to play in the sand box, when all the sudden we saw the principal. and we didnt feel like having a conversation with her so we ran off and hid in the bushes,pretending we were leafs when she pops out of now-where and says "why hello girls!" and we sprinted off to the food store to pick up the broken glass from megan's orange juice bottle(but it didnt really matter because it was about 2 hours after she dropped it) and then we talked.....soon after, we started walking when all the sudden, we walked past the slave house of doom(better known as school) when we decided to take a water hose and soke the teacher's car (because we all know how cool water looks!) and my math teacher, ms.evans, walked by and i ABSOULUTLY hate her because all she does is lecture you! anyways....she walked my and she said "rina, be sure to do your homework!!" and she gave a happylittle smile which insulted me because she smiled at me while telling me to do work for her,which made me utterly mad. and so i sprayed her with the water hose and ran off.hehehe. so i came home and got on the internet (actually, i was on to be specific) and gaia always has weird names for their severs like "database sushi" and so, they couldnt find the server and was all like "sorry, but we cannot find database sushi!" and i curled up inot a litle ball and repeated "seven days...." and you know, i bet this post isnt even making any sense to any normal people who happen to be reading this. i personally think it is only the marvelous weird people who can understand my odd,yet fun ways. --getting off the subject here-- anyways, i was uber bored so, i went to make some muffins! and suprisingly, i didnt burn them! i was so proud of myself *wipes tears away* ah,such memories! i took the muffins out of the oven when my sister was all like, "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SHOES??" and i was all like "cant you see im succesfully making muffins...that are edible? i have no clue where your shoes are. most likely, the neoghbor's garden gnome took it." and she just stared at me for the longest time. gosh! younger sisters can never understand your point of veiw! IT WAS THE GARDEN GNOMES!!! well,BUMP!!!
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Featured Quiz Result:
you know what's weird? ivy (the quiz result) is my fav character from sc2 and she has the same bday as me....*stares*
that quiz was fun!!!! yay! i think i might take it again!no...jk.lmao